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Arma update nerfed revolver?

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try 7 hits from a makarov, lame! actually 1 took a full clip and didn't die at all.

Edited by disorder

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I...don't know what you're trying to say, but all I know is that Six Launcher updated for me today (nothing really to do with Arma though), but Arma2 CO updated via steam, nowhere else, only on steam.

When I launch the game via Six Launcher it launches it through steam though, so that might make a difference from someone who doesn't launch it through steam.

I see you are not that up with the way things work with arma and files.. but its fine, Ill make it simple..

My game files are not updated to 1.62 (base files)

I use the 1.62 beta package that uses the @beta link to run with latest versions of arma.

therefore the game is running from the beta (further worked on) files within 1.62 and not just the first stand alone 1.62 base changing files. which,, was that not meant to of started with 1.61 anyhow? not sure if that changed version for the main release though.

Its just after reading the forums some are running and wondering if its ok to just run the game with 1.62 changes and no beta.. complaining about lag and all sorts with servers when most know the fps is great of late. Servers as we know tend to be slow updating, and forcing us to use latest "beta's".. so maybe some are getting into servers without that also right now. Not to mention I go check again today and see another effing beta release :D

Edited by moosenoodles

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Can't you guys figure it out that some people's revolvers do 1 hit still and others don't? It's clearly not an intended thing. It's a bug.

I will try it and edit my result.

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Yup, can report that 1911 is bugged for me as well.

I wasn't referring to you as an individual, but your collective idiocy and inconclusive thinking.

Can we get someone to spank the ignorance out of this lil kid? Jebus...

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Can't you guys figure it out that some people's revolvers do 1 hit still and others don't? It's clearly not an intended thing. It's a bug.

I will try it and edit my result.

who said anything about it being intended? we're trying to figure out what's going on

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Small derail here for beta discussion :

Latest beta version is 1.62.95248 and my steam apparently updated my CO to version 1.62.95248. Seems latest beta AND the latest official patch are the same. Atleast version numbers on both occasions are the same(in main ArmA2 menu). And servers running 1.62 are actually 1.62.95248, atleast thats what it states in bottom right corner of server browser window.

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due to lack of revolver/1911 in my possession, i`ve tested g17. wiki states that its requires 3 body shots to kill, although on practice its 4-5.

server CA #79 taken from server name)


i`ve also saw some server actually running 95251(was unable to join them) and that patch doesnt exist in beta patch storage.

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Tested pre 1.62.95248 acquired M1911 and needed 2-4 upper torso shots to down infected.



Oh and the server was patched to the latest.

Edited by Luciferret

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Was playing yesterday with a friend and everything was normal one shot Zeds with the M1911 and now today after steam updated my Arma OA i get the same bugs people are talking about here.

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Still one shot for me.

Let's see, do you have the steam version?

Did your Steam Update the game or did you download the 1.62 patch for arma via the normal arma page or only by the six launcher?

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Let's see, do you have the steam version?

Did your Steam Update the game or did you download the 1.62 patch for arma via the normal arma page or only by the six launcher?

he may have not updated at all

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Same issue. I need 3-4 shots to body with 1911 and revolver. It nearly killed me today. 10 zombies behind me and I was in hall without exit. Without my friend, I would be dead.

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I'd be willing to put money on the fact that Detta isn't running the same version of arma 2 as the people having this problem. Thus why your not encountering the problem. Now quit acting like a fucking ass clown.

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I can confirm the bug. Revolver taking 4-5 shots to the center mass to down a zombie from a little over 50m away. m16a2 taking two shots. Zed hitpoints definitely seem to be buffed.

I'm running arma 1.62 (base files updated by steam), on a similarly patched server.

Edited by takfar

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I'd be willing to put money on the fact that Detta isn't running the same version of arma 2 as the people having this problem. Thus why your not encountering the problem. Now quit acting like a fucking ass clown.

^ exactly, not much noise out of the douche bag now is there? :D

Given the upcoming DayZ patch, I would guess Rocket will add a fix for this. Anyone tested if Axes are still one hit?

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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Ive been playing with my friend and both mine revolver as well as his M911 were not working on zombies, I found myself in position that after firing 4 times at zombies I started killing them with my rifle hence 4 hits didnt take zombie down which is totaly retarded.

Now we cant play since we dont want to waste rifle ammo on zombies, we would need to find some different pistols in order to play normally... Could we get at least some official answer about what is happening and why is this happening in the first place, is the dmg output lower for some reason?

Some people are saying that it works normally for them could they tell us which servers they use, which patch etc so we can at least find solution to this problem, maybe if someone could try to find new pistol and replace old one and see if that new works normally?

Tnx for any info...

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Just shoot the zombies in the head...

It makes you more attractive to women and causes you grow cool facial hair.

Edited by Dramatic Exit
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I can confirm the bug. Revolver taking 4-5 shots to the center mass to down a zombie from a little over 50m away. m16a2 taking two shots. Zed hitpoints definitely seem to be buffed.

I'm running arma 1.62 (base files updated by steam), on a similarly patched server.

Again, zed hitpoints were not buffed. a M16 should take 2 rounds center of mass to kill a zombie. It does at most 3555 damage per round.

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Just shoot the zombies in the head...

It makes you more attractive to women and causes you grow cool facial hair.

If your car breaks down you leave it where it happened and start walking from then on? Or do you go to the service with it?

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If your car breaks down you leave it where it happened and start walking from then on? Or do you go to the service with it?

1. I wasn't being entirely serious. I thought this would be fairly clear from the mildly stupid comment about growing women and being more attractive to beards.

2. I proposed a temporary solution to the issue, which I can presume is known about by the various devs, judging by the legion of people chanting "MY GUN IS BROKEN" in unison.

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