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Player kill registration removal

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I hope this hasn't been suggested or being planned... if it has I apologize.

I suggest, as a test during alpha at least, the removal of kill registration. During our Charlie Foxtrot tournament we removed this feature and immediately we could see a dramatically different behavior in players. Fights became much more tense as neither party knew whether or not the others were dead after an engagement. You would have to investigate your kills to make certain you got them, potentially exposing yourself.

It takes the unrealistic certainty out of engagements. "I know I got him because his name popped up dead". At first I can imagine many people not really being very confident about this feature (or lack of a feature rather) but the changes are dramatic and very beneficial to the experience in terms of realism and immersion.

I think it's worth a try, what do you guys think?

(Again, apologies if this is planned or has already been suggested.)

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This is very common in Project Reality. You have to confirm kills all the time if you haven't seen them go down. I think it would make the game much more interesting. I've used the kill message to detect if somebody is a bandit judging by the sound of gunfire ending with player death.

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Aye would love to see this removed, no more sniping until the kill message pops up.

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As I said, the way to remove this is to just ask your server admin (Find a server you like, and stick with it) to set:


In their difficulty profiles.

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Is it independant from 'player disconnected' messages? Because it would be awful having to lose sight of who just disconnected after being shot, to gain this added realism of not knowing when someone has died.

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To be honest I'd like to see a bit more standardization across servers considering you end up joining the one that isn't full rather than the one with the rules you like.

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To be honest I'd like to see a bit more standardization across servers considering you end up joining the one that isn't full rather than the one with the rules you like.

Kill messages are part of the difficulty files, which are up to the server owners discretion to change. That's why you can have 3rd person on/off servers, crosshair on/off servers, etc.

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UK4 has this disabled, and it does indeed change the atmosphere.

My regulars love this!

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That'd be cool to see standard in the game but they'd have to fix a person's body disappearing if they logout after dying.

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UK4 has this disabled' date=' and it does indeed change the atmosphere.

My regulars love this!


Boom, there you go, a server admin that likes them off, looks like you guys found a server to play on. I personally like the kill messages, and leave them on, but have other features turned off that I don't (Crosshairs and nameplates, fuck 400m wall hacks). Just gotta find a server admin that shares your preferences.

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Is there a list of what servers have what settings somewhere? There should be, because I love this. UK4 just took the top spot when I'm looking for servers.

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Perhaps I'm missing something here, but can't you just look at your 'Murders' or 'Bandits Killed' count on the upper right of your screen to ascertain if the person you just shot at died? That's what I always do, as, when people are chatting, text displaces the kill information so quickly; and, often, I'm not actually sure what the name is of person I'm shooting at, so the name that comes up could quite easily be of someone else on the server who has just been killed at the same time.

As long as we have information on how many people we have killed, removing the kill registration information won't affect much.

Still, I'm going to say no, because I like to see how much killing is being done on the server and what the outcome of the firefight I'm monitoring (and about to intervene in!) is. But, then, as a homicidally inclined player, I would say that.

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I'd love to see it standardized personally. I think it would be valuable to the experience.

And yes I'd imagine you could currently use the debug window to ascertain whether or not you scored a kill... but it's a debug window and I can't imagine it will be active on release.

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They are turned off on Expert servers.

It is awesome, you then have to shoot the guy an extra time, just in case.

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Yeah and if you aren't sure you both may just deem is suitable to get the hell out of there rather than risk investigating or sitting around.

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I'd love to see it standardized personally. I think it would be valuable to the experience.

And yes I'd imagine you could currently use the debug window to ascertain whether or not you scored a kill... but it's a debug window and I can't imagine it will be active on release.

Unless rocket want's to suppress something that is already part of the server config, I don't see why admins shouldn't have a choice. I like having kill notifications on so when "Joe" dies, because he hasn't changed his in game name from his windows profile, and everyone yells NOOOOOOOOOO JOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the chat, it's hilarious. And I play this game to enjoy myself.

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