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No Serverhopping? Give us more places with best loot!

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Here's the deal guys. Rare items are supposed to be rare, not just slightly more difficult to find.

Currently there are waaaaaaaaaaaay more rare weapons floating around out there due to hackers, tent duping, server hopping etc.

Items like the as50 will be seen very rarely once the tent issues are fully resolved, server hopping is limited (not made impossible, just made harder), and the hacker situation is dealt with.

Right now you can easily kill any of thousands of players and get an as50, or loot one of hundreds of tents that probably have multiple as50s. Most of these are the product of duping and hacking.

You think its hard to get gear now? LOL just you wait.

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Server hopper days are numbered anyway. Screw them.

Please leave the game forever. You must be a terribad player if you agree with this.

Or he could just be a guy that has had a hard time finding decent loot because server hoppers are clearing everything out.

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Or he could just be a guy that has had a hard time finding decent loot because server hoppers are clearing everything out.

Finally, a person that can accept that other people do have other opinions...

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Finally, a person that can accept that other people do have other opinions...


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Finally, a person that can accept that other people do have other opinions...

You act like everyone isn´t understanding you and refusing to accept your opinion... They´re not. They are replying with solid arguments and THEIR opinions.

The reason they are being rude is because you are essentially asking for the game to be a little bit easier. This is a survival game and it´s supposed to be hard, and as it is right now, it´s too easy.

The "Best" weapon in the game isn´t supposed to be your ultimate goal, surviving is. And i honestly don´t see why you need the best weapon to survive, your tactical approach is what matters. A guy with a 50 caliber can´t do shit against you if he can´t see you.

Edited by Varasalvi

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Well, I put time in the game, every free minute I can spare, and I survive the meantime. And we do work in a group and we don't have best gear and stuff.

It seems as people don't understand my point:

It would be nice, if you'd have to travel more to check different places with the best loot. That would, of course, include more points with good loot, but it would also lower serverhopping in a more "natural" way than just with this "technical" fixes. And the loot percentage can stay the same or be lowered, I don't care.

Basically: More loot points that are far away from each other so you have to travel there.

Have you seen the loot spawns on a map? They are all very far apart. There are loot spawns from one end of the map to another so not sure what you're talking about.

You seem to think "good" gear is only military gear and that too is everywhere all across the map. Take a look a the map I've attached.

Still not sure you are saying anything besides you want the game to be easier for you to get good stuff. Easier would make this mod die, in fact I think it is too easy as it is to get military gear. Just look at how many deer stands there are. Too much military gear in game in my opinion.


Edited by Slyder73

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in fact I think it is too easy as it is to get military gear. Just look at how many deer stands there are. Too much military gear in game in my opinion.

I agree. Id like to see this game turn more towards something like the movie "The Road," Where a guy with a crossbow or a flare gun indeed has the upper hand.

Either way, military gear =/= best gear. Everything is situational. Having an m107 does not guarantee you will survive a firefight. A level head, situational awareness, etc are your best friend.

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Well, I can see your points and I regret even opening this thread to discuss the possibility of lowering serverhopping in a "gameplay" way instead of swinging the ban hammer.

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Because in real life you can jump through different dimensions in order to get what you need.


I just checked in on myself and in the other version of this world I'm having a threesome with Cat Deeley and Kelly Brook. Who knew?!

Server hopping is at worst a cheat bordering on exploit and at best against the 'spirit' of the game. Don't have that shiny boom stick with scope-a-thon 3000 fitted? Suck it up kiddo.

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Totally agree that we need more barracks added to the other airfield or something else that has high powered loot as two buildings and random locations aren't that great. It leads to server hopping and people trying to clean out all the loot then wait and hunt kids that enter till the loot respawns..

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Its already so piss easy to gear with hackers and dupers trolling around. Yesterday in the time it took me to run to NW airfield i found a hacker who crashed his heli at the airfield, free m107 + that thermal assault rifle. Today after i died i sprinted to Stary only to find another downed heli from a hacker with a ghille + best backpack + rangefinder / NVGs + as50 + 10 clips for it, etc. This was on 2 different servers.

