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Can not place a tent

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Wish I had not just wasted 1.5 hours wondering around trying to find the perfect spot that doesn't exist because its bugged.... I can confirm this also.

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I can confirm that the latest patch ( does not fix this at all. Just ran around with my friend for an hour trying fields that were literally flat and had no objects for over 150m in any direction with no luck. 4 tents eating what little inventory space we had left and we can't really play the game until we can place them and store some of the items we're hauling around...

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I might have found a way to place a tent(after the patch):

Find relatively flat spot without trees

Open inventory and click to place a tent AND while doing that, start wandering around, clicking to deploy tent all the way you can. The inventory will close eventually (after 20x clicking or so..), so just open it again an spam deploying tent & moving around again, and your char will deploy a tent after all in spite of not being able to do it just a second ago.

By this method I was able to place two tents already, and I'm on the way to place the third one.

Good luck.

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Same problem here; We have seen up to 5-6 tents on the server but could not set up one ourselves.


Best terrain we could find (We tried it at at least 30 different locations):


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Is this going to be fixed? Seems like a blade of long grass is the only thing stopping me placing a tent!

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Confirming this problem as well as the work-around, which as mentioned is to move around while in the gear menu clicking "pitch tent". It seemed to work best for me when walking vs running. As long as you have about 3x3 meter clear and relatively flat terrain.

However, a related problem: The tent pitch animation would start and finish, but the tent would not be pitched. Still in inventory. After 2 tries it worked, but the tent remained in inventory. I pitched a 2nd and 3rd tent before it finally came out of inventory. The 3rd tent was packed and put back in inventory. I pitched it again (came out of inventory) a couple times in different areas of the map so the 3rd tent seems to be operating normal, although it does occasionally fail to deploy despite the animation. US 24 1.7.0 and 93616.

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"You cannot place a tent here. The area must be flat, and free of other objects"

All the time. Anywhere, forest or valley without any object close to hundreds of meters.

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Also and can't place a tent. I was on Seattle34. I tried Entire forest, fields, and mountains. When I finally got the tent to place it wasn't even on flat ground, there was a rock sticking halfway through it. Please don't punish players for wanting players to legitamately place tents in the game world and reward players for placing them offmap in the neverending flat wasteland. This is supposedly to be as real as possible so why can't we pitch a tent in a forest where most people in rl would pitch a tent. Or even fields? As it is the rules governing tent placement rule out 90% of the terrain in Day Z and the remaning 10% is probably well frequented by players, thus defeating the purpose of placing an out of the way tent in the first place.

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I did place tents in

1. Open inventory

2. Move a bit

3. Pitch tent

4. If not successful repeat from 2.

I pitched between bushes and trees on a slopy hill.

[EDIT] Of course it's a nag. [/EDIT]

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Alexey I tried that for almost an hour. I was about to quit when I got lucky' date=' about 550 tries later.


That seems like a rather long time. For me it was like 20-30 tries. ... I guess you are in a very 'secure' area. ^_^

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No tent action here. beta 93965. Would not place anywhere.Gave up after an hour or so of trying to find a location. Flat field, airfield, street , inside building etc. Ten minutes after i gave up i found one placed inside of the church in Elektro , half in and half out. Gah :s

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Share on other sites confirmed however Alexey's trick does work it can lead to duping tents and putting them through objects.

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I duped a tent twice like this, Tried to hide it between two trees and turned out I couldn't even access it to pack it back up. Then when I logged in later there were two more tents that I could access. Then the wall walking zombies ate my brains........

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