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Bullets for currancy

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Ok friends I am fully fed up with people posting about currency so hopefully, I will fix this problem once and for all; with my suggestion of ammunition as a form currency or a trading quota. As we all know there are 34 unique types of ammunition ranging from shot gun shells to free flight rockets. This, "Currancy," system is based on rarity of each ammunition type and the numerical value given to of each rarity. The system is not pin-point but it does give a generally accurate ratting. Some flaws with this are due to the value of some items like the M136 rocket maybe very rare but have almost no use. The point values for each Ammunition type is listed Below

Very common-1


Semi moderate-5


Rare- 10

very rare- 20



Light Machine Gun


Sub Machine Gun

Assault Rifle

Sniper Rifle

Rocket Launcher

I appologize if any of these are off, hats off do DayZ Wiki thanks for the info. oh and


Cuz its me!

Edited by thatcommiekid

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?? is it me or are there two of these threads? I really should go to bed :S

also i dont think i like the idea of currency. trading items and services defo. But i think money will be a ting of the past now XD

oooooh bed :S

Edited by 3rdParty

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There's some flaws in this idea, people could easily break down m1014 shells into 4 2 rnd shells and turn something worth 3 points into something worth 12 points. Same with DMR mags and 5rnd m24's but to a greater extent, turning something worth 7 points into 80.

I also don't really like this idea in general not only because trading is damn near impossible in this game but because it would complicate things so much.

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I don't think we need to assign arbitrary values to anything, but I'm sure if you were lucky enough to meet someone willing to trade with you bullets would be accepted.

Also most of the "unique" bullets you have listed are really the same type of bullet, I really hope that all bullets of the same type will be able to be converted changed over like the current system for DMR/M24 7.62 and the Revolver/1911 .45acp.

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx

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I'll trade you some bullets... I'll leave them right in your skull where you can't miss them.

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This is not something that needs to be "added" to the game, it already exists. Bullets (or anything else) are only worth what you can get for them. A rocket might be uber rare but I won't trade my shotgun ammo for it, because I use my shotgun not a rocket launcher. How ever this is a good starting point and can give you an idea of what you have vs what you need. I have often thought about a "conversion" rate for ammo and like this post. Maybe present it to the Freeside trading post guys in their thread.

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This is not something that needs to be "added" to the game, it already exists. Bullets (or anything else) are only worth what you can get for them. A rocket might be uber rare but I won't trade my shotgun ammo for it, because I use my shotgun not a rocket launcher. How ever this is a good starting point and can give you an idea of what you have vs what you need. I have often thought about a "conversion" rate for ammo and like this post. Maybe present it to the Freeside trading post guys in their thread.

Someone on our forums had mentioned this idea already. Technically this is already in effect in a way. If you offer ammo, someone is willing to trade weapons/items for it. :)

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Bullets as currency is unrealistic. Bullets get used up, thats why. Fiat currency is what would first appear when barter started to become bothersome. A fiat currency invented by guarded trading towns where they would give you their form of currency for your trade goods. you then would be able to use their currency to buy things.

Look at the movie "Water World" or the show "Jericho" retards. Damn it pisses me off that people say "we dont need currency in a zombie apolcalypse... yes you do. Ofcourse, if there are only 2 people in the world then forget about currency but considering there are plenty of survivors, currency is one of the first things that starts back up because barter is retarded.

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I've got some loose change you can have at NWA.

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