What to know whats fun about having the best gear in 20-30 minutes of spawning? NOTHING, all i can think of doing now is camping since there is nothing left to do or look for. Adding more points for places to spawn military loot will only make this worse.

Edited by HighPiez

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I Agree their needs to be better loot spread around the map, but you don't need to server hop. The best way to get loot is to farm locations(pick everything up and drop it outside the building.) Completely fair and doesn't create unfair circumstances like the server hopping does. If you server hop a few times while at NW airfield, you will find someone, and likely shoot him in the back like a prick. He thought he was safe, he should have been safe, but he wasn't b/c some noob server hopped behind him.

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This "game" (still would prefer to call it a mod) got known because of the brutal ass rape it is or can be from time to time. So why walk down the road that almost every bigger publisher's gone, give in to the forum whines and cut the game down to accomodate a casual style of playing? No. Put out the ban hammer for server hoppers, and hit 'em hard!

This mod is about surviving and not collecting items and personally I fully agree with those saying there should be even less spawns with "high tier" equipment.

Edited by Teiwaz

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How is he asking for the game to be easier? He's essentially saying "How about we not just have the stupid NW airfield as the holy grail of loot" spread the spawns out a little more. The best stuff is concentrated in like 3 locations. Deerstands are great, but like 80% of the map is essentially garbage. Due to server hopping, and the volatile nature of the servers.

The airfields aren't even an option any more, the same with the hospitals. People just camp them, not for their equipment, but to shoot other players. Common knowledge.. I get that maybe that's why people love conquest and domination. Shoot people who come in a pre determined location, or bottleneck.

Second argument to the contrary is the duping problem, which isn't related to the game, and quite frankly shouldin't even be considered.

My opinion: top tier stuff. ALL OF IT. spawn in crash sites, either humvee crash sites, or helicopter crash sites. The military zones should just spawn ammo and like decent weaponry and packs and the tents spawn a mix of medical equipment.

But loot should be random. Anywhere, in any sort of map asset. Having per-determened locations sort of take away from the game. I got a map of the entire play area.. I know where all the deerstands are. If I find a map, I'm set, I grab a bike, tab over, do a little logistics..and I'm knocking over all the best spots in the game. What's the fun in that? And to what end? to shoot people? I think if you're bored enough to wait on a hill to snipe someone, you had to either earn that equipment by treking for countless hours across the map, or just get really lucky.

And quite frankly that doesn't make the game easier. But it does however introduce more useful gear into the game. And maybe people will move around, live a little longer..maybe we'll have some fun.

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I'm sorry to say that this game just isn't about getting the 'best' gear or even the gear that you want. Loot is rare and should be rare for a reason. So what if only one person on the server manages to get X weapon? It doesn't matter, this game isn't meant to be fair. Hell, if you want it enough, you'll go find Mr. X and take it from him yourself. You need to step back and look at the game, and realise it's only about the gear because YOU make it about the gear. I was the same back in May, but when I realized that getting the best gear doesn't really matter, I started enjoying the game much more.

Sure, it's great when you do get the best gear you can get/want. You've earned it, or gotten lucky, it doesn't matter. It is not, however, some game-given right that you get that gear. At this moment, I have NVG's, an M4 CCO SD, an AS50 (sadly found with no mags and I've had terrible luck finding any, not even M107), a Coyote, rangefinders, GPS, and a Ghillie Suit. I'm absolutely ecstatic that I managed to get all of this (combination of luck and camp raiding), but I'll lose it all eventually. And when I do, I won't complain that I can't find it again even if I hit the same barracks 50 times on ONE server (waiting for loot to recycle or however you guys do it) because it doesn't matter unless you want it to.

