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About dragon1394@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. dragon1394@gmail.com


    Mother of.. camps. How did you find this..
  2. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Take what you need, not what you can.

    I find it funny that you don't attach any coords for your camp, maybe you just forgot it.. Anyway, if I were you I wouldn't share anything. You will get dissappointed.
  3. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Charity with a grim ending

    And that's why I don't do charity, take care of yourself. Because no one else will do it for you.
  4. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Being bandit = easy difficulty gaming

    Agreed, but most of the time Hard difficulty will bite you in your ass, because that human will fuck you over as soon as you turn your back on him. Or even faster.
  5. dragon1394@gmail.com

    New to DAYZ, regretting buy arma to play "the best zombie game"

    Well I actually have never played ArmA II, I just watched a lot of different gameplay vids and that was kind of enough for me. The game is hard, unforgiving and I fucking hate it. But still.. I love it so much.
  6. dragon1394@gmail.com

    You can climb up the trees now?

    I expect that to be some sort of cheat, maybe I'm wrong.
  7. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    Very early on in the game I noticed that playing without asking questions is more rewarding than constantly trying to act like the good guy. This is a world where you have to survive, by any means necessary, I'm not going to take my chances with a person I have never ever met before. If I see people I can do two things, first thing is evade them (if they haven't seen me yet) or I kill them. (If they have) It's as simple as that, I am not going to take any risks because there is a chance that that new-spawn guy will find himself an axe and backrape me.
  8. dragon1394@gmail.com

    New guy needs some tutoring!

    First things first, look at http://dayzdb.com/map and study it. Try to remember where the important loot spots are and try to find them while you're in the city. Best way of looting is getting in and getting out, quickly, instead of focussing on sneaking just run into the city. Find the spots you need, loot them and get into the forest. Remember, Zombies have to walk inside buildings so it's very easy to lose them there.
  9. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Crows/ravens that circle above dead bodies

    Well.. what would be the purpose, just for the general atmosphere? or to 'find' those dead bodies. As we have fly's for that. And if someone dies inside a building, should there be crows/ravens cirkeling above the building too? :P
  10. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Newbie got a motorcycle in 10 minutes :D

    Always nice to see someone in luck, but sadly that luck never lasts long :P
  11. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Too many locked/passworded servers

    I have noticed the same thing and yes it's very annoying, but at this moment we can't do anything about it.
  12. I just want to tell you something you already noticed, never ever trust anyone here on Day Z. Not even the guys who are like 'oh hell yeah, I'll help you out." or even "Yeah you can join my clan". You're all on your own in this world and you need to survive by yourself. The easiest way is to avoid cities altogether, the first time you spawn just get a few necessary stuff and get to the forest and start roaming around. (Barns, Deer stands have almost always decent loot) If you decide you NEED supplies, stick to the outskirts of the city. Go in fast, take what you need and get out. This is my approach to the game and it works.
  13. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    Well.. I guess it's a good thing I don't ask questions and just shoot.
  14. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Am I an ass hole?

    There are no rules which prevent you to act this way, if you want to do it be my guest. But I prefer the lethal silent approach.
  15. dragon1394@gmail.com

    Date Stamp on Debug Monitor

    I don't really know, you can always checkout the date of recording and cross-reference it with the release date of an update? It takes some time, but how often do you actually want to know what update it is? In my case I just occasionaly watch those gameplay vids, just for fun sake.