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Read This If You Are Bored Off Dayz !!!!

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I just wanna say that if someone out there have an Arma 2 Combined Operation over and don't use it i am very very in need of an Arma 2 Combined Operation Copy. I really wanna play dayz but i cannot afford arma 2 for the moment and for a long time so please if you reading this and have an copy over i would appreciate if i can get it for free or trade it for any things in this list:

League Of Legends account level 30 ( Nordic & East ).

Battlefield heroes account with some cool gear and level 10-15 characters.

Edited by linusl98

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Yeah i know but it's too late :(

Edited by linusl98

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If you really thought there was any chance someone was going to nicely hand you over a copy of Arma, DayZ is not the game for you bud.

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Dude it's like $30 . . . .

Mow a lawn or something :)

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If you really thought there was any chance someone was going to nicely hand you over a copy of Arma, DayZ is not the game for you bud.

Hey guys friendly...

I just raided starry and I need a transfusion, help me out..?



Just come a little closer...

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What the fuck is it with begging these days? <_<

We all fucking poor, unless your a shit head CEO or banker!! >:(

Tuff shit!!! You cannot afford it !!! End of!! Dont borrow or beg just get the fuck on with it like everyone else !!! >:(

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If you can't afford a $30 (or is it $20?) bill then gaming should be the least of your priorities. Get off your ass and get a job. It's fucking pathetic seeing you beggars in forums with your hand out for a free ride.


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Maybe we can make an agreement sr.

Do you have any (hot preferable) girl, sister, cousin , mother, girl next door? You know, were in Ukraine, we bargain woman for anything.

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i got it all through steam sale and im getting bored with it. im tired of having to start over from hackers and bandits. doing the same thing over and over isnt fun.

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i got it all through steam sale and im getting bored with it. im tired of having to start over from hackers and bandits. doing the same thing over and over isnt fun.

well if you " ragequiting " the game or something i would really wanna loan your account and if you don't wanna give it you can always save the email / security question so you can recover the account when you wanna play again.

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I hate people who were born after 1995.

Don't ASK what Kickstarter is, go fkin google it Jeeeeeesus.

Yes Sir !!

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Go ask Mother for 5 Sovereign Coins. Then buy the game; better yet, get a job, wash a car, mow a lawn or do a paper round. Jesus christ, some people...

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Who is this guy? Why would beg on the internet, when >1% of the people don't give a shit about you.

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If you put the same amount of effort you are putting into begging on the internet, into making money, you'd be playing by now

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