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Jerrycans and Fuel consumption revised

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The goal: Make fuel much more scarce and difficult to obtain while reducing fuel consumption of vehicles to realistic levels.

The thought behind these ideas is, that the limiting factor for driving vehicles should not be finding a vehicle but repairing it with parts and then getting enough fuel to run it. The fuel gathering process should be much more difficult - for a solo player extremely difficult (and dangerous)

Edit: This should be combined with my other suggestion regarding spare parts and vehicle spawn: http://dayzmod.com/f...nism-workshops/

The changes for jerrycans and fuel stations:

- Jerrycan is changed to weapon slot (10 slots in backpack) To use a Jerrycan it has to be equiped of course.

- Jerrycans only spawn in EMPTY condition (or at reduced rate also full) and are more difficult to find.

- Filling a Jerrycan is done with two options:

* Manual with a hand cranked fuel pump: will Fill 1 liter per 10 seconds.

* Automatic with a powered fuel station (see below): full 20 liters in 10 seconds.

- Possibility to power fuel stations with a portable generator as discussed in many other threads: Powered station can fill Jerrycans faster and has the possibility to refill Vehicle without use of Jerrycans.

- Fuel Stations have the possibility to be out of fuel until the next server restart. This should be a chance of 1 in 2 initially.

- Fuel Stations can run out of Fuel

- Refueling the vehicles seems fine at the moment but if possible: only use Fuel till car is full (rest remains in Jerrycan)

Added out of the feedback for clarification:

- Jerrycans have a partionned state just like "ammo" (so partly filled jerrycans are possible for example 15 liters - a 3/4 full jerrycan)

The Changes for vehicles:

- Consumption of fuel reduced to realistic levels. (Best example is the ATV which uses around 2 or 3 liters per single kilometer even on a road...)

- Fuel Tank size for vehicles reduced to realistic size.

Edited by Szap
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I would perfer more useable cars and less qty of repair items. I found enough stuff to repair 50 cars and 5 helis and never found a broken car.

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I would perfer more useable cars and less qty of repair items. I found enough stuff to repair 50 cars and 5 helis and never found a broken car.

Yes that was the "other part" of my thinking. But i concentrated on the Fuel issues in this suggestion only.

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Hmm i understand you want to reduce water and food consumption to lower levels? Would not be too bad either.

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Yes of course i was "secretly" using that suggestion allready that a jerrycan had other states then "full" and "empty". WIll edit the OP for that.

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I like this suggestion except for:

'To use a Jerrycan it has to be equiped of course.'

I already have a lot of trouble with the inventory being as complicated and buggy as it is. Switching it to my main equip slot will most likely result in me losing the weapon due to bugs and or error on my part.

I'm fine with the Jerrycan just being part of the active inventory, taking up 6 slots instead of 10. (A tire is also 6 slots right? Kind of the same size.)

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I like this suggestion except for:

'To use a Jerrycan it has to be equiped of course.'

I already have a lot of trouble with the inventory being as complicated and buggy as it is. Switching it to my main equip slot will most likely result in me losing the weapon due to bugs and or error on my part.

I'm fine with the Jerrycan just being part of the active inventory, taking up 6 slots instead of 10. (A tire is also 6 slots right? Kind of the same size.)

My other suggestion is allready increasing the wheels to 10 slots / weapon slot. I think Wheel and Jerrycan alike are far to small slot wise compared to how large they SHOULD be. I know there are problems with dissapperaing weapons but i was removing the ability to fire a primary weapon while carrying a jerrycan on purpose. It should be a disadvantage in combat to carry around a Jerrycan.

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As far as realism with vehicle parts goes - lifting a car engine or a chopper rotor assembly? Unless this guys Magnus Magnusson it isn't happening and he's not going to get more than a hundred yards with one even if he could lift it - he definitely ain't going to be sprinting with an engine tucked under his arm.

Sudden thought: it would be pretty amusing and also realistic if you could push wheeled vehicles by hand, maybe requiring a minimum of two people to do it fro something bigger than an ATV - that would bring in a basic level of cooperation needed to get a badly damaged car repaired. Realism wise, from the state of the environment I always imagine that we're entering the game at least a six months after whatever catastrophe it was happened and in that scenario most vehicle batteries are likely to be flat. That means pushing cars to bump-start them. Think about it; your crack team of survivors desperately pushing their car out of Starry Sobor to get it running... how funny would that be - the panic of it, the ridiculousness of it - but actually far more realistic. Following that line through you might then bring in free-wheeling without the engine running, towing broken vehicles and the cooperation of two players to lift something really serious like an engine (and not being able to hold a gun at the same time). With those restraints/options in place there'd then be some strategic thought needed to decide how to go about repairing something like a broken engine - two of you creeping slowly through the woods with an engine between you, pushing the car/free-wheeling along a road to the place you've found your engine, or, risking involving another player to ask for a tow. All things which would greatly increase the risk of vehicle repair but, I think, also make the process a real challenge (past just tediously harvesting a warehouse for the right part) and, with the team aspect of it, pretty amusing.

This is a slightly different topic but I think it's relevant to this line of thought: I'd take the one-shot kill sniper rifles out of the game altogether or make finding one one extremely unlikely. None of these slow-burn type developments are really going to be viable when one unseen guy a kilometer away can put a stop to everything in seconds. Personally, I think standing some chance to react to an enemy, rather than having a high possibility of instant death when entering an airfield (without even hearing a shot) would only increase the game's enjoyment, for the attacker also, it's stand-offs and real battles I remember, sniping or being sniped lacks any real satisfaction - and having a near certainty of finding a military sniper rifle after a few hours play seems to be a mile off the games hard-line concept.

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just play dayz 2017 if you want a bigger more realistic challenge, im not that much of a realism junkie and think the system is fine the way it is

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I'd like to see one of those smaller, red fuel cans that you could fit in a coyote pack, or even a czech vest pouch.


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I like it. Especially fuel stations having the possibility to be out of fuel. Currently everyone knows where to find fuel easily, it would be pretty cool if you had to search for it.

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