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Quit quit quit...

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i hate people who always instantly quit the game after getting in a dangerous situation

i suggest the following:

1)after quitting a server a character stands still for 2 minutes (zombies that didn't follow him don't start to attack him) Every player can attack him

2)"Quitter" CAN'T join ANY server for 15 mins



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1.) 2 minutes is FAR too long. There should be a feature to prevent the instant logging off but IMO 10-30 seconds would be enough.

2.) Bad idea. I often play solo on a server, then friends come on TS and we switch servers to join up.

3.) This problem has been brought up numerous times, rocket is aware of the issue.

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Number one absolutely not no matter the time frame whether it be 1 second or 1 hour, that takes control away from the player and can get them killed with no means of defense as they are not there.

Number two however is plausible, there could be some kind of system which monitors disconnects in a certain period of time and will ban you from the game accordingly for how often you do it and the ban time will increase etc.

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Something must be done, we all agree about that.

In my opinion, vehicule glitchs, tents glitch and people disconnecting to avoid death are the 3 major things that need fixing asap. Even considering the fire/temperature problems.

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Perhaps a system like League of Legends has (not played in ages) but i believe upon leaving a match a player couldnt join another for 15 minutes with this effect doubling upon each further disconnect (30, hour, 2 hour etc).

This system does seem brutal of course, everyone has a life and may have to disconnect from time to time but if you think about it, people will think wisely before leaving knowing that they will have to wait to play again (not like waiting for server response doesnt do that job for us anyway ;) joking)

It will also fix the full server problem i mean, why should someone be allowed to disconnect and reconnect when other people are desperately trying to get into it too, if you disconnect you should lose the right to join for a few minutes letting new players into the server.

I know what your thinking now "well i'll just not disconnect then, ill stay at the player screen or just afk in a safe spot ingame until i come back" add a force kick to players who have not moved in the last 15 minutes

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I think instead of waiting 2 minutes, have some sort of a sleep function. To log out you must be sleeping. And entering "sleep mode" takes around 30-60 seconds. It's annoying as hell seeing people disconnect, a bandit was shooting at me, I landed a few shots on his chest with my AKM, he runs around the corner and disconnects. I wasted 1 out of 4 clips for that weapon and got NOTHING in return.

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So if you want to change server, you cant change server for 15 min. Seems legit.

I would suggest that if you are bleeding, or been attacked within 1-2 min you cant disconnect. You can exit the game via ALT F4, but then your character would stay inside game until you die or are not attacked.

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You (personally) have decided to quit! You go to somewhere you think is safe!

But uh oh, your IRL plans have just been canceled at the last second. Damn, that sucks. You decide to play some more DayZ, but WAIT, you can't because of a really dumb anti-rejoin system!

So you wait 15 minutes and rejoin another server, only to find that your spot in game wasn't so secret after all--you've respawned on the coast, with no way to possibly know what you died to or what you are up against if you decide to try and recover your body.


You can say that "won't happen" to you, but the fact is that your idea for this is terribly flawed and kind of dumb/childish. A much better solution provided by some other poster awhile ago is that when you logout, you're forced to stay still for 10-20 seconds before it fully logs you out. If you alt-F4 or something your guy is just stranded there for the same amount of time, but that's what you get for force closing.

EDIT: And a delay between joining servers is just way too dumb. There's so many reasons you might have to switch that it's not even funny.

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Something must be done' date=' we all agree about that.

In my opinion, vehicule glitchs, tents glitch and people disconnecting to avoid death are the 3 major things that need fixing asap. Even considering the fire/temperature problems.


^ This

Exploits are the last thing we want to worry about right now. Once other aspects of the game are more stable we can worry about that.

Even if people just log out and log back in now (I do), they'll wait the 2 minutes if they are stuck on a building with a billion zombies and no ammo. I find it similar to going to bed and waiting for the zombies to calm down.

Perhaps if they code zombies to eventually give up chasing you and wander away once they are out of range or can't get at you. (We're talking 10 minutes of inactivity) then we could implement a logout wait system.

Wow has a 10 second logout wait, so this game needs at least 1 minute with the option to cancel in the middle of it (or quick quit and risk losing everything in your absence.)

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Can`t the DEVs just add a mandatory logoff timer, say 15 seconds?

Not being able to join another server for 15 minutes would be really bad imho.

I do agree, it`s lame quitting while being attacked etc..

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I do not like the idea of being penalized and being unable to rejoin a server. Switching to play with friends?

Here's and Idea. You must SIT DOWN before being able to quit. Instead of just vanishing like a ghost.

Or if you DC you character just sits and logs off.

No timer. Just a quick animation.

Of course... how does that stop some one from just alt F4 or whatever.

Not something that is easily balanced with out potentially screwing players over.

