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SASR Mysterious


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Guys im not gonna type in caps to show my excitement but im pretty sure i just hit the jackpot of camps either that or their hackers

right so down to business where did i find this on a certain server called US 95, TX 20

I am going to upload videos of looting it Before/During/Aftermath

For videos click this link

P.S if this is your stuff to bad HAHAHAHAHA

im looking for war so bring it,

Edited by gunmandan
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TENTS CITAY more like it , dont ask me i was bored an decided to hunt piggies and boom insta camp

i found something like uhh 8 ghillie suits o.0

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5 Ghillie suits, seems legit.

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NEVAR i want your beans and this gear is key to getting them

Also anyone know if that flaming motorbike is hacked in?, cause i found a ask74UN kobra i ddint take it but thats what makes me think :P

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Probably an admin camp. I'd never trust that much stuff on a single server unless it was my server. It isn't a bad spot for a camp really since it's hidden done in there, but it isn't very wise to ever put your camp right on the northern border like that (or western border) as people run across them - at least I do.

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Probably an admin camp. I'd never trust that much stuff on a single server unless it was my server. It isn't a bad spot for a camp really since it's hidden done in there, but it isn't very wise to ever put your camp right on the northern border like that (or western border) as people run across them - at least I do.

i think everyone might now, hahahaha

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