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Chewbacca Jesus

How many people do you feel comfortable playing with?

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I usually like it to be a squad of 2 or 3. I find having a bigger squad cumbersome. There's more chance of being seen, you tend to go slower travelling in a pack, and whatever loot you find can be evenly shared out usually. It's also good in terms of tactics as well. One man holds the food, the other medical supplies, and the other ammo. One man marksman, the other Assault and the other one close quarters/silencer.

I never play on my own. Call me a noob, but I'm just not comfortable with it.

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Always on my own ...... I have no friends :(

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I don't really mind playing on my own, but I just find that playing with a friend makes the experience so much more better and fun. Also if I walk off on my own it'd be a pain in the ass to find each other, It's nice knowing you have some one who'll watch your back and bandage you Etc.

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1-2 guys who prefer close combat

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My over all team is around 20 but we usually try to keep groups down to 4 or 5. I really don't think any large group or small should have absolutely no larger than 6 as communication and coordination become harder. You also become a larger target for zombies. Not to mention it seems like if a 5th or 6th wheel goes down all hell tends to generally break loose .

As for having a designated medic or food holder. This could be haP hazard as what if that guy goes down? All players should always carry a minimal amount of medical supplies and rations.

That's how we roll at least.

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i like the 5-6 its good and no one really want to take on 5-6 people

we normally roll with a sniper/spotter

a medic

and 3 others..

we all have ammo/food/bloodbag/water/morphine

the medic is there in case shit gets real heavy we have extra

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My over all team is around 20 but we usually try to keep groups down to 4 or 5. I really don't think any large group or small should have absolutely no larger than 6 as communication and coordination become harder. You also become a larger target for zombies. Not to mention it seems like if a 5th or 6th wheel goes down all hell tends to generally break loose .

As for having a designated medic or food holder. This could be haP hazard as what if that guy goes down? All players should always carry a minimal amount of medical supplies and rations.

That's how we roll at least.

We carry a balance on our person at all times, but keep the majority of it in bulk in our backpacks. It's just easier to organize knowing who actually has what when we run out of stuff. Also, in the case of deaths, we've never died by Zeds, but in PVP we've lost one guy once, but the general procedure is if we lose one we go half and half in the bags. If we lose 2, the one remaining survivor will retreat to the coast to help the other two out - luckily we haven't had to do that yet.

Edited by Chewbacca Jesus

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I tend to play on my own these days, though i used to enjoy groups of 3 or 4. Had a group of 6 going once and we completely lost our heads when faced by one other player, complete lack of organisation, was almost a disaster.

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Always on my own ...... I have no friends :(

You most likely never will... Here's some pity beans. They're salty.

But seriously, I would say around 3-4 as well.

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Squad of four works well, two of them as overwatch.

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