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PLEASE FIX THE SCRIPT HACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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guys there is an easy fix to hacks - seek out those retarded sites that sell these hacks, flood the fuck out of them, DDOS them and ultimately destroy them. it is not hard to take down a website, especially when you have thousands of pissed off computer whizzes against it :) oh and by the way, if you're a server admin CHECK YOUR SERVER LOGS! you can see suspicious shit in there, scripts/hacks are oftentimes pretty dumb and generally admit themselves in the console. sidenote to hackers - get some balls you little freaks, this game is about survival and making it on your own/with a team, if you want to hack go back to counter strike 1.6, you scruffy little inbred fools :D

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over the past 2 weeks I cannot argue, I died in a goddam loading screen a few days ago, and heard half the server on voice chat all screaming that a guy just killed the entire server.

been playin for almost 3 months and never had problems with this until the past few weeks. It does seem out of control

game gets big, here come the hax

Edited by StzA

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My server LU70 will not be getting renewed this month really cba with no control and rampant hackers. The only benifit us server owners get over joe blogs joining the server is we get to start/stop/restart the server woohoo best £40 a month i ever spent... Not

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Buyed ARMA2:OA. Got DayZ.

Played as much as i could everyday for 2weeks.

Got 3 of my friends to play. Had an amazingly fun time.

Now i play alone every night for about 3hrs, my friends don't play anymore cause of die'ing to hacks constantly.

I can't reach any of my goals cause i appear up in the sky with the rest of server and fall to my death EVERY NIGHT.

Getting sad.

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PLEASE FIX THE SCRIPT HACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you knew how The ArmA engine worked, you would see why this makes no sense at all.

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Think about this most of these guys don't know scripting they pay for these hacks. They are spending real cash to eventually get the ban hammer. It does come and will continue to come. I understand the frustration but i feel if i'm killed by a hacker yeah i got trolled, but how hard are these guys getting trolled when they lose 50 bucks to global ban. Just saw it happen on a some hackers stream and he was crazy mad then shutdown his stream. honestly i enjoy a good >2k survival quest with an emfield. Only time it does suck is if you get separated from friends idk why they removed the respawn button.

Edited by {ZENEX}Line

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people raging must remember this is an Alpha, its not a finished game for you to be complaining about. Its "take it as is", and try to help it get better.

thats all.

Give this man some beans. He is wise.

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If you knew how The ArmA engine worked, you would see why this makes no sense at all.

Yea, that's why it makes so much sense to remove log files, so that admins can't maybe abuse players. The fact that it benefits the cheaters is insubstantial. The fact that admins can use said cheats also of no consequence. Lol.

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Oh no, not another one of these threads.... Again......

Fuck off tard.

Hackers have completely ruined this game, and no doubt there will be hacks for the standalone.

This game was something, now it is nothing.

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Everyone can pretty mutch agree with me when i say this....

The hackers have turned this mod/game into another homefront.....

For those who dont know what i mean, when homefront first came out the guys from AA.net where quickly ruining it with hacks and bragging about it on the forums, before anything was done it was too late the multiplayer was fucked royally because of them....DayZ is quickly following homefront in the same way..

Being an admin for one server that has been hit by hackers many times from teleporters and script kiddies through to pro hacks that have somehow bypassed the rcon logs of who connects and disconnects and not show up in the player list and cause all sorts of shit and locking out the admins ability to kick/ban, when that happens the admjns are powerless except to shut the server down.. my clan is now on the verge of locking it down and passwording it just to keep those retards off

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Oh no, not another one of these threads.... Again......

Oh no, not another one of these replies again.

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Server admins need to be able to ban players from their servers or password protect them if they wish. They are the ones paying the costs. I would not spend my hard earned money to run a server only to be overrun by those who wish to ruin every legitimate players good time. I have experienced "friendly" hackers (guy walked up to me in a cow suit and said "moo") to the ones that teleport everyone in the server to the same spot and lets the chaos commence...

I have spoken to the admin of the server, who is more than willing to check logs... but is restricted because of the fear of the server being blacklisted. I can respect that from the admin, but what respect do I have to those that put that fear in him? He (and his clan) PAYS to run THEIR server, why should he not have the ability to get rid of troublemakers?

If the creators of the game or the 'anti-cheat' software cannot handle the problem, then let those that cover the costs of running the server in the first place - the server admins - have the ability to ban those that need banned. Honestly, they are spending THEIR money on running a server - they should be able to ban someone on the simple basis of "I don't frikking like you!" This is not "guilty until proven innocent..." this is "I spend MY money to run this and if I don't want you here then GTFO!!!" These people not only paid the price to get Arma II, they pay month after month. Those that burn their bridges cheating or by just being general douches will run out of servers to play on. I think there may be cases of legitimate admin abuse, but I think half the time someone cries that it is the result of a hacker anyway. in which case those admins that do abuse their power will find empty servers anyway

I saw somewhere (and am too lazy to go back through to find to quote) that half the hackers and script kiddies are those who are tired of being killed by hacks and are leveling the playing field? That there, is about the worst excuse for hacking I can think of. That's almost like saying 'the devil made me do it' or 'i hack because i was abused as a child.' Hackers know they are wrong when they hack no matter what the reason. There is no excuse for hacking. I am frustrated, but I would never resort to hacking, I would never intentionally take an item from a hacker (I don't play friendly anyway so that wouldn't happen - unless i raided it out of a tent camp which totally WOULD happen.... *evil grin*). Grow up. If you are bored playing go find a new game or go masturbate but leave those who enjoy playing the game it is meant to be played alone.

Bottom line:

Hackers and Scriptkiddies suck.

Give admin the power to ADMIN their own servers:

After which, if you don't like the way the administrators of the server you are playing on administrate THEIR server, find another one to play on... the admins that abuse their power will find themselves with empty (boring) servers, and those who are fair and just will be the ones people will wait and hit refresh for an hour just to get on.

