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If standalone is released by the end of the year.....

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Rocket mentioned in a fairly recent post that the standalone might come as soon as the end of the year. He mentioned that he is thinking of the Minecraft approach, where its sold very much in an alpha/beta form, with the promise that updates are free, at least until it reaches a polished, non beta stage.

So here's my question, since the Arma3 release date is not this year, would this mean that the standalone is being contemplated for the Arma2 engine? If so would the inevitable update to Arma3 be available to those who bought the Arma2 engine based standalone?

I've always supported the Arma series (and I'll be getting Arma3 in addition to the DayZ standalone). However I will not buy a DayZ standalone on the Arma2 engine unless I'm assured that the upgrade to Arma3 would be included. If it is included, I'd be happy to buy an early copy of it to support the project.

I do think the "minecraft approach" might really work well, however if that's the course that is chosen I would need an answer to that question.

Edited by Covert Kitty

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I'm pretty sure it won't be for ARMA 2, but it might use the engine. BI also said that DayZ will come with ARMA 3. Things are kind of up in the air right now, no finalization.

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What an informative response

I tend to agree with OP. If you played Arma then Arma2 you would understand hwo much the game engine improved. I enjoy the mod and appreciate the Arma concept, but the suttering gameplay when compared to other game engines detracts from the gameplay.

Hopefully it is released on Arma3 and the engine runs smoother.

Edited by Mega_Death

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It would not make sense from a long-term approach to use the ARMA2 engine. Using ARMA3 will give the game a lasting appeal with up-to-date graphics and physics. Also, I honestly feel that an ARMA2 approach will cause consumers to feel cheated, and stunt sales. ARMA3 will give it that brand new game feeling.

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I'm pretty sure it won't be for ARMA 2, but it might use the engine. BI also said that DayZ will come with ARMA 3. Things are kind of up in the air right now, no finalization.

Edited the OP to make it clear I was talking about the Arma2 engine when referring to Arma2. It is all up in the air atm, which is why I wanted to throw this out there. There's a number of good approaches that could be taken, personally I think the best way would be to bundle it with Arma3, and work out a satisfactory payment scheme between Rocket and BI. However this approach would work as well I think.

In any case its worth talking about this hypothetical, since there's less point in discussing something AFTER a decision has been made.

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DayZ is not a GAME. Its a mod for Arma 2. YOU HAVENT BOUGHT DAYZ. You bought arma 2.

your reading skills are not very good are they? let me help you.

He is talking about buying DayZ "STANDALONE"

BUT, if DayZ "STANDALONE" is released on the arma 2 engine he wants to know if DayZ "STANDALONE" purchasers will be upgraded to arma 3 engine at some point.

so no, he isn't talking about buying a mod, he's talking about buying DayZ "STANDALONE"

edit: I think I should have cleared this miss communication up a bit, if not please let me know, I can be more thorough :)

Edited by Plebiscite
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stand alone game? in arma 2? stand alone?


Btw, WTF is this minecraft approach everyone is talking about?

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DayZ is not a GAME. Its a mod for Arma 2. YOU HAVENT BOUGHT DAYZ. You bought arma 2.

+1 for not reading the OP at all. Since your special, I'll reiterate that this is topic is about payment methods for the DayZ standalone. We aren't talking about the mod.

(btw, I bought Arma2 when it first came out, and Arma1 before that, some of us do actually play other things than DayZ)

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No one can really answer these questions.

It's all just guess work at this point.


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Btw, WTF is this minecraft approach everyone is talking about?

It basically boils down to, "We have no investors, so the player community buys a known unfinished/alpha/beta quality game, with the understanding that they will be entitled to updates until it does reach a polished state"

It sounds kinda bad, but it does get the game out there quickly for people to mess around with, provide feedback, and gets cash coming in to the developers sooner. However there does need to be that understanding with the players, as well as a good commitment from the devs. So it can be a very good option for Indie devs.

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Btw, WTF is this minecraft approach everyone is talking about?

As in you pay say $10 for alpha/beta access/testing, then upon offical full release you pay say $20+!! ;)

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As in you pay say $10 for alpha/beta access/testing, then upon offical full release you pay say $20+!! ;)

You explained that poorly.

