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Worst Way You Ever Died

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Well it is how my brother died. I dont have a mic yet so communications is a problem. So we spawn into a building in cherno. my brother gits in first and realize that someone else is near the building by some zzzzsss. He tells me over voice chat someone is near. (i can hear just not speak) So i spawn in and go into over watch on one of the doors i tell him through text chat to check the back door. Few seconds later i c a guy run in front of me and climb up a ladder. I light him up with my G17. normally wouldn't do that but had just found a m24. Next thing i hear is my brother saying ah the guy got me. lol i had lit him up guess edi pens dont work for dead guys.

well our adventure gets a little more interesting. Im in a resd building in cherno and c a box on the ground i look at it and its a gillies suit. im like sweet so i put it on and realize oh crap my brother is in the other room and i look different now. he comes in the room and says oh crap there is a guy with a gilles suit i think i should shoot him. I start screaming from the other room nooooooo that's me. he then realize that's me and doesn't shoot.

We make are way to electro and we are in the fire station to the back i am on over watch with my glock but i had switched to my civies clothes and my brother is up stairs. Well this guy comes around the corner sideways spraying on full auto and kills me i hit him a few times. he then does the same thing to my brother. Im pretty sure the guy had a wall hack or something and new i was there. There is no way with the way he cam around the corner like that we hadnt engaged any zzzss in that area and none where around us. Maybe i got luck and he forgets to check the body and just the pack and doesn't get the gille. lol

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It was during my first ever foray into Cherno with a mate. After raiding the supermarket we were travelling back to the fire station where we had set up our base of operations. Unfortunately, as we crossed the street we managed to agro a worryingly high number of the undead.

We would have been fine. I ran first, my mate ran second, drawing the zombies away so I could climb up the ladder to the fire station roof and provide covering fire for him. Unfortunately for both of us, one of the zombies followed me up the ladder. Taken by surprise, I slipped and fell (see: ran without looking) off the edge of the roof, shattering both of my legs in the fall. I was eaten alive while my friend looked on helplessly, presumably haunted by my screams for the rest of his days.

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Me and my friend were playing in safe in Vybor, when the leader of a clan and owner of a server sent us a message over broadcast to see if we were friendly, I thought hell if he's a clan leader then he's got to be friendly. After a 5-10 minute run to Devils castle, he comes along and everyone is happy. Me and my friend not having the best of loot only had the basic Assault rifles, Ak and M4 with Night vision googggleeeesss. We agree to come out, weapons down and they seem nice. Not until I hear the AS50 crack and my friend die, the LEADER of this clan decided it was my turn and shot, instinctly I tried to gun him down, to my dismay the second shot downed me.

They had all high tier stuff and just killed noobs. How sad. Also I fell down the stairs and broke my legs at one point.

Bu if anyone wants to take them out here is their Clan name {CSB} server US1108 and they are based at the NE airfield xP

If someone could bring some Justice on those douches i'd be happy :D!

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I had just spawned in for the fourth time and i head north after a blunder at the eastern part of the docks at electro, i arrived at Kamyshovo and logged for the night in the small building just west of the dock warehouse. When i logged back I see a hatchet next to me and the doors are closed.

When i open the doors i see a freshly spawned player and was looking at me.I told him there was hatchets in the building if he wanted it. He went and grabbed it, then when i stepped out of the building there's a couple zombies right there. So in a panic i jump off the dock(by accident)

After a swim that seemed to take forever, i got onto the shore and ran back into the building i had logged out in and the other player I saw from before was in there as well. I managed to figure out how to equip my hatchet then asked him how i can hack. He then proceeded slashed at me a couple times I ran around the building to bandage myself, then when i was just about done he hacks me in the back and i die.

Feels bad man

Edited by delicious camel

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Was looking for all the basic survivor gear in Cherno on a fresh spawn since I play the opening moments of the game as make or break with little care for my own safety until I have stuff worth losing. By the docks with the large warehouse I find a decked out corpse laying right at the large double doors, SCORE. So from nothing I now have pretty much all the mid tier bells and whistles, Alice pack, M16, G17 and pretty much a full toolbelt! Survival mode kicks in and now I am in the game, someone shot this person and left his body untouched, I highly doubt that.

