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Weapon Maintenance

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I imagine this maby have already been a raised suggestion and i apologize if it has already but i searched for a while and couldn't see anything associated with this.

I served in the military and can tell you that you spend a good amount of your time looking after your kit, Primarily your weapon. I think it would be a nice feature to add a weapon cleaning kit.

Maby even a " complex " cleaning system. What i mean by that is opposed to scroll wheel clean weapon 5 secs later it's done.

More along the times of doing a barrel pull through/cleaning chamber/firing pin/bolt assembly/tmh/magazines also need to be cleaned! and taking a reasonable amount of time 60-120 seconds? or even what the player decides? and each different type of cleaning to alter the output of the guns performance and im not talking "call of gayness" my gun can shoot 4574576567 bullets in quarter of a second and i can fly and im a pony, NO im talking about having a slight alt on the zeroing of the weapon making you need to aim accordingly to the "quality" of the weapon.

Another feature that i personalty think would add more realism and ( hyper simulation ) to the weapon side of DayZ is using a colomator to align your scope so you can accurately alter the scope so you know your "crosshair" is accurate

what do you guys think? would you like this feature? would you change anything on it :) Let me/ and more importantly the DayZ team hear what you think.

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I think Rocket plans to do something along these lines. Weapon degradation and the like so that you have to look after your choice of Z killing machine.

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I would love this. This would add a crazy sense of realism to the game and bring forth more survival requirements.

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I think Rocket plans to do something along these lines. Weapon degradation and the like so that you have to look after your choice of Z killing machine.

Yeah, I think it's in this FPS Guru Interview, if not... Apologies for the link.

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I definitely would support something like this. It would add a whole 'nother aspect to firing your gun. Your hunger and thirst degrade, why shouldn't your weapon? Even in the best conditions a gun is not going to last forever if it isn't well maintained. Good idea :) I'll give you some beans for that.

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And of course certain guns will require less maintenence based on the requirements of their real life counterparts.

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I like this idea. Perhaps going prone and crawling around could make more dirt go into your weapon? I served too and spent quite a bit of time cleaning my weapon and took care to do my best to keep it clean.

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I imagine this maby have already been a raised suggestion and i apologize if it has already but i searched for a while and couldn't see anything associated with this.

I served in the military and can tell you that you spend a good amount of your time looking after your kit, Primarily your weapon. I think it would be a nice feature to add a weapon cleaning kit.

Maby even a " complex " cleaning system. What i mean by that is opposed to scroll wheel clean weapon 5 secs later it's done.

More along the times of doing a barrel pull through/cleaning chamber/firing pin/bolt assembly/tmh/magazines also need to be cleaned! and taking a reasonable amount of time 60-120 seconds? or even what the player decides? and each different type of cleaning to alter the output of the guns performance and im not talking "call of gayness" my gun can shoot 4574576567 bullets in quarter of a second and i can fly and im a pony, NO im talking about having a slight alt on the zeroing of the weapon making you need to aim accordingly to the "quality" of the weapon.

Another feature that i personalty think would add more realism and ( hyper simulation ) to the weapon side of DayZ is using a colomator to align your scope so you can accurately alter the scope so you know your "crosshair" is accurate

what do you guys think? would you like this feature? would you change anything on it :) Let me/ and more importantly the DayZ team hear what you think.

Come on, man, you didnt really search, did you? Look at the post tags, 'weapon maintenance' and 'gun maintenance', or just 'maintenance', lol


As someone above mentioned, yes, rocket already said he's curious exploring this soon

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