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Spawn next to friends???

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no! No! NO!

Why? This would totally ravage the core concept of the game! There is nothing smart or good about this idea.

First of all: you would totally destroy the game for a lone wolf, and make it impossible for the player to take out a group.

Second: the lootgrief would be horrible and if people could just spawn in with their buddy in the barracks. Again making the most unbalanced system i a game ever if you were to play alone.

Third of all: Your face is stupid O_o

Why dont we all just spawn with as50 thermal and mk48 mod 0, oh! and there should be an option to spawn in a gunship!

No thanks, this game does not seem to be for you. Start playing normal Arma instead.

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Last time I checked, this wasn't Battlefield.

There is a point where you're wanting to play the game the way you want to, and then there is the point where you're suggesting something that would break the game, and make it less fun for the general player, simply because it defeats the purpose. DayZ would not be half as fun if you could just pick to spawn next to someone. It takes away from the actual encounters you have with other players, where each one should be unexpected for the most part. Not 'oh, hi buddy, you spawned back in?'

So, no. There should never be a mechanic to influence your spawns beyond a randomly generated point. No friend spawns.

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Imho you shouldn't be allowed to use any chat other than in game(obviously wont happen or cant idk) and never be able to meet friends other than by chance. The point of the game is land on shore with nothing and finding away to survive.

If they could remove group play other than groups formed in the game by using ingame chat and create a trusting relationship. Irl if i landed in a zombie apocalypse im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to skype/teamspeak/etc. with my buds and tell them where to meet.

As is their is no risk while talking with a squad via another source which other ingame players cant hear. Unfair advantage no doubt. If you want to scream across the hill to your sniper and tell them where the baddie is you better yell real loud and risk giving away your position in doing so.

I know this is extreme and only a game and most totally disagree but im just all about making it feel as real as possible. I understand its just animations and bla bla bla bla but the point of Dayz imo is stay as true to real life as possible. I also understand there are multiple other aspects of the game that arent true to real life also so why ruin others group play. If they could make it an option for servers to not allow party play that would be awesome for me and the rest could play their dayz. Id be cool with that

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I dont like a Friendspawn!

The spawn system is part of the DayZ atmosphere!

Searching & Finding the Friends is a big part of this Game!

If there is a Friendspawn then we have unfair PVP Gaming because a group plays together maybe against one single person the single person shot down one member of the big group and then the groupmember comes shortly back.

This sucks!

No Friendspawn!

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While this would be nice, quick, and convenient It would probably wreck the games balance. All the spawn camping issues, getting killed within minutes of spawning would be so much worse if this system was implemented. There would be those who wouldn't exploit, but there would also be those who would completely rely on this just for the sake of a small laugh. That's my opinion of course. MAYBE spawning in with a couple friends like 1 or 2 at the most would work but group spawning would make the game just even more of a pain in the ass to play. Haha.

On a side note, there is ridiculous amount of hate geared towards the OP, grow up, state your opinion in a calm mature manner and go about your day.

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Some seem to not get what DayZ is about and just picture it as another FPS and want it moulded into a BF3 or COD style of play. DayZ isn't about being easy and convenient, it's about the harshness and struggle to get shit done. Dying and having to find your group is part of this struggle and part of DayZ. The best thing for people who have the BF3/COD mentality is to either HTFU or go play those other FPS's.

The vision of DayZ has been put out there and I would suggest people watch some of Rocket's interviews to really get an idea where DayZ is going. The game won't be about accessibility and most likely will become a lot tougher than it is.

DayZ is a different style of game and I think a lot of us are play it because it's harsh, it's tough and it's not like anything else. This is a good thing!

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You come into this game alone, you should spawn alone.

The only time you spawn with friends is never, if you want to meet up with friends you should meet up with them the hard way, after that you can always log off and on together.

With tools like TS and other voice tools it isn't hard to find each other.

But i did read rocket was looking at team options in game a while back.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we do see where players might not spawn at the same location but you could set up so that 2 players will spawn near each other but not the same spot location.

Basically if 2 players come in as a group- then they can spawn randomly but the 2 players will have spawn points near each other.

But we won't see where a player is alive for 5 days and his friend who is a new spawn , can spawn near that 5 day alive friend. That I can't see ever happening.

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