This lets the developers get on with the developing. The admins get on with admin-ing. And the players get on with the playing.

Then, the dev's of the game only have to say: "it is the discretion of the administrator of any server as to if you can play there or not. They pay the costs of running that server. If you have a complaint about the way a server is run please contact the administrator of that server. Thank you, have a nice day, enjoy DayZ."

Edited by Jenn
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I had my first death to a hacker tonight.

Lost a 9 day character.

I had a chance to Alt-F4 but thought I might have been shot legit, so I didn't DC.

By the time I realized it was a hacker, I was dead.

Immediately respawned to same server to get thunderdomed, cowachuted, and nuked.

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Well... got hacked every time I'll join our server...

yes it's an alpha ... but it's still getting a big and much bigger problem with cheater/hacker...

u want us to play hours, walk kilometers, spend hours of time and then got killed by a noob hacker...

that's not fun...

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Well... got hacked every time I'll join our server...

yes it's an alpha ... but it's still getting a big and much bigger problem with cheater/hacker...

Doesn't matter if its an alpha. There is no excuse for removing log files on purpose like they did, rather than adding more of them.

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Join a private server, make ur serrver private with password to avoid hgackers, fuck dayz only waayy

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I've had to shut down my server today because someone bombed the server full with trapped helis that exploded when someone used it.

Also all players were removed their weapons etc.

My logs are full with this crap and the hacker got easily away because there's no evidence of him at all.

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Doesn't matter if its an alpha. There is no excuse for removing log files on purpose like they did, rather than adding more of them.

In the same vein I would sincerely suggest adding a killlog that allows you to see who killed you and where that person was (killshot cam for example), possibly with a few minutes delay or something like that so it can't be abused for ghosting.

The argument and chance that there are server admins who might abuse this info to take revenge on people is ridiculously small compared to the benefit of being able to identify/track the scum who sees and kills you through walls and entire buildings.

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Last I checked and heard was that Rocket was actually being employed by BIS? So as a direct representative of the company and with DayZ being his brainchild, is he not a legitimate person to complain to? Even if you think we are complaining to the wrong people, are they really the wrong people if the right people hear our complaints in the end? I don't think so. Considering the amount of responses we've gotten from the devs about this issue, it doesn't seem like they're getting bogged down by reading what we are saying.

I don't think the point of any of these posts or threads is to place blame on anyone or thing, but these forums are a place for players to voice their frustrations about things that are wrong with the game whether its mechanics or hackers, which is exactly what we are doing.

No need to go around calling people "selfish" or "little kids" because we want things fixed. BIS has made, probably, tens of millions of dollars off this mod and they stand to make millions more. Is it too much to ask them to make a few changes? No. Can they afford to make some changes with the new windfall from DayZ? Yes. Will they lose millions in potential profits if things aren't fixed quickly? Yes. Its in their interest to fix things ASAP. I don't know much about networking or coding. I can appreciate that its very difficult and intricate and takes time. I don't think most people, myself included, expect a miracle fix by tomorrow, but I don't think some sort of official response to these posts is asking too much, especially considering the volume and deteriorating game conditions.

Anyway, DayZ is a very unique and fun game. I've never played anything like it before and considering its popularity after being around for only a short time, I think its safe to say that other people feel the same way. Competitors and imitators are watching (War Z) and developing their own versions of the DayZ idea. Its Rocket's and BIS' game to lose if they dont listen to the community.

Again, I'm not here to flame Rocket, the developers, or BIS, but BIS operates in the business world where the first person to adapt to change wins. If they dont change and adapt, then someone else will come along and make a DayZ without hackers and cheaters and BIS will be sad.

One of the best posts i've read in this whole thread with a true sense of business knowledge involved.

I've been away working for the last month or so and it looks like I've missed nothing as I can't see myself joining a game anytime soon either with all the Hacking that seems to be going on.

To the people that are saying its still Alpha yes I agree to a point. The minute people start hosting servers and Clans and individuals start paying for them their selves it is no longer a free game and all that goes out the window as they are now paying and it is no longer a free product and they have their right to complain.

Something needs to be done. What, I have NFI but lets hope its not that far away as this game will die.

I know its not gonna be easy for Rocket and the rest of his crew, some info as to what they are up against with the ARMA engine below.

The Arma engine is and was always going to be an issue with scripting as it was designed that way so the community could build and create all sorts of stuff to enjoy in their own private missions, Have a look here for those that have never played any ARMA other than DayZ. These were all created by somebody scripting or modding using the ARMA engine for what it was originally designed for. Community input.

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My first and only post on this Forum,

been playing this game for 2 or 3 months, loved it, first game in ages that make me catch my breath, first game since ages making my heart beat that crazy.

I took the few hacks for what it was, and kept telling my friends to not get attached to gear etc etc.

But last week was just insane got killed to many times by what we know for a fact where hackers ( not posting long story about the facts seen them enough on forums )

building a camp with my 4 friends far far away near the border of the map cause of the glitches in intresting-towns, which at this moment are unbearable.

Today killed by same hacker 3 times in 2.5 hours.

as i sad first post, partly to bump this intrestig topic up about dying comunity, but unfortunately also to say goodbye to the dedicated people trying to get this game to the top and bash the hackers.

im off and might be back once things get solved or if the dedicated Dayz game is out.

Edited by Stigmata87

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Same with our server today.

Killed multiple people with a Minigun. In the end I stopped the server as the dev team failed in keeping the who killed you message on resulting in untraceable hackers.


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Same with our server today.

Killed multiple people with a Minigun. In the end I stopped the server as the dev team failed in keeping the who killed you message on resulting in untraceable hackers.



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