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Norway 13/11 - Hacked weapons

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DayZ - Norway 11 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) SOA - Sons of Anarchy [3DP: ON - CH: OFF] dayzmod.com - hosted by [sOA]


DayZ - Norway 13 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) lulz dayzmod.com

Time and timezone:

02:30 (night time) GMT +2

What happend during the incident:

Me and my friend managed to kill a guy with a ghillie suit on top of a building in Chernogorsk.

When we went over to loot the body, this is what we found:



Look at that hacked AS50 with thermal!

Anyways, this guy has been ghosting us since we killed him. He tried to loot his body, but we hid it with his weapon and destroyed it.

For about 2 and a half hour he has been trying to log onto other servers and log onto the same we were on back again.

The strange thing is that we killed him on Norway 13 and switched server when a chopper started going for us (Are choppers even in the game at the moment?)

We switched to Norway 11, and somehow he followed us on there and tried to ghost us. He logged on right behind my back some minutes ago.

We've had some shady shit going on with the admins for a long time on Norway 11. They've been taking the server down right before we killed them etc, but that is unrelevant in this post.

Thanks :)

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I was there as well, and I can confirm that this information is correct.

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A lot of shit has been going on on Norway 11. Choppers being spawned and used to demolish the major cities etc.

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Every player on Norway 1 (including me) recieved the "best" gear yesterday, including the AS50, out of nowhere. I threw mine away but I'm pretty sure not everyone did.

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The Norway servers are shady as shit. Please look into them oh mighty DayZ devs <3

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I have 3 tents on Norway 13, now the server is down :(

Edited by Fryseboks

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Last night a group of players just got killed on Norway 13. I was walkning in an open field when I just fell over and died.

I saw serveral other "xxx where killed" like 8 -10 people at the same time.

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