ninjaholic 116 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) I'm not moaning about ALT F4gs but I'd like to gather some stats on how many people think a different approach to Rockets cooldown suggestion would be better.Here's the survey, and below are the results so far:(Edits with updates inbound. Patience required. Try bring maturity to the thread please <3 )Dayz should have a delay before removing player from server after an ALT+F4 event of...________1s ██████████ (19)________2s ██████ (11)________5s ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (171)_______10s ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (173)_______15s ███████████████████████████████████████████ (77)_______30s ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (125)_______60s █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (130)__No delay ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (103)_Cool-down ██████████████████████████████████████ (75)_____Other ████████████████████ (39)Other suggestions so far (one individual suggestion per line):* A 5 minute cool down from joining 1st server you alt+f4 from if you join any servers afterwards * Player that quits should be sent to the quitters map where they all fight each other...* Penalty of death* penis* only time I have ALT+F4ed was in cases of severe hacking involving breaking bones and teleporting players.* 10 minute delay to rejoin ANY server if no Abort message received* Legit crashes do happen, even though the system is broken it seems unfair to kill someone over an unintentional DC.* in-fight debuff 1min long* UPON alt+f4 the users progress for the past 5 mins should be unsaved* 30-60 second cooldown for all logouts (abort and alt-f4). Will add to the tension of the game and not just band-aid the Alt-F4 problem. * They should be hit with the BAN HAMMER!* 3mins* Maybe you should kill the guy before hes able to alt-f4* From a zombie attack 1 second, from a player attack 60 seconds* remove alt f4. like in ACE MOD* Alt F4 function should be disabled* 5 minutes* 2 minutes* a 20-second timer should pop up with the player in the game, player can cancel at any time if under fire or just ride it out for the 20-seconds* Put dicks on their screens when they log back in.* 60 to 120 secs plus information that player leaves within 200 meter and a general zombiepull within 30 leaviung without being safe n sound* Maybe adding ponies to the game will bring friendship* fuck* OVER 9000 Seconds* 999999999999999999999999999 Seconds* cool-down and a 60 second logout timer* Disable Alt + F4, and if someone get's hit by another player doesn't matter how much damage, just give it a 10 minute timer before the player can log off, (Next time they login they will stand still for 5 minutes or something)* Cannot in combat. Otherwise a 5 second countdown that you see on screen before logging off.* 2 warnings then full permanent ban* After multiple ALT+F4 they should spawn with broken legs for the next 12 hours.* Make it so you can not be healed/fix/bandaged/etc 30 seconds after reconnecting from an ALT+F4 event. Means legit crashes/disconnects are not punished.* Only if hit other then that you may leave game at will no penalty* What if they dont alt+f4 but lose connection instead...* 10 MIN* Result of an ALT+F4 = Dead character* We need to fix the glitches with the zeds (i.e. spawning on top of players/teleporting) before we can remove the alt-f4 section completely. Then I would suggest a 10 second permanency in which the player is invisible to the zeds.* I have been ALt F4-ing lately when Hackers get on and either turn you into goats, teleport all players into the one area and a shoot out occurs or my foavorite, when you get dropped from 10000 feet. Other than avioding hackers,* penis* Can just lock out with an special item on a specia place or a a delay of 300 sec* If player is being shot at or gets hit by a zombie they should die(anti combat log)* Alt-f4 is mandatory to evade the hacking assholes* Like the cooldown option, but character is wiped if alt+f4 is detected 2+ times within XX mins (30-90)* 5 - 10 minutesThanks for taking part guys! I'll update this regularly with the new results, hopefully daily.(last vote 03.08.12 @ 1347:50) Edited August 3, 2012 by ninjaholic 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swineflew 480 Posted July 26, 2012 It seems like the most common sense response IMO. There is a reason most progressive games have a log out timer.Like any MMO I've ever played for example. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjaholic 116 Posted July 26, 2012 Makes sense to us, but there's got to be a reason the cool-down was decided on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jooky (DayZ) 2 Posted July 26, 2012 Alt f4 should kill your character and time out your reconnect for 2hrs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tfortacos (DayZ) 41 Posted July 26, 2012 Jooky, it helps...I was attacked 2 times by a hacker. We were teleported far off map and everyone just started killing eachother is what i heard of what happened but as soon i I realized i was being teleported I Alt+F4.So Alt+F4 isn't so bad at times. