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DayZ is the wet dream of many a nerd, so it doesn't surprise me that it's brought ArmA2 to the top.

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arma 2 is one of the best army games out there.

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Because a lot of gamers are now jaded at the mass-marketed-dumbed-downed-casual-snore-fests that are becoming the norm in games, and are looking for some new challenges.

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Because there was a time where games offered a challenge. But you are probably too young to know those.

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Because a lot of gamers are now jaded at the mass-marketed-dumbed-downed-casual-snore-fests that are becoming the norm in games' date=' and are looking for some new challenges.


Couldn't have said it better, and it's getting worst every year.

I mean, 25 years ago I was playing fucking King Quest 3 in full text input mode, in ENGLISH (language i did NOT speak) and that game was frikkin deadly (damn you evul wizard!!).

Today, all I need to do is move my mouse about and it's like "oh you should really, REALLY, use that thing right here that is flashing all colors of the rainbow!!" followed by "woohoo, you got an achievement for using the item that was flashing like batshit crazy, congratulation!!".

At least this mod (and game, ARMA2 rocked before DAYZ), challenges me somewhat :)

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Cause Day Z, and by proxy, ARMA, is fucking better than everything else on Steam... And *gasp* It's in ALPHA!

Something massively significant to be said about that.

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because surviiving and unique PG is fantastic. i dont care about zombies and i dont hate them at the same time: personally they can replace zombies with AI lonewolf and gangs of survivors inside a post-apocaliptic scenario(post atomic war) for example. what brings me here is the great thing of trying to survive, ambush people, trying to hunt and destroy their camps ecc...


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I too was shocked that Dayz was outselling Max Payne 3, Torchlight 2, and Ghost Recon. A good kind of shocked, though. I think Dayz deserves the attention it's getting. Gaming needs a refresher, and this is it.

It speaks volumes that this mod is so good that it's bringing a fairly old game back from the grave.

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Just in case anyone out there hasn't caught on, and don't get me wrong because ARMA 2 is good for the market it's aiming for, the game is a top seller right now because of the DayZ mod. People are buying ARMA 2 to play DayZ, not to play ARMA 2 (though I'm sure many are trying out the original game too after playing DayZ for a bit).

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It speaks volumes that this mod is so good that it's bringing a fairly old game back from the grave.

Well. I don't see any irony.


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wtf after like all games like max payne 3 and resident evil Operation raccoon and all kind of game discount shit. Arma 2 :CO is still top seller? WTF

This game is a simulator wtf bro not a game

Yeah, but dude, bro, man, dude-bro-ski-man chill leet-speek bro....

Anyway, back to correct language, have you played that pile of crap called Resident Evil Op Racoon? If idiots like you buy that shit then we'll be glad that you don't play DayZ anymore. So run along now. Bro.

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It's a game if you do it for fun, no matter how realistic it is.

This doesn't actually surprise me to be honest. DayZ is the game many people have been wishing for for years and it's being developed by a dev awesome enough to not cave into whiners trying to make it easier.

I think DayZ could only have been a success as a mod though, and only as a mod for ArmA2. The formula is too risky for a AAA commercial game, and too ambitious for an Indie title or personal project. It needed to be built on an engine that supported large numbers of players on a single large map playing alongside hundreds of AI while still being a first person shooter. I can't think of another game that can do that. I suppose you could have modded the Unreal Engine or Cry Engine to work like that, but that would be exponentially more work and require someone creating the map, which is hardly trivial.

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This is great!

Maybe other game publishers will allow developers to try some new ideas and be more open in supporting the Mod community for their games.

This Mod DayZ has got me interested in Arma3 which looks cool.

I have also started to play around with Arma2 since I bought the Arma2/Arrow in order to play DayZ.

Great job with DayZ!

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I've always loved all the series Bohemia has put out Operation flaspoint - Arma 2: British Armed Forces.. And now most likely i will get the Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic, im glad to see that they got you interested but this is a def Army simulator this is dif from Call of Duty / Battlefield this is more intense ( I have the games BTW I love them too ). I am not hating on them but i love the open map you can go about your objectives your way. I hope every problem that was in Arma 2 is fixed i will always follow Bohemia in this series as i love what they do DayZ was just a good Addon to it.

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I grew up with games like Saint Dragon. Secret of monkey island. Shadow Dancer. Rtype II. games that had an unfair learning curve and coining them was an amazing feat of being a good gamer.

nowadays things that Initially were challenging are now catering for 12 year olds (warcraft and D3 i mean you). Arma is the only current game I could find that gives the old school "OH SHIT I'M GONNA DIE" buzz. that you'd get back in Streets of Rage when the unfair bosses came out and whooped your ass.

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I have seen renewed support for the modding community in another game I play on steam, Killing Floor (Zombie survival fps). This game too started originally as a mod (of Unreal Tournament), just recently for a summer update Killing Floor(KF) added a mess of new guns to the game (now stock guns!) that were created by modders in the community. DayZ has a very similar story as KF.

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Guys, he's using Max Payne and Racoon City as examples of "good" games that ArmA is beating out on Steam.

Obvious troll is goddamn obvious. Racoon City sucked.

Edited by thorgold

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