The loot being rare makes it more meaningful when you do manage to get your hands on it (although it won't truly be rare until duping, server hopping and disconnect exploits are fixed). This game isn't about hitting the airfield over and over or even hunting for helicopters. This game is about survival, along with whatever else you want it to be. What I'm trying to say here is that if you make this game about getting the 'best loot' available, then you're going to be in for a bad time. A lot of people I play with have the most fun long before they get anything resembling good gear. That's because it is the experiences that make DayZ geat, not getting the best loot you can. That only facilitates good experiences, and is often unnecessary. I had just as much fun with a winchester and a Czech backpack as I do now with my silenced weapons and 'best' gear.

Stop worrying about getting your sniper rifle and get out there and live. You're going to die soon regardless, make the most of the gear you have while you can. If you're lucky, you'll find the weapons you want anyway or kill someone who has one. Learn to have fun without the gear you want and you'll have even more fun when you actually stumble across it (without exploiting!). If you hunt forever to find it, you'll just be that much more afraid to lose it all.

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How is he asking for the game to be easier? He's essentially saying "How about we not just have the stupid NW airfield as the holy grail of loot" spread the spawns out a little more.

Spreading the loot more is something completely different and, IMO, not what "I would rather see that there are more known locations, that spawn the best (military) loot." means. But that might be a misunderstanding on my side.

But still, putting more high quality equipment into the mod basically is making it easier.

I'm sorry to say that this game just isn't about getting the 'best' gear or even the gear that you want. Loot is rare and should be rare for a reason. So what if only one person on the server manages to get X weapon? It doesn't matter, this game isn't meant to be fair. Hell, if you want it enough, you'll go find Mr. X and take it from him yourself. You need to step back and look at the game, and realise it's only about the gear because YOU make it about the gear. I was the same back in May, but when I realized that getting the best gear doesn't really matter, I started enjoying the game much more.

Sure, it's great when you do get the best gear you can get/want. You've earned it, or gotten lucky, it doesn't matter. It is not, however, some game-given right that you get that gear. At this moment, I have NVG's, an M4 CCO SD, an AS50 (sadly found with no mags and I've had terrible luck finding any, not even M107), a Coyote, rangefinders, GPS, and a Ghillie Suit. I'm absolutely ecstatic that I managed to get all of this (combination of luck and camp raiding), but I'll lose it all eventually. And when I do, I won't complain that I can't find it again even if I hit the same barracks 50 times on ONE server (waiting for loot to recycle or however you guys do it) because it doesn't matter unless you want it to.

The loot being rare makes it more meaningful when you do manage to get your hands on it (although it won't truly be rare until duping, server hopping and disconnect exploits are fixed). This game isn't about hitting the airfield over and over or even hunting for helicopters. This game is about survival, along with whatever else you want it to be. What I'm trying to say here is that if you make this game about getting the 'best loot' available, then you're going to be in for a bad time. A lot of people I play with have the most fun long before they get anything resembling good gear. That's because it is the experiences that make DayZ geat, not getting the best loot you can. That only facilitates good experiences, and is often unnecessary. I had just as much fun with a winchester and a Czech backpack as I do now with my silenced weapons and 'best' gear.

Stop worrying about getting your sniper rifle and get out there and live. You're going to die soon regardless, make the most of the gear you have while you can. If you're lucky, you'll find the weapons you want anyway or kill someone who has one. Learn to have fun without the gear you want and you'll have even more fun when you actually stumble across it (without exploiting!). If you hunt forever to find it, you'll just be that much more afraid to lose it all.

Hero post, sir! I salute you!

Edited by Teiwaz

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It's not a game yet, it is a fucking Alpha why can't anyone understand this.

I don't care how much time you invested.

Thanks for testing :)

So, I invested about 130h in this game, I died about 2-3 times after figuring out the basics. I don't want to get everything instantly or in a short time frame. I looted the barracks about 20-30 times (who really counts?) and never found anything better than an M4 SD. Don't get me wrong, I love my M4 SD, it's a great weapon, but it's not what I wanted. I don't have a problem with investing a lot of time to get the stuff I need.

I enjoy playing with my friends, raiding cities, exploring, just surviving. I know, that the game is not entirely about getting the best loot, but I think it's not an unimportant point to a lot of people.

