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DayZ: The pinnacle of realistic weapon damage

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As of the latest patch, I can now put 7 rounds of .45 ACP ammo into a player's chest with my M1911 and they can shrug it off with over 2k blood left - but if I hit someone's foot with my M107 they will die INSTANTLY.


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i bet you if you shot someone in real life with a barret m107 they wouldnt have a foot left... maybe they wouldnt die instantly but the blood loss would be huge not to mention if they dont die of the pain.

but back to the point.... Weapons got nerfed real good, the m1911 now does ~1300 damage instead of the 4500 it used to

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i bet you if you shot someone in real life with a barret m107 they wouldnt have a foot left... maybe they wouldnt die instantly but the blood loss would be huge not to mention if they dont die of the pain.

but back to the point.... Weapons got nerfed real good, the m1911 now does ~1300 damage instead of the 4500 it used to

Wow, the blood loss would be huge huh? As huge as having 7 holes in your lungs, heart, and various internal organs?

If only we had some system of bandages and blood transfusions that would allow players to survive a heavily bleeding wound.

I see pain would also be a problem, it's a shame DayZ hasn't added things like painkillers, morphine, and epi-pens for players to counter the effects of pain and shock on the human body.

But yes, having someone die instantly from a shot to the foot is definitely the most realistic outcome given the items available to players in DayZ.


Really though, the DayZ medical system is designed to allow players to survive and QUICKLY recover from even extreme wounds with a couple seconds of medical attention, keeping the .50 cal snipers as the game's only one-shot weapon is just stupid. Nobody is going to die instantly from a wound to their extremities, make them do 1-hit to the upper torso and neck/head but make them do 10k damage and have a high chance to render target's unconcious. This is coming from an AS-50 user too, I get discouraged from using anything else or having any variety in my loadout because the guaranteed 1-hit kill is absurdly useful for snipers who have to shoot and move. Any other weapon means I have to stay scoped and take a second shot (or confirm the kill if it was an attempted headshot), but with .50 cals you can get up and move as soon as you see the blood spray because even blowing off someone's little pinky finger is lethal in this game.

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Wow, the blood loss would be huge huh? As huge as having 7 holes in your lungs, heart, and various internal organs?

If only we had some system of bandages and blood transfusions that would allow players to survive a heavily bleeding wound.

I see pain would also be a problem, it's a shame DayZ hasn't added things like painkillers, morphine, and epi-pens for players to counter the effects of pain and shock on the human body.

But yes, having someone die instantly from a shot to the foot is definitely the most realistic outcome given the items available to players in DayZ.


Really though, the DayZ medical system is designed to allow players to survive and QUICKLY recover from even extreme wounds with a couple seconds of medical attention, keeping the .50 cal snipers as the game's only one-shot weapon is just stupid. Nobody is going to die instantly from a wound to their extremities, make them do 1-hit to the upper torso and neck/head but make them do 10k damage and have a high chance to render target's unconcious. This is coming from an AS-50 user too, I get discouraged from using anything else or having any variety in my loadout because the guaranteed 1-hit kill is absurdly useful for snipers who have to shoot and move. Any other weapon means I have to stay scoped and take a second shot (or confirm the kill if it was an attempted headshot), but with .50 cals you can get up and move as soon as you see the blood spray because even blowing off someone's little pinky finger is lethal in this game.

You need to go somewhere like NYC or liveleak and see what happens when a 50 cal rifle hits someone's extremity.

I'm not a gun fanatic like some are but as I understand it if the bullet misses then there is a fair chance the supersonic wake coming after the bullet usually kills you from hydrostatic shock.

In laymens you get a shockwave that slaps your body's fluids around so hard you get internal bleeding.

When the bullet connects - well you can watch videos for that but what's left certainly isn't humanoid put it that way.

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You need to go somewhere like NYC or liveleak and see what happens when a 50 cal rifle hits someone's extremity.

I'm not a gun fanatic like some are but as I understand it if the bullet misses then there is a fair chance the supersonic wake coming after the bullet usually kills you from hydrostatic shock.

In laymens you get a shockwave that slaps your body's fluids around so hard you get internal bleeding.

When the bullet connects - well you can watch videos for that but what's left certainly isn't humanoid put it that way.

WTF? I live in NYC and where the fuck do I need to walk to see someone get hit with a .50 cal rifle?

Hydrostatic shock doesn't apply to wounds to the extremity, since it applies to the hydraulic effect of draining blood - and given that forearms, hands, calfs, and feet are referred to as the "extremities" because they are the further distance from the center of your circulatory system - they are not candidates for the effects of hydrostatic shock.

Hydrostatic shock would be VERY likely to occur if you managed to catch 7-8 .45 ACP rounds to your chest, yet DayZ is totally fine with you surviving 8 of these shots 100% of the time as long as you bandage up.

How about we play non-retarded route here and just admit that the damage system will never be perfect, and that for gameplay purposes keeping 2 weapons as 1-hit wonders that instantly kill you no matter where they hit is not good for the game. Keeping them at 10k damage would maintain their role as the highest damage weapons by a large margin and vastly increase the chance of knocking out the target from a single bullet wound, without making them a mandatory weapon for everyone who finds one.

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why am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with pistols? headshots still drop zeds in 1 hit for me.

Because zeds aren't the concern of this post. Zeds stop being an issue about 2 seconds after you find your first hatchet, if Zeds are still giving you an issue once you have a full loadout then you are doing something seriously wrong.

What is the concern is that there is a cult of mythology surrounding the .50 BMG that it will kill everything in a 5 mile radius to air pressure and will kill anything it touches because its so badass people will just die instantly so they don't have to get shot by another one. There's countless documentation of people surviving .50 BMG shots to the torso and even upper torso (as long as nothing critical gets hit). In fact you should expect to survive a .50 BMG if you weren't hit in a critical area and you got immediate medical attention - sure something might have to get amputated or you might need reconstructive surgery, but this is the game game that lets me run over your legs with a 15-ton truck and you're back on your feet after a simple morphine injection. Every. Single. Aspect. of DayZ and Arma2 gameplay sacrifice some realism for playability - why can't we extend this to .50 cal weapons where it's MORE realistic to not be immediately killed by hand/foot shots anyway!?

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The 50cal snipers do so much damage because they are ANTIMATERIAL rifles. These weapons disable vehicles with single shots.

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