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I believe this should be an ingame mechanic. The idea struck me when i saw the scarecrow in the fields and i thought why not scare the zombies away. Tools necessary for impalement:

Nail Gun, Wood, Rope, Tranquilizer Dart, Zombie, Bandits.

Scenario 1: Scarecrow

Tranquilize Target -> Tie a Rope around the target -> Drag target with a vehicle, bicycle or by hand to destination. -> Mount target to tree or wood post -> Commence nailing/or use rope if no nails available -> Wait for the screams -> If target is zombie, zombies run away. If target is bandit zombies dash to finish off the target. If 2 targets are within a close radius i.e. zombie and bandit, zombies run away but zombies multiply in number around them. Bandits have the option to cut the rope with the knife which would use a combination of movement keys or if impaled wait for them to die. While captured, clothes can be removed from their bodies.

Expanding on this mechanic a bit, once target is captured blood can be harvested from them.

Scenario 2: Blood Harvest

Capture Target -> Once captured blood can be drained from targets into blood bags -> Say goodbye to hospitals.

Scenario 3: Last Man Standing

Multiple Captured Targets -> Ropes and nails can be used to bleed targets at a much faster rate. Example: 2 targets on wooden planks -> Nails laid on planks with targets back against them -> Planks are connected via ropes and targets either choose to bleed at the same rate or fight for their survival. Targets pull against each other to make others bleed at a faster rate. The last man standing is then able to free himself from the ropes.

Scenario 4: Cliff Hanger

Find a cliff -> Dangle target from cliff with rope and plank -> Start a fire under the rope -> Scream for help -> Or Negotiate for ur survival -> Wait for rope to snap -> No murder count

Scenario 5: Tents as Traps

Tranquilize Zombies -> Place Zombies in tents -> Wait for target to peek into the tents -> Run for ur life

Scenario 6: Zombie Drive By

Ever felt like a sitting duck inside a vehicle. Fear no more zombies will take care of you.

Tranquilize Zombies -> Place Zombies inside vehicle -> Proceed to destination -> Spot a player -> Dump Zombies within player radius -> Spot bandit taking pot shots at you -> Dump zombies around your vehicle to protect you -> Wait for shots to be fired -> If zombies don't aggro launch flare or smoke in general direction of shot fired from within vehicle -> Rendezvous to your destination

Scenario 7: Flying UFO

Tools Required: Frisbee (Mountain Dew Frisbee found along side can of Mountain Dew) (Reusable)

Capable of luring zombies. Frisbee's can be attached with chemlights for use at night. Range 100m - 200m.

Scenario 8: The Rocket

Tools Required: Boomerang (Very Rare - Found as souvenir on the wall in black and yellow houses) (Reusable)

Capable of Knockdown or broken bones on players, Range 50 m-75m. If target is zombie, zombie attacks other zombie's in the nearby vicinity until one of them dies.

Edited by twix
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Alright so i have expanded on this mechanic a bit feel free to comment on them.

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This is morally destroyed and will never be put into the game for legal issues if nothing else.

And for starters, tranquilizers have already been turned down over and over again because they would break the pvp, so it wouldnt happen

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I will keep expanding on this mechanic if I get more ideas for those interested. Stay tuned.

Edited by twix

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Tranquilzers can easily be adopted with use in crossbows. But the drawback to the crossbow being u need to be up close and personal and they do no damage and take some time for the target to go down. Epi pens can be used to revive the target as well.

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i have seen on other threads people saying that due to game censorship laws, things like cannibalism have already been dismissed, maybe even suicide. So if thats true i very much doubt this would even get a read through, unless ye cleverly made you thread not so blunt.

However, i have not read these quotes directly, i have not read up deeply on Australian gaming censorship, but i have heard/read a few times before this mod that it is stricter than other areas then ye might expect (although i do have a vague memory of a move to lift this censorship).

and mostly.. tbh, i think gaming censorship is bullshit. So yea

+1 XD

Not because id do it, i think it is a bit weird, but it be very fun to join with peeps to hunt grimuns like ye down XD

Edited by 3rdParty

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i have seen on other threads people saying that due to game censorship laws, things like cannibalism have already been dismissed, maybe even suicide. So if thats true i very much doubt this would even get a read through, unless ye cleverly made you thread not so blunt.

There is several games where I can think of people committing suicide to save them selfs from different creatures or happening.