And to all the people that wish me to die: Are you reading what you're writing? Do you realise, what you're saying? Are you still sane in your mind?

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I'd rather say:

Remove every gun that is better than the CZ and the AK-SU (cause those op guns don't fit the scenario anyway), and make only non-weapons rare.

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Did I miss something? How is server hopping getting nerfed?

Unfortunately, I don't believe it is getting nerfed at all just yet. I'd love to be proven wrong on that account though.

From my understanding, the OP was made in response to all of the people asking Rocket & co. to fix server hopping. He's worried that he won't be able to get the gear he wants when it is fixed unless the gear is made much more available. Specifically, I think he's wanting things like deer stands to play a more prominent role in spawning loot, so that he can run around the map over and over trying to get thet gear he seeks.

To the OP; it doesn't matter how much time you have spent or will spend, how much effort you've put into finding this sniper rifle of yours, or how many times you've died trying to get one. You want a sniper rifle and that's okay, what's not okay is expecting to get one just because you want it or just because someone else has it. That's not the way this game (alpha, antigame, whatever you want to call it...) works. This game isn't based upon fairness. If we all got what we wanted, we'd have little incentive to do anything in this game.

I desperately want a working vehicle. Any vehicle, at all. I've spent hours and hours on many servers hunting for one, I've fixed up two ATV's only to have the server eat them the following morning. I've fixed up a truck only to have my group murdered just before we finished filling it up and had it stolen. I've seen other people find a vehicle or steal one or fix one up many times. I've killed a guy on a bike (my second murder in many months of play, I still don't really kill people) only to have a sniper kill me as I went to take it. I've been denied a dozen times, so has everyone in my 2-4 person group. It's not fair. But it shouldn't be fair. The game is great because I want that bicycle, that jeep so badly that when I actually have it within my grasp nothing can compare to that feeling. Even when I inevitably get denied ('tis my curse) it's still fun.

I had a shootout over a military offroad once, my group of 4 at the time with 1 other survivor we had helped out fought a group of 3 bandits who jumped us as we were excitedly loading up into the jeep. We all died and lost our weeks old characters, lost the jeep, lots everything. But that firefight could not have been nearly as intense or adenaline packed had I not wanted that jeep so badly. So it's great that you want this sniper rifle, but you can't let it consume your playtime. Don't be upset when you can't get it, or when you get it and die before firing a shot. Don't be afraid to lose it, if you are, why did you get it to begin with? Just play the game, have fun, and hopefully you'll eventually get what you want.

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Or he could just be a guy that has had a hard time finding decent loot because server hoppers are clearing everything out.

that's the thing. one of the reasons it's hard to find rare loot is because the server-hoppers take it all. you make the trip from Kamenka to NWA only to find nothing because some dick spent his whole day going to NWA on different servers. it just makes rare loot even more rare for legit players

Edited by daze23

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I think a lot of players and posters on this thread don't realize that the deer spawns have the SAME loot as can be found at the airfields. There is just different probability of it showing up. But, there are a LOT of deer stands. You don't have to go to the airfield to find military loot. Just check out the dozens of deer stands.

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I think a lot of players and posters on this thread don't realize that the deer spawns have the SAME loot as can be found at the airfields. There is just different probability of it showing up. But, there are a LOT of deer stands. You don't have to go to the airfield to find military loot. Just check out the dozens of deer stands.

Indeed, but I think the OP is wanting to get his equipment sooner rather than later. I've found lots of great stuff in deerstands though, including a pair of M16A2s with M203 launchers and a DMR for my buddies :D

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I think a lot of players and posters on this thread don't realize that the deer spawns have the SAME loot as can be found at the airfields. There is just different probability of it showing up. But, there are a LOT of deer stands. You don't have to go to the airfield to find military loot. Just check out the dozens of deer stands.

well the barracks have unique loot that's not at deer stands. crashed heli's as well. but yeah, you can find plenty of decent loot at deer-stands

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