So I move into the warehouse to keep my exposure down when suddenly a hail of bullets rains where I was just standing, looks like I beat the killer to the punch and now he wants his stuff back! quickly I make my way to the second floor and hold tight at the stairs waiting for any one to attempt to enter this building. Minutes pass and there is no movement or sound, just the odd spattering of gun fire well off in the distance to keep me tense. Curiosity gets the better of me as I move into the larger room on the second level metal walkway to check the windows, and there at the corner of the building adjacent to the warehouse is my attacker just waiting for me to leave the building. Not bothering to hesitate I open up on him with a quick burst laying him low when I hear the snap of someone else taking a shot at me.

As I attempt to back off and get to cover, something odd happens. My character jerks down for a moment and the again, suddenly I am at ground level and I hear the sounds of bones cracking. I clipped through the wall I was using for cover. So I died from clipping though a wall during a gunfight and bled out a slow death. This was hardly the way I was expecting to go down and just simply embarrassing. The great set of gear I stumbled on was lost and I am sure the player I gunned down might have still lived from the encounter since I was unable to ensure his death before his ally took a shot at me.

Lesson Learned:

Find a decked out corpse, loot and run for the hills!

Never trust those damn walkways!

Edited by Vellarain

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I was trying to swim onto the crashed ship at riffy and insta-deathed to -8000000 blood...

Lost AS50, NVG, rangefinders, ect. The whole shabang.

Oh well lol

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Happened today, actually. I had just healed some dude and we were heading towards Balota airfield. There is a glitch in the game right now causing artifacts when you are around dead military soldiers (the props, not the zombies) so as we got close to the airfield, the artifacts blocked out our vision. I couldn't see anything, and we had aggroed a ton of zombies. The other guy is able to climb the barbed wire blocking the main entrance, but by the time I get there, there are too many zombies. I run around, looking for the ladder, but can only see a couple feet in front of me. After doing a few laps, I am able to see the ladder, so I climb it, only to have a zombie waiting for me at the top. He pushes me off the ladder, and I fell to my death.

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My two:

First, load a low pop night server by accident, upon spawning I hear the sound of a truck close by driving. I began to follow the noise. I watch the truck stop at the grocery store, barley able to see I make out two guys with ghillie suits and heavy assult rifles make their way into the store from the truck. I belly crawl to the truck, hop in and take off driving, yelling "you got jacked mother......" over voip. I get out of cherno to realize I don't have much gas, hop into the back to see if they have jerry cans. To my awe I see 2 dmr's 2 l85's, m24 and countless ammo for all. A few empty cans also in the back, so I make my way to the closest town, in pitch black mind you. I get my gas and begin refilling the truck, out of nowhere I agro a zombie who breaks my leg, I get off a few rounds killing the zombie, just before I get knocked out. I wait out the timer, go give myself morphine, as my guy goes from prone to crouched, I realize the truck had glitched on top of me. Insta dead. By the time I made it back to the truck, it was daylight, get into the town see my truck sitting. I run right to it, as I go to get in the sound of gun fire erupts. I am again knocked out, the last thing I hear over voip is "who got jacked now mother fu......."

I guess I deserved it :)

Next one, I found a boat on the east coast, decided to take it for a spin. I see a survivor spawn in, decide, what the hell I'll give him a ride. Now three of us in the boat all shooting the shit over voip, we get close to a town, decide to give the guy one of our extra pistols. Pull up to the bank to get gas, he goes out with pistol in hand and a few empty cans. He returns, fills the boat, we continue on our way. We make it to our final destination, he thanks us for the ride. We all hop out and begin walking to town, when from behind, my new found friend aims at my head and fires. Taken back, I turn around while trying to get my akm out, take another round to the face and drop. My partner, quite a bit ahead opens fire, howeverm this guy now has an AKM and out shoots him, my partner now knocked out hears the sound of our new friend get into the boat and leave.

This guy is the reason I now shoot if another player has a weapon drawn. I will not take another round to the head from a guy I think is friendly.

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Was in the Chernogorsk apartments with a friend, crouch ran into him and I got thrown into the wall. I died on the spot.

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One of the servers that still has side chat, I was in the Elektro church. I heard through the chat that there was a sniper in Elektro and heard this giant rifle, more like a cannon, go off near me and some players offered to come help me. I told them where I was, but some asshat came in and shot me three times in the side with a 1911 as I looked away from the door. Still had 500 bloods, which was enough for me to crawl my way through the pews and empty an entire AK mag into his torso before I bled out.

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My worst death was setting a bear trap in front of me,

I walked onto it and broke my leg...