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The logic is simple and it has been done before to great success on numerous titles with similar issues. PK MUDs were doing it in the 90's, and many PvP-oriented multiplayer games have done similar:

Player can receive 'NOQUIT' flag by taking or being the victim of various actions. An active NOQUIT flag means you cannot logout of the game until the flag expires - either by normal means, or by ALT-F4.

The duration of the flag depends on the severity/intensity of the action:

Kill a player, NOQUIT = 90s

Attack player, be attacked by player, NOQUIT = 60s

Attack zombie, attacked by zombie, NOQUIT = 45s

Pass near player you have not recently been near, NOQUIT = 20s

etc., etc. The timings are obviously imprecise and can be tweaked up or down to the DEV's liking - but the system itself is tried and proven to prevent these cheap evasion tactics.

Yes, this means that occasionally you will die to a particularly ill-timed disconnect, computer crash or power outage. The negative of these rare occurrences, however, is FAR outweighed by the increased integrity of the PvP system.

As it stands, the system is broken. Snipers can take a shot and logout if they miss. You can kill someone and logout before their friends find you. Hell, you can probably drop a grenade at your feet and logout before it explodes killing everyone in the room.

The problem is severe and the fix is simple. We call this "low hanging fruit."

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The logic is simple and it has been done before to great success on numerous titles with similar issues. PK MUDs were doing it in the 90's' date=' and many PvP-oriented multiplayer games have done similar:

Player can receive 'NOQUIT' flag by taking or being the victim of various actions. An active NOQUIT flag means you cannot logout of the game until the flag expires - either by normal means, or by ALT-F4.

The duration of the flag depends on the severity/intensity of the action:

Kill a player, NOQUIT = 90s

Attack player, be attacked by player, NOQUIT = 60s

Attack zombie, attacked by zombie, NOQUIT = 45s

Pass near player you have not recently been near, NOQUIT = 20s

etc., etc. The timings are obviously imprecise and can be tweaked up or down to the DEV's liking - but the system itself is tried and proven to prevent these cheap evasion tactics.

Yes, this means that occasionally you will die to a particularly ill-timed disconnect, computer crash or power outage. The negative of these rare occurrences, however, is FAR outweighed by the increased integrity of the PvP system.

As it stands, the system is broken. Snipers can take a shot and logout if they miss. You can kill someone and logout before their friends find you. Hell, you can probably drop a grenade at your feet and logout before it explodes killing everyone in the room.

The problem is severe and the fix is simple. We call this "low hanging fruit."


I like ALOOOOOT. :)

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The logic is simple and it has been done before to great success on numerous titles with similar issues. PK MUDs were doing it in the 90's' date=' and many PvP-oriented multiplayer games have done similar:

Player can receive 'NOQUIT' flag by taking or being the victim of various actions. An active NOQUIT flag means you cannot logout of the game until the flag expires - either by normal means, or by ALT-F4.

The duration of the flag depends on the severity/intensity of the action:

Kill a player, NOQUIT = 90s

Attack player, be attacked by player, NOQUIT = 60s

Attack zombie, attacked by zombie, NOQUIT = 45s

Pass near player you have not recently been near, NOQUIT = 20s

etc., etc. The timings are obviously imprecise and can be tweaked up or down to the DEV's liking - but the system itself is tried and proven to prevent these cheap evasion tactics.

Yes, this means that occasionally you will die to a particularly ill-timed disconnect, computer crash or power outage. The negative of these rare occurrences, however, is FAR outweighed by the increased integrity of the PvP system.

As it stands, the system is broken. Snipers can take a shot and logout if they miss. You can kill someone and logout before their friends find you. Hell, you can probably drop a grenade at your feet and logout before it explodes killing everyone in the room.

The problem is severe and the fix is simple. We call this "low hanging fruit."


Scratch my stupid idea.

This works best.

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As much as it pains me to draw anything from WoW to DayZ, I think a log-out-sit-down-timer (a la wow) would work as a solution here. Except have it at say 60 secs of vulnerability instead of just 10.

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15 Minute timer would not only stop people from disconnecting, it would also stop server hopping for items.

I like it.

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Perhaps a hybrid system?

10 seconds to "abort"

If you alt F4 or "DC" then it's 15 minute penalty.

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when people talk 'DC', are they also including uncontrollable connection loss or server crash in that? If so, it would be a harsh 15 min ban in that case... But I'm not sure if the server can distinguish between an alt-f4 and temporary net outage... ?

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Well as of just now reading through this thread, it seem the most recent idea I could say something about is the flag timer.

I personally tend to play at night so I will jump servers looking for one that is set to a time that is still daylight. So I tend to play Europe servers so that I can take in some sun while not having to worry about super packed servers during the day. So overall a time to wait after disconnecting period would be incredibly horrible for me. And various others who either are looking for a server that is either the time of day they want. Or people who get on one and as many have said friends get on another server and they want to go play with them.

