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Hunting bow

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ya know.. a cooler a one than the only currently in game. B)

Circle the wagons..

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Bows would be awesome! Maybe we should use bow´s as the new starting weapon! You should be also able to make bows out of wood or something like that

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to what purpose?

To hunt with and perhaps use as a fishing pole if I feel creative.

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Hmm, you seem to of drawn me into the idea with fishing pole adaptation XD Although steel bolts would have to be changed to wooden ones so that they could be used in both (seeing as so much other ammo is interchangeable).. plus yea they would need a quiver.

But i dont mind the idea, the more items they throw in to play around with the better. (as long as theyre keeping with the environment of course XD)

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(as long as theyre keeping with the environment of course XD)

On that note.. I'm more likely to find a chainsaw and chop my own leg off in the Dayz environment than ending it the quick way with a lee enfield.

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quivers for xbows, and also a better sight/optics on it as well

if they fix the xbow up they coudl make it so with collection some wood and scrap metal u could make ur own xbow bolts

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