Where is this censor ship law for cannibalism? The Elder-scrolls series has cannibalism in a couple titles. As do a few other games, as well as zombies are humans that eat flesh, wouldn't that be cannibalism anyhow? And there are MANY zombie games.

All of the arguments in this thread are easily debunked, thoughtless/clueless and not truly looked into, as well as opinionated, not helpful feedback.

Come on community.

Please, look at this:


See the game rating tag?

18+. (M in most countries) Act like it. More then half of you shouldn't even own this game. Let alone the mod.

There are far more demented happenings out there.

Our world created the movie SAW and the like.

Get off it, and actually do research on your comments people, after your done, think about what your going to post, if you don't like it, move on,or actually post something helpful.

This is morally destroyed and will never be put into the game for legal issues if nothing else.

And for starters, tranquilizers have already been turned down over and over again because they would break the pvp, so it wouldnt happen

Please, just like religion and race and other flamable things, take your sense of morality to another game.

Killing someone because they have a backpack you want is just as immoral, yet look what your playing.

Your sense of morals is not the same as everyone else.

Not everyone is a saint.

Not everyone cares.

As well, tranquilizers could be reworked to fit into the game with enough thought.

Throwing something out of thought because you can't pull it off at the moment is just wasteful.

Edited by BobofTibia

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Hout about it's just a difficult to implement bad idea?


How about it's a MOD that is going standalone game with a playable version by fall, so it would be easier to implement later on and your concept of a bad idea is again not helpful and another opinion.

Also, I would like to see your extensive list of MOD's using the ARMA 2 engine, because obviously you know how hard it is to code something into DayZ, you must have numerous mods available.

Edited by BobofTibia

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Where is this censor ship law for cannibalism? The Elder-scrolls series has cannibalism in a couple titles. As do a few other games, as well as zombies are humans that eat flesh, wouldn't that be cannibalism anyhow? And there are MANY zombie games.

All of the arguments in this thread are easily debunked, thoughtless/clueless and not truly looked into, as well as opinionated, not helpful feedback.

AS I SAID, i wasnt sure if my sources were right, but seeing as ye have annoyed me for giving my personal opinion and not doing my "research".

Heres from the first paragraph on wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_Australia

"Censorship of video games and Internet sites hosted in Australia are considered to be the strictest in the western world"

Pretty much in lines with what ive heard. sooo yeeaa

Get off it, and actually do research on your comments people, after your done, think about what your going to post, if you don't like it, move on,or actually post something helpful.

So ignoring the comment on providing research rather than a fucking picture. I am fine with it, because it is still a good game. My views on censorship are probably a whole different debate, but they're still mine to state. Fuck you the simple sickle celled embolism, ill play what i want, along the lines of my views of censorship, that being; express what you want and dont restrict entry to anyone.

If its real, and absolutely disgusting, in an immersed world. We'll see how many engage, and how many decide to hunt em down XD

Sorry for the bump, i know this thread will probably piss peeps off but i dont like you (replieeeant)

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Alright i've done bit of a cleanup with the original post and added more mechanics to juice things up a bit. Stay tuned for more.

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if this was ever implemented, I'd probably feel I was watching some low-tier apocalyptic gore-porn film, not playing a zombie apocalypse survival game.

Your idea is good, just maybe it doesn't fit the theme. Perhaps on some other game..?

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Though i have bitched this thread, i do like the idea of tranqualizing a zed and placing them in a tactical location as defence against other players

But that's the ONLY thing i like here..

Edited by GexAlmighty

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I actually like the impalement idea of bandits and zombies, but I would say this - instead of tranq darts why not just knock a player unconscious or be able to "break" a zombies legs. Lets say with the zombie portion if you break the legs you have the option to drag the live zombie to said locaiton and "mount" him to the board - BUT - and heres the kicker - the farther you drag the zombie, the more likey they are to break free of your hold and either harm you or maul you. And for the zombie leg break thing, it would only be a set amount of time say.... 30 seconds or so? then they get right back up and raep time commences =D

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Updated the OP with more ingame mechanics although some of them may not necessarily be related to the actual subject.

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Added blood monitors and blood banks to the list of in-game mechanics. Some of them might seem quite far fetched or maybe not. Would definitely love to see some feedback. Might have been a bit strong with some of the critics here but i do want to hear your side of the story too as-well. Stay tuned for more for those interested.

Edited by twix

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