The above flag system wouldn't take of anything except lock a person into a PvP situation. Which I don't believe in the purpose of this mod is to secure a kill for a person, while I'm sure the counter point would be. If you are shot at, you should hide until your flag expires. Most of the time the player about to kill you is already well aware of your location and is following.

Personally, I have never disconnected when being chased by zombies. I have never server jumped once I had a spot and was exploiting loot. And even in one case was shot dead in the head by a Bandit had my friend trapped on the roof in Cherno as zombies swarmed the base of the building, I ran back. Snuck up the roof got ALL of my shit back. + What I spawned with, and then got off the roof and out of Cherno with MORE from the medical tents.

There has been ONE situation in which I have Logged out from a bandit attack. It was night at the NW Airfield. No moon, and it was cloudy. Two shots and both of my friends were dead. So it was clear to me he had Night vision and a long range rifle. So I sat where I was for a moment or two to see if he was going to come looking for the bodies to see if I could pop him. When he didn't I got the hell off the server to not be next on the menu.

But to agree with a previous post. This is FAR from the worst issue in the mod right now, and as such it is not something that Rocket should really be worrying about right now. If people are quitting or exploiting loot right now let them. It's an ALPHA, things will be broken and exploited. That is the point of this Alpha is for us to test things and for people to play and show how things will be exploited. As I'm well aware Rocket knows that the problem exists but will work on it as he feels it's most important on his plate at the moment.

tl;dr The Wait affects too many people who don't deserve it. And Rocket has much more important things to work on.

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' pid='48909' dateline='1337700779']tl;dr The Wait affects too many people who don't deserve it. And Rocket has much more important things to work on.

I'm really at a loss for how you can dismiss this as unimportant. What is more important in a PvP-focused zombie survival game than an incredibly simple exploit executed with two keystrokes that completely eliminates all threats from zombies and most threats from PvP?

Zombies are supposed to make it hard to gather loot and survive. As it stands' date=' many people simply run headlong full bore through the middle of town until they reach their destination, disconnect and relog to free loot.

As for PvP - headshots become the only reliable method for successfully defeating an enemy. Anything else and either player is free to end the combat in an instant with two keystrokes.

It's insanely game-breaking. Yes, there are other severe bugs but to pretend this is unimportant is a special kind of ignorant.

I personally tend to play at night so I will jump servers looking for one that is set to a time that is still daylight.

Okay - unless you're engaging zombies or players in combat or running around gathering loot between "hops" then my proposal would not affect you.

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' pid='48909' dateline='1337700779']

There has been ONE situation in which I have Logged out from a bandit attack...

The Wait affects too many people who don't deserve it.

But you're a perfect example of a person who does.

Regardless, what I'd like to see is a myriad of anti-DC mechanics tried out. This is, after all, an Alpha, and that mechanic must be tested just as much as anything else.

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' pid='48909' dateline='1337700779']

There has been ONE situation in which I have Logged out from a bandit attack...

The Wait affects too many people who don't deserve it.

But you're a perfect example of a person who does.

Regardless' date=' what I'd like to see is a myriad of anti-DC mechanics tried out. This is, after all, an Alpha, and that mechanic must be tested just as much as anything else.


Then it will have plenty of time to be tested after the much more important things are tested. If I were to be penalized for looking for a Europe server with light, so I don't play constantly in the dark.

I'd just go flat bandit. No care for my items. Just murdering for the hell of murdering and causing people to want to DC and get penalized.

What I do I do when I'm hidden away in the forest. FAR from any loot or other people. I'm simply looking for a server with a little sun. Up to this point I haven't even killed another person due to wanting to see how high I can get my humanity. I believe this wait timer is being pushed by people who:

A.) Know a spot someone was putting up barbed wire and such to jump around for loot.

B.) Had a guy with loot in their sights. Shot a round and they DC'ed.

C.) Or generally just have no other gripes about the game to want to pursue this.

It is being abused by some. That is no lie. But abusing it by looking for a server that has daytime? I'm pretty sure that looking for sun, and being off the beaten path so as to not spawn on others.

Is not even similar as some people jumping from server to server spawning in Cherno or Electro to see who they can kill and then jumping to another. Or eating up the loot in one spot and then DC'ing off to another.

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I personally support the idea of a sit-down logout timer. I don't know if it's possible, but if the server could maintain your connection for 30 seconds or so and then save your status that'd be ideal. Unfortunately it's not possible to tell the difference between cheating and genuine crashing, but I'd be willing to put up with the odd loss because of a crash, if it meant removing these exploits.

As it is, doesn't the server now force saver your status when you quit now, as of I thought I saw it in the patch notes. So if you get shot and log out, you'll just come back and die. The right people don't get your stuff, but you'll still be dead. Correct me if I'm wrong anyway.

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"]It is being abused by some. That is no lie...

But you said you DC'd when you felt in danger by bandits. That's exactly the sort of behaviour we're trying to avoid.

Either way, I fully agree that this is all secondary. It's not a major issue and should not be put ahead of other features.

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