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Spawn next to friends???

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I understand you want to play with friends but isnt finding your friend part of the experience? Like i said, staying alive should be the priority and so death does need some kind of penalty. I think being spawned randomly is the least that can be done.

And from what i understand once underground bases are made you might be able to choose to spawn from them Who knows?

And also, i dont think enjoyment of this game has ever crossed the developers mind. Its about survival.

again it might be part of the experience for you, but its an annoyance for others. Fact is, it doesnt hurt anyone for newly created characters to spawn together if they want to. You might find running 20 minutes to find your newly spawned friend fun, but others dont

I think finding survivors (or friends) is a really big part of the game and shouldn't be changed. Sure you might spend some time trying to find your friend but that's what DayZ is about.

finding survivors and finding friends are two different things in this game, Finding survivors wouldnt change much at all. You would still find them. Some people like to lone wolf, some people like to play with friends, why not have both?

Sorry Mr DMR and night vision goggles, is it so hard to get it all back.

This is a terrible idea OP and it should stay in BF3 where it belongs. Day Z is a game about survival in a world which has gone to shit, allowing you to spawn with your friends would ruin that.

gotta love this, just cause i said something about having to go get gear again you had to make that comment.

as for your other comment, how would newly spawned friends ruin that? Again, if you like to run 20 minutes to find your friends, so be it, other people dont. You play the way you want to play and let others play how they want to play, but why limit everyone to one set way?

Edited by Silent observer

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But these are the things that make DayZ so much fun.... you died, you need to get back to your friends... Its like a self generated missions.

Mission 1:: once respawned on the coast, get your bearings and locate your friends. Along the way loot towns for essential supplies, search for weapons and tools to help your group etc etc

This ain't EA bro.

i know how to play

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Seriously, walking back to your friend is a pain in the ass. It isn't even part of the game, because you can basically just run like hell until you reach him/her. There is barely any surviving aspect in it. You just die and respawn until you are reasonably close and run. Sometimes running through buildings to shake off chasing zombies.

I had a lot of fun in DayZ at the moments when I was with friends, but as soon as we died it was just annoying.

There is easily a way to implement party spawning without breaking the game. People already team up with each other, so the fact that several people are working together is already in the game.

You can simply say you can choose with whom you want to spawn and you all spawn in the same place. Problem 1 solved. If you like running back to your friend, just spawn randomly.

What if one of you dies? You might be able to respawn with your friends, you can ofcourse loot your body straight away again, but there should be a timer on spawning with your friends so there are no random respawns in the middle of a battle. And at the moment eveyone run back to their body anyway to see if their killers left anything to be looted, which if their friends are still alive is probably the case. So really it is exactly the same, without the tedious respawning till you get a good one and that pressing 'W' for an hour.

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Yes and no. Should there be random group respawns? Possibly. I'd say it shouldn't be like: My friend is already in Noby, so I just have to respawn again and he'll be right next to my dead body. No.

I think that wherever the spawns are you have the potential to respawn with your friend, meaning you are both dead as a doorknob and are coming into the game. But really, when you suggest this you also are suggesting adding some sort of system for this, whether it be player tracking or a friend system, which are a bit iffy and could alter some things negatively.

So I say just leave it alone. People already have private comms out-of-game.

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I like knowing that when you get killed You have to start from where ever you get put when you re spawn.

I mean half the fun is in meeting up, you have to carefully plan your trip to avoid getting killed and starting back on the coast again.

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This game isn't about 'having fun', it's about surviving. So no, no spawning with friends. Something like that is too easy to abuse.

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This game isn't about 'having fun', it's about surviving. So no, no spawning with friends. Something like that is too easy to abuse.

If it wasn't fun why would I play? The challenge is the fun.

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Because survival is fun? Finding a can of beans and a water bottle is an accomplishment? Isn't that fun? Finding your friends after twenty minutes of being lost is also an accomplishment?

If you get bored of running for twenty minutes then auto walk or just hold down the button and watch tv...

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You know, you could exploit this system in so many ways, what if you decide that one of your "squads" member runs into the Airfield barracks and 5 more guys spawn right next to him? And this would make firefights useless, it would be a neverending war between two groups.

This is DayZ, it's meant to be unforgiving.

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I agree 200%

Just for new characters

How often are you and your friend both spawning as new characters? For me, I die once every 2-3 weeks, assuming the friend in question was the same the chances of us both having died and being ready to respawn are slim to none. This idea is retarded and pointless...

