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deadlyslob (DayZ)

[VIDEO] Close Quarters Cherno PvP | Bizon PP-19 SD

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I liked the video, and I love the bizon! It's all im destined to find at heli crashes and I now have about 7 mags.

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Dont bother looting thier items, they wont survive log out.

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Great video and nice job taking down those hackers!

I certainly liked your commentary, it was a nice touch to fill in moment where nothing was happening and it just added to the moment.

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I kinda get a bit miffed at people instantly calling "hackers"

Mainly because i've killed a few people who had pretty much the same gear as that and then subsequently died because i'm a noob.

Also the people who kill me would most likely think i'm a hacker because i have all the best items O.o It's a silly circle.

What i'm getting at is it could be more likely that those "items" are hacked, but the people using them might not always be the ones who spawned them in.

All that said that was a sick video mate :)

I like how people add commentary to this game to describe tactics and emotions they were feeling/thinking at the time :)

Here, have some beans.

Edited by Neek
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I doubt they were hackers because of the fact when I get bored of the game after seeing no action at NW area we go down to the cherno area searching for people. M4 CCO SD's are not ultra rare but for sure they are hard to come by .. however with loot cycling and barracks you can find nvgs/gps/m4 sd's quite easily.

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We had 3 members of our team with 'full gear' (at the same time. *3 cco sd, 2 as 50s etc, and more in our camp). It's not hard killing other people and getting all that gear, and we reg walk about cherno because we don't care about losing it.

I don't see anything worth saying 'hackers' for.

Edited by Patrick Swayze

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I dont think that were hackers, they played to bad to be. Also, hackers usually spawn choppers and other vehicles, so if there weren't any around afterwards its even less likely they were hackers.

And, at the point you yelled out that they were hackers, you couldn't be able to tell if both had the same equipment

cheers though for the vid

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I'm getting tired of these stupid hacker accusations all the time, you are a bad player, really. You don't use third person in close combat when you know WHERE they are, only when you don't know where they are. And you don't run out like an idiot for no reason.. you were so lucky that they were bad players as well

The gear they had wasn't even impressive.

Edited by zhrooms

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not hackers... hackers turn you into a goat, use godmode, eccc...

its what they do, not the equip that makes an hacker (i had the same equip when i was a noob).

However, PP19 has a ridicoulus damage... i can't shoot down nobody with that weapon...

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Hey everyone,

Yep, I agree I was VERY over zealous with the whole "Hacker" thing and I addressed it in my new video.

Thank you all for the feedback, I appreciate it.

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  On 7/26/2012 at 11:50 AM, zhrooms said:
I'm getting tired of these stupid hacker accusations all the time, you are a bad player, really. You don't use third person in close combat when you know WHERE they are, only when you don't know where they are. And you don't run out like an idiot for no reason.. you were so lucky that they were bad players as well, or you both would be so dead now crying about them hacking.. so sad

That gear they had wasn't even that impressive, they most likely duped it anyway.

Lol this guy complains about hacker accusations then accuses them of duping instead...

Cool story O.o

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  On 7/27/2012 at 8:59 AM, Neek said:

Lol this guy complains about hacker accusations then accuses them of duping instead...

Cool story O.o

Dude he said they had the _SAME_ gear, which could easily be explained by duping a tent, one guy has all the gear.. puts it into a tent, then his friend picks up the _same_ things.

"Most likely" they duped it.

Edited by zhrooms

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