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So the new ARMA2 patch...

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Not the latest DayZ patch, but the ARMA2 version 1.62. It has had an impact on DayZ. Revolver&M1911 nerfed to ground, zombies acting strange, I just lost all my 30Rnd. AK ammunition from my inventory...(first time I've ever lost anything to a bug!) But when have zombies started talking to themselves and making ''human sounds''? Never heard that before. I shoot zombies and they yell like ''OUCH! OOF'' and just a few moments ago I shot like 4 zombies in a row to the chest and they all said ''Ahh, fuck that hurt!'' Now thats kind of creepy. So, what else is new thats not in the patch notes? Losing mags usual?

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Zombies have always talked or spoken when damaged or hurt. (Sometimes.)

Game is in Alpha, I don't think the ammunition is intended, but it happens.

Not a big deal.

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I did notice the zombies making oomph noises but I personally didn't run into anything weird or glitchy that I recall.

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They've always talked or grunted. I don't mind seeing they're technically sick humans. But the nerf thing for the .45's went a lil too deep. Should be 2 shots.

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Haven't got to play much since downloading it, but those two hand guns have been nerfed by the ARMA 2 and OA update. This is the first I've heard of infected making those sounds...but this is definitely the funniest thing I've read today. I'd imagine the dev team is aware of this in regards to DayZ, so maybe it will be adjusted in the new DayZ patch today-ish? ^_^

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This is not good news. It's my understanding that a .45 shot at center mass on human should be a one shot kill at a range of up to 50 feet. Even with standard acp ammo, ie no hollow point, no glaser, etc.

As for the Z's, if they are intended to be infected humans, rather than dead folks with reanimated brains, they should be taken out with one .45 shot center mass as well.

I suppose maybe it's been scaled back to try to create some kind of PVP balance or something? Make it more difficult to kill each other with the weapons that are easier to find and making it more of a challenge to kill Zs? I love my .45, both the one in game and in my nightstand, it's been an excellant backup for my beloved hatchet - both the one in game and in my nightstand :P .

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Anyone else running the 95310 build?

The server I am playing on just wiped all my vehicles and tents. They didn't come back after a couple of restarts... wondering if 95310 has broken something as well...


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