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Player as a Dog???

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Ran across another player who was a dog in the power plant... Player wouldn't die after multiple Enfield shots to the mid body... Dog layed there and poof... instant human form... proceded to break both legs... where they just layed there again and got up and attempted to run away. Broke legs again. Only after about 10 Enfield shots to the stationary player chest did they finally die.

If they were going to hack... why run around unarmed and in dog form, albeit with large life?

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Why would you shoot him anyway if he was unarmed? Obviously he could not hurt you...

Does it matter if the guy is clearly a hacker?

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Sounds like...

*Puts on shades*

A doggy dog world.

More seriously- Why would you randomly chase a dog and try to kill it? Cows are plentyfull with meat. c:

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Ok so this is what I got: You came across a dog that was actually a player, so despite such a wierd occurance you shoot it anyway. Wow there really is one reaction for every situation.

Did it occur to you that maybe this player was a victim of a hacker?

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Hacker or victim of hacker.... Doesn't matter....

First few shots were mostly of WTF.... snuck up on me... after I saw it refused to die... I realized it MUST die.

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