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Hint: Try not to die.

Group freshspawn is something I would like...

When your squad dies at firefight they could spawn together at coast.

Edited by Zeppa

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this idea would make banditry easier as big groups of friends just spawn right beside eachother and go on a noob killing fest

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I think it would be a great idea if you could put together squads like in battlefield 3 where you can spawn next to your friends...

Perhaps not necessarily right next to friends, but within a couple of miles in any direction? That would require some communication and coordination to meet up. To limit exploits, the spawn points would occur near designated area away from major cities/installations.

Edited by The_Dude

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Most exploitable idea I have seen so far, you get killed whilst with team mates, simply respawn at their side to get revenge on the guy who killed you.

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soz guys i like to play with friends. also is it that hard to understand that its not freshspawns spawning on already existing characters and instead in at the very least a group of people spawning in a general area together ON THE COAST.

Edited by Paraplegic

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lol so losing all your gear that you have isnt a major hinderance? not sure what game your playing but thats the single bigest hinderance in the game. Being able to quickly get to a friend that you wanna play with only helps the gaming experience...if you dont wanna use the feature and wanna do it your own way, thats fine, but why make it the only way. People play this mod to get different things out of it. What you get out of the game and what I get out of game is two totally different things, but why can dont of us get enjoyment out of it,

Your expecting DayZ to mold to your ideas and wants. Well its not. You have to mold to DayZ.

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If you want to spawn next to your friends, a few zeds should also spawn next/close to you to make it fair to those spawning on the coast.

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If you want to spawn next to your friends, a few zeds should also spawn next/close to you to make it fair to those spawning on the coast.

We should spawn alone, with as few supplies as possible, right in the middle of nowhere, unsure where you are, unsure if there are ten zeds lumbering your way and as happy and scared as fuck for the coming experience. Survive against the odds, not with them.

Edited by thebirdolux

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We should spawn alone, with as few supplies as possible, right in the middle of nowhere, unsure where you are, unsure if there are ten zeds lumbering your way and as happy and scared as fuck for the coming experience. Survive against the odds, not with them.

I know thats why make it harder for those spawning next to friends. Kind of an overrun scenario with low survival possibilities.

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I know thats why make it harder for those spawning next to friends. Kind of an overrun scenario with low survival possibilities.

Just find your friends, otherwise why have zombies near spawns to make it harder, you have no weapons? Plus what is to keep a murder of trolls from spawning ten deep and having a leg up on everyone else.

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I am trying to figure out a way to please as many people as possible.

Here is the deal, DayZ, after you have played your first few hours/lives is much more fun with a friend.

I (or my friend) will often suicide to zombies or off a cliff in order to respon and not have to mindlessly run for 10+ minutes.

So, this can be mostly fixed with 2 easy steps (I think).

1. New players only spawn on the south beach. (between Kamenka and Electro)

2. New players are spawned as closely as possible in longitude (like east to west) to their designated friends, but always on the beach.

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The main idea was that you washed to the coast?

Why woudnt it be possible that there was group with you, maybe in a lifeboat etc?

I dont really see problem of friends group spawning, you cant will still be separated if one of you die. If you all die you could spawn as a group again, but everyone had to wait all of them to die... or just spawn alone. I would like this feature.

Edited by Zeppa

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Spawning with friends/in group would give you an unfair advantage.

It would make looting towns for basic gear much easier, either you're up against zeds (for those who find that a challenge) or "cherno-snipers"

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Well, I dont see it that way... looting basic gear much easyer, how can it be made any easyer at the moment?

And alone its always easyer to go unnoticed.

ps. All good ideas could work in SA much better, I dont even think its worth of thinking ideas for the mod anymore..

ps2. Life isnt fair, and gained advantage is minimal.

Edited by Zeppa

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Some people have busy lives and dont have time to waste on finding friends...grouping makes the game so much more fun, id rather use my precious free time surviving with friends rather than looking for them, finding them and having to log off since i just spent an hour or maybe two looking for them

But these are the things that make DayZ so much fun.... you died, you need to get back to your friends... Its like a self generated missions.

Mission 1:: once respawned on the coast, get your bearings and locate your friends. Along the way loot towns for essential supplies, search for weapons and tools to help your group etc etc

This ain't EA bro.

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