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Shoot first questions later?

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I know this sounds stupid but does anyone in DayZ try and help each other or does everybody shoot first ask questions later. I used to see people and we could walk away but now people are just trying to kill me and I get that is a survival strategy but seriously. Is it just me or does anyone else try and help out other survivors and most of the time I either am ignored and shot or stabbed in the back... now I feel like I have to shoot anybody I don't know just to live anyone else feel like that's total shit? Or am I the only one who plays with humanity? Just wondering.

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I usually help people. but if they take one shot, their dead. I usually stand over them if their unconscious and say "Wrong decision, buddy".

Edited by Mikeambrose3

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This is the self preservation society.

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i was much under the same thinking as u are my friend until 10 min ago when i was in vibor, having logged off about an hour ago after a good 6 hour stint fully equiped on tools backpack etc and a sweet m16a2 with m203 grenade launcher in my pack, i was horrified to find ALL of my equipment gone including my flashlight!!!! this was not good headed into the town to try to make it to the supermarket and hopfully some sort of weapon. managed to find an m1911 and a couple clips lying on the ground in an office building and headed to the supermarket unfortunatly en-route i got clipped by a Z which knocked me the Fu** out and then proceeded in breaking my leg coming round unloading a clip into the surrounding pack i found myself with less than 3k in blood a busted leg and none of my precious supplies then ........... gun fire and it was close "friendly friendly" i callled over my mic and a voice responded asking my location i explained my situation and told him if he wasnt able/willing to fix me up to kill me as i had managed to scavange a winchester and a stack of ammo and not much else so a restart would be annoying but is an expected patrt of this game...... " no dude i will fix u up so long as u drop ur guns. just nice to hear friendly for a change" i dropped my guns and this guy comes to my salvation administers morphine and leaves me be no sneaky kill shot or axe in the back .

they/we are out there and like u i was begining to think everyone was out for themselves this guy (whos name unfortunatly i didnt get ) didnt even want anything in return an absolute legend

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I help people every chance I get.

I was in the NW Airfield with an M107 and saw zombies across the runway.. They weren't spawned by me.

So I asked in Side-Chat if anyone was there, and that they'll live if they tell me.

So, Convar called out "THAT'S ME, DON'T SHOOT!" and I didn't. I teamed up with him, looted the Airfield, gave him a Blood Transfusion, and we separated a few hours later, both alive.

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Personally ive not met a single person in this game that didnt start shooting on sight, but from what ive read it seems like for every good deed done there are 20 or so corpses filling the air with flies.

As has been mentioned before, there are a lot of reasons to shoot someone on sight, but very very few not to.

Would be nice if there was some sort of mechanic implemented to balance the scales a bit, personally i thought a "psychotic break" meter might work fairly well. The more you murder the more your conscience eats at you, making you slowly lose your mind. Small symptoms at first like shaking/heavy breathing/panic attacks, followed by something more serious like hearing noises or even seeing the ghosts of your victims walking around in the distance. Obviously the effects would decay with time spent being "good".

But aside from all that yeah, says a lot for human nature where you allow people freedom of choice in a sandbox style game and they exercise their freedoms by burying an axe in your head. :P

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I have only 1 KOS. He was running from the supermarket in cherno in the middle of the street. I have been watching them for about 15minutes how they were killing other players and such. Now that I have a pretty fair equipment i will try to be more friendly than ever, i just yell friendly if no response is heard i will shoot.

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I was friendly to an extent, would just try to stay away from other people. Have only killed one person and that is cause he was running in the middle of a field and came right up on me no warning. I just died outside of Stary, lost alot of good stuff, really sucks had that character for about 2 weeks, plenty of meat, ammo, tools, who ever shot me must be enjoying the loot... that is if they bothered to look. so with that said, i'm looking for someone else that is friendly and wants to run around. I have nothing now but that just takes time to change... well time and luck, if anyone is interested send me a pm.

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I have a few rules of engagement myself, even though I do land up with a few murders because of my actions. Though constant events of people trying to engage me constantly is starting to make me a little more lighter on the trigger now a days. My safety is paramount over the odd time I get innocent blood on my hands in game, If I get a bad vibe from a player I usually will not hesitate to make that feeling go away.

Unarmed players are safe as long as they don't get close enough to me to loot my pack. There is no sense in shooting a person just starting out, that is just bad form.

Unaware players of my presence in the starting areas with low tier guns (Side arms, Winchesters, ect) I will speak too first, They decide their fate from there. Iron sighting me is a bad call.

Heavily armed players I usually avoid since it always seems to be a mixed bag almost always leading to bloodshed.

Groups of players I will avoid at all costs and retreat from that location as safely as possible.

All Snipers are Kill on Sight, every single sniper I have ever killed has been a bandit.

I usually don't fire at cars or trucks, those usually are filled with more than one player and they like to swarm out like angry bees.

All bets are off with a chopper spawn involved, I am all in or die trying in those instances.

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