Then bled out :(

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i had heating issues with my graphics card so i had disassembled it and cleaned it and reapplied thermal compound and everything.. build my rig back together, and pondered going to bed but i thought - hey, lets try how it runs under normal load.

so i logged into the game, just for a minute, to test it.. log in, walk three steps, sit ander a bush and look around, i hear a vehicle starting somewhere near. look around, cant see anything, get run over, die. Dat tractors in the woods x(

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Got shot dead after crawling for about half an hour to find morphine with a broken leg, lost NVG :'(

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Had just collected compass, hunting knife, binoculars, alice pack, watch, hatchet, 1911, some meat and drinks, when I got telportedand shot by hackers.

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Climbed the ladder on a deer stand. Automatically fell when I had gotten to the top, and broke my legs. No morphine, so I spent 40minutes crawling to the nearest town. After no luck of finding med. supplies, I gave up and shot up in the air with my M14 Aim, and let the zombies tear my 20day old body into pieces.

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My friend and I found a car with some nice guns inside and decided to drive up to the nw airfield. We parked the car in a deep forest. Next thing we know we see him driving around in the airfield honking the horn repeatedly. Then we decided to shoot at him to get out shit back. He then drives around and runs me over flat. Then he gets out the car and throws a nade at my mate who is in the sniper tower looking for ammo. There goes our mp5sd, m249 say, m4a3 red dot, cz, bison ect.. I feel like shit right now. This happend 10 minutes ago.

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Performed a dive-bomb with my first helicopter today. That kinda sucked.

EDIT: Actually, I survived, but my mate, whom I had just picked up, did not, and fell to the ocean floor :P

Edited by Zexis

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Me and my friend were playing in safe in Vybor, when the leader of a clan and owner of a server sent us a message over broadcast to see if we were friendly, I thought hell if he's a clan leader then he's got to be friendly. After a 5-10 minute run to Devils castle, he comes along and everyone is happy. Me and my friend not having the best of loot only had the basic Assault rifles, Ak and M4 with Night vision googggleeeesss. We agree to come out, weapons down and they seem nice. Not until I hear the AS50 crack and my friend die, the LEADER of this clan decided it was my turn and shot, instinctly I tried to gun him down, to my dismay the second shot downed me.

They had all high tier stuff and just killed noobs. How sad. Also I fell down the stairs and broke my legs at one point.

Bu if anyone wants to take them out here is their Clan name {CSB} server US1108 and they are based at the NE airfield xP

If someone could bring some Justice on those douches i'd be happy :D!

You mad?

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Me and my friend were playing in safe in Vybor, when the leader of a clan and owner of a server sent us a message over broadcast to see if we were friendly, I thought hell if he's a clan leader then he's got to be friendly. After a 5-10 minute run to Devils castle, he comes along and everyone is happy. Me and my friend not having the best of loot only had the basic Assault rifles, Ak and M4 with Night vision googggleeeesss. We agree to come out, weapons down and they seem nice. Not until I hear the AS50 crack and my friend die, the LEADER of this clan decided it was my turn and shot, instinctly I tried to gun him down, to my dismay the second shot downed me.

They had all high tier stuff and just killed noobs. How sad. Also I fell down the stairs and broke my legs at one point.

Bu if anyone wants to take them out here is their Clan name {CSB} server US1108 and they are based at the NE airfield xP

If someone could bring some Justice on those douches i'd be happy :D!

Whats up man your third friend couldnt even kill us! A zombie stepped in the way and i shot him too! You guys were full geared xD and we werent based at the ne xD still havent been killed

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me an my bro were going to the nw airfield on the way we find a crashed copper i overwatched his ass we found a fnl with a night scope and a saw i shit u not. so we make our way to the nw airfeild find another copper it had med supplies we take those. we get to the airfeild we loot it and im like lots get to the tower and plan out our trip up there hes like no i wanna keep looting and im like no theres nothing else 5 mins later i take a m14 round to the chest(no damage server had armour) i run into the building he was in put away the akm and get the saw out i tell him to stay there and snipe the guy when i cover fire him i cover fire with a few brust from my saw the freaking idiot doesnt know how to zero scope so he instantly goes through a fnl mag and gets shot in the head i hide his body to get rid of the fnl i brust the shit out of the guy i see theres 2 now take one out and now the m14 has zombies all over him hes trapped up there i run up to side and all of sudden he teleports to the bottom of the ladder and im all sudden frozen in place i had a 30 ping too and mows me down i blame my partner on that screw up holy shit this a long post

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I was once in the Electro fire station with two other survivors whom I had just met. After fending off the zombies that were following a bleeding fellow, I bandaged the stranger and offered him a blood pack; he replied with “Nah” then pelted me in the face with a frag grenade and ran off…. Twat.

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