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About revxspray

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. revxspray

    Six Launcher Issues

    Oh, a couple of moments later we restarted six launcher again because the pings went to 9999, and we can both see about 3000 server, we're currently in one, however this was a bit weird.
  2. revxspray

    Six Launcher Issues

    Me and my friend had spent about 30 minutes looking for a suitable server on six launcher, and I can see 846 servers. But when I give him the name of a server with a suitable amount of players and ping, he can't find the server. And vice-versa. I asked him how many servers can he see, and he replied 719. Yet we still can't find many servers we can both see, is anyone else having this problem?
  3. revxspray

    Some questions

    Not 100% sure where to put these, but I'm curious. How many helicopters are limited per server, also if someone put a vehicle outside the map boundaries how long would it take to vanish. I know what it looks like, but it's mainly because I wonder if people would hide a helicopter out of the map so I can hunt them down.
  4. revxspray

    Uk london #00 server

    Anything good in them?
  5. revxspray

    DayZ Horrible texture bug!

    Happened to me a little bit before the latest update, however it's gotten much worse.
  6. I don't really mind playing on my own, but I just find that playing with a friend makes the experience so much more better and fun. Also if I walk off on my own it'd be a pain in the ass to find each other, It's nice knowing you have some one who'll watch your back and bandage you Etc.
  7. revxspray

    Laughed my ass off today

    My friend did this at north-west airfield, we was about to log off for the night and he accidently respawned, I spent a good hour and an half of running across the map to meet up with him again.
  8. revxspray

    I Will Tell You Fellow Bandits, A Bandits Dream Moment.

    Did you by any chance keep a spare ghillie suit for me :( But yeah, good find too bad you didn't blow the camp too >_>
  9. revxspray

    Please tell me where I am.

    Could try logging in and out then looking at the name which pops up in the corner, just use the map to find the name and TA-DA. http://dayzdb.com/map#2.061.062 (Map to use)
  10. revxspray

    Fn Fal or M14 Aim?

    M14 Aim In a heartbeat.
  11. revxspray

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    "SURPRISE MUDA FUKUR" :D I love you for that last kill >_>
  12. revxspray

    I'm a Bandit ~ But I'm Nice

    Beans 4 Ghillie suits please. And I agree that bandits shouldn't shoot unarmed survivors as it just takes the fun out of the game, however I'm not much of an bandit but I have killed people as I saw them as a threat.
  13. revxspray

    Too easy not to starve/die of thirst

    I find it funny, when I'm stocked with food/water and medical supplies I still find so much more food and water, however last night my friend died and he had most of the food on him and I couldn't loot him as his body just sunk into the floor (He fell off a cliff :|) So once my food and water started to flash I got desperate, even though I was inside Berezino I couldn't find any thing to eat or drink, after about 2 minutes of losing blood due to lack of water I shot about 30 zombies and not one of them had any food or water on them -_- I soon logged off and awaited my friends long journey towards me. I've learnt to pick up food and water for my self and not just rely on someone else.
  14. revxspray

    Whats going on?

    Working for me http://prntscr.com/cl28x
  15. Any chance of action being taken again this?