Say they want the money now, so they sell anyone who wants to buy the game right now for

$xx.xx You now own this game, and wont have to pay anything else for it.

a week down the road they polish it more so it goes up in price to

$xx.xx NOW anyone else who DOES NOT own the game has to pay this price.

and so on and so forth until release.

edit: upon release you still DO NOT need to pay anymore money.

Edited by Plebiscite

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Can you link to the interview in question?

Because I'm pretty sure what he said is that DayZ might go stand-alone by the end of the year, not that it would be released as a stand-alone by the end of the year.

Which is to say DayZ would probably still be in Alpha, but would be running on its own engine. My prediction is ARMA 3 and the timing seems about right since DayZ would go stand-alone about the same time ARMA 3 would be hitting Beta before its 2013 release.

Anyway long story short "going stand-alone" just means getting started with a stand-alone engine. It doesn't mean the game will be out and available for sale by the end of the year.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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You won't get Arma 3 for free whether the game is released standalone on Arma 2 or Arma 3, because it would be a standalone not a mod for either of those games.

It's fucking simple.

Who gives a damn what you don't buy? Why are you speculating such pointless drivel?

So many idiots here seem to think Arma owes them something and that DayZ is the basis of Arma or something. You are all idiots. This engine has been around a long time and you didn't know and you didn't know because you can't handle it. You can't handle the complexity of Arma or its system requirements. GTFO if you have a problem and stfu

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Even though Arma3 isnt going to be out, that doesnt mean that they wont give Rocket the engine to develope his standalone. That would mean that Bi will receieve royalties of course, but if the deal is right we could see DayZ on the Arma3 engine before Arma3 is release. Its just the engine after all, not the game.

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You won't get Arma 3 for free whether the game is released standalone on Arma 2 or Arma 3, because it would be a standalone not a mod for either of those games.

It's fucking simple.

Who gives a damn what you don't buy? Why are you speculating such pointless drivel?

So many idiots here seem to think Arma owes them something and that DayZ is the basis of Arma or something. You are all idiots. This engine has been around a long time and you didn't know and you didn't know because you can't handle it. You can't handle the complexity of Arma or its system requirements. GTFO if you have a problem and stfu

wow.. some people really just can't read can they?

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Can you link to the interview in question?

Because I'm pretty sure what he said is that DayZ might go stand-alone by the end of the year, not that it would be released as a stand-alone by the end of the year.

Which is to say DayZ would probably still be in Alpha, but would be running on its own engine. My prediction is ARMA 3 and the timing seems about right since DayZ would go stand-alone about the same time ARMA 3 would be hitting Beta before its 2013 release.

Anyway long story short "going stand-alone" just means getting started with a stand-alone engine. It doesn't mean the game will be out and available for sale by the end of the year.

That's a good point I had not considered. I had not thought that he might have meant that he would start working on it by years end rather than releasing it by years end. That makes a lot more sense, it would be a pretty olympic endevour to actually release something by then. Presumably BI would give him access to the Arma3 engine well before release, so it makes sense that he might get to work on it around that time.

I'll see if I can find the quote I was thinking about, but it does sound like it was just a misunderstanding of his meaning on my part.

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DayZ is not a GAME. Its a mod for Arma 2. YOU HAVENT BOUGHT DAYZ. You bought arma 2.

did you even bother to read? what does this have to do with anything he said?

Edit: lol I see others replied to him already. I think the minecraft approach would work. and I wouldn't mind the updates for free like Minecraft has given me. I don't even remember what I payed for minecraft then @_@ but... i'd say dayz as it is, to me, is worth upporting with 25-30 bucks. The best thing Rocket could do would be to have a set price for people to pay, then allow for extra if you would like to donate to the dayZ cost :) I can only imagine the capital needed for spending time doing something like this. that place to live doesn't pay for itself either.

Edited by internetTAB

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Can you imagine, instead of buying Arma 3 everyone goes for the standalone DayZ instead.

Edited by jay.pis

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Can you imagine, instead of buying Arma 3 everyone goes for the standalone DayZ instead.

I would agree with you, except I started playing Arma 2 last night and i don't mind the campaign! :) Arma 3 is looking freaking amazing.

Edited by internetTAB

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