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjaholic 116 Posted July 26, 2012 Alt f4 should kill your character and time out your reconnect for 2hrs.While harsh, I think even too harsh, this comment shows how important it is to find a solution. And soon. I think it should be evident to the devs that if it remains broken, it will affect the standalone version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted July 26, 2012 I'm kind of on the fence with this. You can still easily leave a firefight even with the 5 second timer, just hide.I always liked the idea that if you were fired on you go in to shock and can't disconnect for 5 minutes or the next time you log in, you've got a 30min egg timer that can't be fixed by an epi-pen 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atanar 31 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) I would go for a diffrent approach: Everyone that has been hit by siomething, fired a weapon or was within 50m of a weapon shooting/a bullet hitting somthing would get a 1 min buff. If he disconnects in this time he get's killed. Simular to the "combat" from most mmo's. Cause the logout timer also didn't work alone for most mmo's because people can still strg-alt-enf. And you don't want to pusnish people with internet problems as much. Edited July 26, 2012 by Atanar 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeNoM56k 158 Posted July 26, 2012 People have already said it, but the best(and tbh only one imo) is to add a logout timer. I know Rocket tried this(or some variation of this) and it failed as it resulted in dublicated stuff. It needs to be focused on, and done right, and it will solve all the DC probs. A 20 second-30 second timer for logging out would be fine. I mean if you are logging out legitimately, then you would be in a safe place anyway right? I dont think anyone would mind waiting 20-30 seconds to log out if it stopped the DC problems.I feel it is the only effective way to stop it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister_Meatball 5 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) Five to ten seconds would be enough for me, I have shot survivors to have them go directly into the nearest bush to disconnect. It would not be so insulting if they hadn't started the gunfight in the first place, but these are gripes everyone has heard before so I will move on. Five seconds would be ok, but at 150 meters or more it would be practically useless if they find solid cover, only making a difference in close quarters city battles. 10 seconds seems like a more resonable interval. If they were disconnecting I would prefer a message being sent out on side chat saying as much. One thing though, I have been teleported by hackers to the NW airfield for slaughter more than once and alt-f4 is the only thing that has saved me. I would make it Rocket's first priority once he has hacking under control but until then I would like to escape otherwise near inevitable death at the hands of hackers. Edited July 26, 2012 by Mister_Meatball 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjaholic 116 Posted July 26, 2012 That's the one side-effect that I'm concerned about, ALT F4 is about the only way you can avoid being teleported and hacked. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big_t 66 Posted July 26, 2012 Jooky, it helps...I was attacked 2 times by a hacker. We were teleported far off map and everyone just started killing eachother is what i heard of what happened but as soon i I realized i was being teleported I Alt+F4.So Alt+F4 isn't so bad at times.How about concentrate on preventing the hack instead of the Alt F4 escape saving your life. The teleportation is a rare occurrence, most people alt f4 to get them selves out of sticky situations. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silent observer 4 Posted July 26, 2012 either make it a timer 10 seconds + and make it(and im gonna get flamed for this) like the WoW logout timer where you can either sit and wait orhit ok and you would leave the game, but your character would stay in game till the timer ran outORhave some way to have the game detect if the player is being shot at/hit or something and if they alt f4 out, they die. Yeah that would suck if you got teleported cause of a hacker but more often times than not your gonna die before you get out of the game anyways. If your quick enough you could alt f4 out before a shot was fired and wouldnt die. This only works if the game can detect the difference between you getting shot at or your pwoer going out or losing conection not on your own doing 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeNoM56k 158 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) either make it a timer 10 seconds + and make it(and im gonna get flamed for this) like the WoW logout timer where you can either sit and wait orhit ok and you would leave the game, but your character would stay in game till the timer ran outORhave some way to have the game detect if the player is being shot at/hit or something and if they alt f4 out, they die. Yeah that would suck if you got teleported cause of a hacker but more often times than not your gonna die before you get out of the game anyways. If your quick enough you could alt f4 out before a shot was fired and wouldnt die. This only works if the game can detect the difference between you getting shot at or your pwoer going out or losing conection not on your own doingThe wow timer thing is used in lots of things, and its used because it works. And you dont even need to add a thing to detect whether your being shot at. They just need to make it so if you alt f4 out(I think the game can detect that anyway) that your character stays in for X amount of time. But yeah, this is the best solution, and sure, it would suck when you need to do this against a hacker. But it is alpha, and when this goes standalone it will likely use a new/better anti-cheat system so hackers would not be as much of a problem. Edited July 26, 2012 by VeNoM56k 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted July 27, 2012 I'm kind of on the fence with this. You can still easily leave a firefight even with the 5 second timer, just hide.I always liked the idea that if you were fired on you go in to shock and can't disconnect for 5 minutes or the next time you log in, you've got a 30min egg timer that can't be fixed by an epi-penThis has always been my thinking also, only I'd add that you should be able to disconnect whenever, but you'll remain in the world for an extended period if you do so in combat. I'd love to see this logged so repeated combat disconnects were punished. What would make this even better would be a silent update which was enabled a week after a patch so the guys doing this get their hands-slapped by suprise!This solution seems simple but it may be a limitation of the engine that you can't tell when a player is in combat; I wouldn't see the point in Arma needing it for what it was intended for. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chiron 23 Posted July 27, 2012 Jooky, it helps...I was attacked 2 times by a hacker. We were teleported far off map and everyone just started killing eachother is what i heard of what happened but as soon i I realized i was being teleported I Alt+F4.So Alt+F4 isn't so bad at times.This is kind of a round-about way of saying how hacking is the main issue atm. If there weren't unfair, nonsensical instances like this, no one would 'need' to alt+f4. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kar98 27 Posted July 27, 2012 5secs is definitely a good start point. Not too long so you don't find yourself killed when you log back in, but enough to stop alt f4ers getting a safe trip back to the server 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josh225 129 Posted July 27, 2012 5 seconds is definately not enough, if a player is more than 20m from you all they have to do is grab some cover and abort. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted July 27, 2012 I'm fine with something like this for people that do it during a fire fight and when something doesn't suit them. But personally it is my only defense against hackers, but I suppose I shouldn't get used to my gear. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lunasnino (DayZ) 16 Posted July 27, 2012 It's very hard to put a punishment in for this at this moment in time, as we still have a great threat from the amount of hackers trying to destroy all the fun people are trying to have. To do this successfully i think that rocket needs to come up with a more permanent solution for hackers. I'm all lfor the alt F4 timer but if one does get untroduced i hope it comes along with the fall of hackers (or the majority of them). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boggs 2 Posted July 27, 2012 I don't know if this is possible but it could be made whenever you log out (disconnect or ALT F4) your character still exists in the game world for 20 seconds or so, vulnerable to being attacked, killed, or looted. If you logged in and saw that your character was dead, you would know that you didnt log out in a safe area. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silent observer 4 Posted July 27, 2012 i would also like to see something implimented to where if you kill someone and they DC, their body stays for a certian amount of time instead of disapearing .. I think if you kill a guy no matter what, the body should stay for a while unless its hidden by another player 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xwhitemousex 67 Posted July 27, 2012 ALT+F41. avoid firefights2. stop bleeding while unconscious until friends arrive at your location3. get rid of unwanted zombie aggro4. avoid being trapped in buildings5. avoid getting killed due to hacks/scripts6. probably loads of other reasons to use ALT+F4Are any of them legit reasons?Not really... except #5 possibly, but that's a separate issue pertaining to handling hacks and scripts, and not so much the problems with ALT+F4 abuse itself.Most games, to prevent the logoffski, have a timer in place which detects your disconnect and then keeps you on the server until timer is up and then actually removes you from server.Rocket is doing this, to me at least, odd data analysis on how to handle ALT+F4 issue. I'm not really sure what he hopes to gain from that... some automated system that bans people after they disconnected during a firefight once too often, or disconnected to avoid zombie trains a few times to much?My question though... do we really need an automated ban system, or some complex algorithm to handle and detect whether someone actually had a network outage or they are consistently abusing the ALT+F4 options ?Isn't it simple enough to say... you know what? Anyone who gets disconnected, for whatever reason, will be stuck in the game for 30 seconds before the server kicks them. You hit ALT+F4, well... players or zombies are going to kill you, so you can't do that anymore. But what about those people who have an actual legit disconnection? Well... I don't know how many times I have died in MMO's due to disconnections, how many times I got butchered in FPS games due to disconnects... not to mention how many ships I lost in EVE due to lag or disconnections.Shit happens, deal with it.I've even had entire raids wipe out in Everquest 1 because one of the healers in the Complete Heal cycle crashed. It happens... suck it up, get those 72 people back on their feet and go again.Plus... I don't mind dying to a disconnect once every so often as much as it pisses me off to watch people constantly abuse the ALT+F4 to avoid fights, zombies and other ways to "bypass" the actual gameplay.Put in 30 second timer to handle ALT+F4 while continuing the "data analysis" for a long term solution. After all, it's alpha and an experiment... so put it in there, see how it works out... and if it sucks, then adjust timer, or remove it. I am pretty confident that a 30 sec logout timer is going to have immediate effect on ALT+F4'ing to the point where you won't see anyone use ALT+F4 at all. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hsmagnet 14 Posted July 27, 2012 It seems like the most common sense response IMO.There is a reason most progressive games have a log out timer.Like any MMO I've ever played for example.MMO means Monthly Money Okay!i shudder anytime someone mentions those... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xMovingTarget 5 Posted July 27, 2012 alt f4 should not working. like in ace.. you can hit alt f4 and it does nothing. so why is it working in dayz when its possible to remove it from ACE. and for Abort a 5 sek timer should be okay 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites