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Damage reduction?

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Hopefully this gets tweaked at least a little bit. I read an M107 round didn't drop a guy, that's silly. At current stats a full Macarov mag to the body of another player does 7112 damage. That means it would take 13 rounds to drop someone. I want to meet the person that can take that many hits.

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This nerf will make some change in the dayz gameplay : zombie are stronger and ammo will run out faster.

It's good, this will make the PvE more interesting

EDIT : some people here don't understand that this nerf is due to A2's development team

Edited by Kazing

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Im pretty sure I've been dropping Zeds yesteday with 1 shot from AKM, but over all nerf is kinda bad. I understand that it's patch for Arma, but now in dayZ ammount of bullets from small caliber weapons required to drop a player is just insane...

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In that "realistic" sense; how would a gun's damage change randomly in real life?

Touche sir, touche.

Or instead; How would the zombies become stronger? ;)

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This nerf will make some change in the dayz gameplay : zombie are stronger and ammo will run out faster.

It's good, this will make the PvE more interesting

EDIT : some people here don't understand that this nerf is due to A2's development team

I don't agree with this. So when you have a horde of zombies chasing you and all you have is a Macarov with one mag, you are gonna be screwed as it will take all you ammo and still have zombies after you. I could see reducing the damage, but they dropped it too far. If this mod shoots for any sort of realism, I would like to see who can take 12 rounds to the chest and live.

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I don't agree with this. So when you have a horde of zombies chasing you and all you have is a Macarov with one mag, you are gonna be screwed as it will take all you ammo and still have zombies after you. I could see reducing the damage, but they dropped it too far. If this mod shoots for any sort of realism, I would like to see who can take 12 rounds to the chest and live.

head shot

1 shot to the brain pan still kills, and its doable with zombies running after you

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The worst part is, I really wish I could just equip the hatchet as my secondary weapon instead of primary, that way at least it would be one shot silenced kill as a zombie glitchs to me and gets a hit or two in

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Interesting. I havet experienced any kind of nerfs done to weapons. Akm still one shotting to chest, M1911 one shotting to chest etc.

Am i the only one who havent noticed these nerfs?

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head shot

1 shot to the brain pan still kills, and its doable with zombies running after you

Yes, I know this. If you want to attempt to get a zig-zagging zombie in the head with one round, good for you. I don't know anyone that says the pathfinding is ok on this. Now if they ran in a straight line, that's would be great and easy to pop them once.

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I don't agree with this. So when you have a horde of zombies chasing you and all you have is a Macarov with one mag, you are gonna be screwed as it will take all you ammo and still have zombies after you. I could see reducing the damage, but they dropped it too far. If this mod shoots for any sort of realism, I would like to see who can take 12 rounds to the chest and live.

Maybe it's too much, but it's still changing DayZ in the good way.

Because now zombie aren't a challenge at all...

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Maybe it's too much, but it's still changing DayZ in the good way.

Because now zombie aren't a challenge at all...

They aren't a challenge as it is too easy to just run to a building/hill and shoot at them when they don't run, but absurdly hard to hit them on the run. The only difference is that instead of shooting the body, you need to hit the head with most weapons.

The PvP snipers are untouched, 9mm and .45 weapons are absolute trash, shotguns that already weren't high in my priority list are just to be ignored, and AK's got nerfed for no goddamed reason while M16s & M4s stay the same! I hate the bloody M16's sounds and feel, they have 5.56 rounds, that's almost no different to AK74s, but AKs got hit and damaged decreased by a third! Explain what kind of frigging magic made that possible?

If they wanted to make the Zed harder, they should have upped the body HP and increased the headshot multiplier. Maybe increase player HP just a bit. But that gameis supposed to be some sort of simulator, right? How many bullets would anyone be able to take before being knocked out? This is ridiculous.

What kind of bullcrap is that seriously?

I don't like the full PvP aspect, but for christ's sake, this isn't how it should be!

Instead of changing the damage, change the accuracy, steadiness of shooting (we aren't supposed to be soldiers that are trained for all of these weapons, right?) or something, but not the damage that are already "Unrealisticaly" low.

Edited by Deuzerre
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The changes are a joke. Hopefully they find some way that dayz can use it's own dmg tables apart from arma. If you aren't into pvp just get a hatchet and gg, no need for anything else. Even up close against a player a hatchet is stronger than most guns.

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EDIT : some people here don't understand that this nerf is due to A2's development team


Rocket might adept values in DayZ to those changes, because this change (IMO) seriously renders every sidearm without higher-than-average accuracy and/or clip size almost useless. We'll see.

I switched my M1911 for a Revolver today, might be a better choice due to better accuracy.

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Yes, I know this. If you want to attempt to get a zig-zagging zombie in the head with one round, good for you. I don't know anyone that says the pathfinding is ok on this. Now if they ran in a straight line, that's would be great and easy to pop them once.

maybe walk backwards and wait for the zombie to stop for a second then just pop it in the face? quite easy.. zombs usually zig zag when you yourself are zig zag running away

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maybe walk backwards and wait for the zombie to stop for a second then just pop it in the face? quite easy.. zombs usually zig zag when you yourself are zig zag running away

Not all of us are twitch shooters.

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Not all of us are twitch shooters.


And it's still easy to abuse the system on slow in buildings anyway. I don't think I ever shot a running zed that I had personally aggro'd, simply because: 1 it's a waste of ammo; 2: There is a high chance to be hit one and bleed out. When chased by zeds, run like hell to a building, and either lose them or pop'em. Now it's the head.

Did the guys that made the balancing have any knowledge about weapons? Shotguns have great damage over quite good range compared to what games tend to represent them to be, AK-74s aren't weaker than M16/4 by any margin, an .45 rounds are much more powerful than 9mm.

They even made the PP-19 completely useless.

Edited by Deuzerre

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Also those damage levels are for vanilla arma 2 and aren't intended for dayz's 12000 hitpoint player health. solution lower the player's & zombies hitpoints in dayz and it's back to normal.

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Even then, my point about.45 and AKs is still valid: That balance is bullcrap.

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List of weapon changes in the last patch, suprisingly the Dinner Bell has become more deathly AND more quiet.

How it's more deathly now? Didn't it receive a 50% damage reduction, from 12500 to 6722?

Can anyone please confirm if those are permanent changes? I wish this didn't happen, oh dear god.

13 Makarov rounds to kill a person now, how *realistic* is that - yes, i hate using that word here, but come on. Really?

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