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Do we really NEED painkillers at the start?

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So I just recently realized, I've only had to use painkillers once since I started playing. Now this may be very lucky, but it got me thinking, do we need them from spawn?

From a gameplay standpoint, the shaking really only effects your aim, of a gun, something you don't have (and shouldn't have) when you start. It's not like your take damage and you bleed out, or break your leg and can't walk, you just can't aim a gun you don't have.

From a realism standpoint, if there was a zombie apocalypse, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd grab a can of food or some water before I'd grab some Tylenol. Not whining about not having food or water at the start, just being logical.

So consider this if you will an unofficial petition to remove painkillers from starting items, or just a discussion on painkillers. Thoughts?

Edited by HerrJon
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replace with a new item called splint, you can only use it once to repair a broken leg. thats once per life. So to avoid people substituing new players for walking hospitols but to give new players something a litte bit more helpful considering how gay breaking a leg is.

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While it doesn't effect you at first, I consider starting with painkillers a very good thing, if not a necessity. Just imagine that you have been looking for some kind of firearm for an hour and manage to find one, only to be stuck in a house in cherno, trying to stay down without the survivors that you can hear firing their weapons all across the city discovering you. If they found you when you were in shock and had no painkillers, the small chance that you would survive would be cut into fourths due to the fact that you can't aim straight. While it may not be an absolutly necessity, I do think that having it as a starting item is a good thing.

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I agree with the survivor standpoint. I am not leaving my house with painkillers before I leave with a can of soda, a can of beans and an FULL bottle of whiskey.

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You Have Obviously never been hit by a floor zombie while in a building and gotten the shakes 3 minutes after playing.

painkillers and a bandage, great starting items.

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Most players use the third person point of view and that doesnt interact well with being shaken up, try starting out on a server that has first person locked in. If you do anything with zombies you'll be using them pretty soon.

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I do think it's a good item to start with. Since i wouldn't grab bandage either i can't really relate but if i got some bandage i presume i would take som painkillers as well.

Not a very rare item either.

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Honestly, irl, I would get medicine( ie painkillers), tons of food, and all the guns I could get me and my companions to carry outta my gun cabinet. But from a dayz standpoint, I think they're needed. 1 it helps beginners.2 the pain is retarded in dayz. I've broken 6 bones, and had one of those breaks set twice, and my eyes didn't shake everywhere. And morphines a pain reliever too, so why doesn't it work as all purpose pain relief in dayz.

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