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Has DayZ made you laugh out loud?

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I had this happen a week ago or so... I was playing solo and was in Cherno, in the building I like to call "the school" which has a nice view of the supermarket. Well I hear two players talking, but I cant quite make out what they are saying. All of a sudden they both point their weapons in my direction, so I take a few quick shots with my revolver and run off. Eventually I made my way into the market and discover 3 guys... we exchange some quick supplies (blood, ammo, etc) and one says "keep your head down, there is a bandit out there taking shots at us". I decided not to tell them that was me.

Another quicky: I was exploring the hospital in Elektro. I randomly hit the "look behind you" keys from time to time and I barely see a guy with a rifle... but his round made a shower of sparks on a tank trap that was right next to me (probably blocked the shot). I start yelling "friendly" while running knowing that it does not make a difference, the guy is going to kill me. I guess my voice attracted another surviver who came after me with a hatchet, swinging for a kill. I yell "run!" and he keeps trying, until the sniper takes HIM out. That gave me enough time to run off, giggling to myself the whole way. It felt like a nature documentary... "one fish tries to eat another fish, gets devoured by shark".

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One situation I had was, I had just started again in Kamenka and was crouch walking towards the town as another survivor ran up and started circling me. He kept talking to me about getting a mic and I had one, I just couldnt be bothered setting it up because I wasnt planning to play for long but anyone he kept circling me saying "you should get a mic you should get a mic" then a zombie realised and came running at him and me, I got up and sprinted and he followed and looking behind me we had a trail of zombies, me at the front and this guy behind me saying "you should get a mic, see that zombie has a mic"

was hilarious

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My friend and I were in hysterics the other night when a long chain on non-sensical events left us with a jeep full of guns and ammo and shit. It's a crazy world.

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I laugh a lot at the things that happen in DayZ. Most recent hilarious moment was me accidentally murdering Caviano in a darker than dark server when our group was in a panic. I felt bad, but I couldn't help but laugh.

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Oh yeah, raining zombies is great.

"you should get a mic, see that zombie has a mic"

was hilarious


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bungie jumping zombies. It gets me everytime.

This needs some elaboration?

I laughed earlier as a bandit attempted to shoot a friend, watching from afar I then saw this bandit get nommed by 5 or 6 zombies that snuck up behind him!

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I was playing with two buddies around the NE Airfield and we found an outhouse in a barn. I was in a careless mood and opened it and tried to enter, went prone and sat there while my buddies had a laugh. Well, one of them decided to close the outhouse door. My leg instantly broke and I went to -17000 blood. We laughed for about 5 minutes because an outhouse door killed me.

Good times.

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This needs some elaboration?

I laughed earlier as a bandit attempted to shoot a friend, watching from afar I then saw this bandit get nommed by 5 or 6 zombies that snuck up behind him!

Was this in Elektro?

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I just got this game 3 days ago and I am completely in love with it. Possibly the best mod for any game ever.

The funniest thing that has happened to me so far was me and 2 friends were playing and scavaging for supplies. we came to a barn that had 2 hay lofts on each side. my friend climbed to the top loft and fell and broke his legs. he crawled behind some crates while me and my other friend went to get him morphine. he was probably laying in that barn not moving for about 15 mins when a random walks in right passed him. my friend asks is that you and I'm like no and hes like oh shit dude some guy just went up in these hay lofts and didnt even see me. I tell my friend to press caps lock and say "what do you want from me" in a batman voice. he cracks up then does it and the guy starts looking all around frantically. my friend then proceeds to kill the guy. lol all of this was done with broken legs crawling the whole time. lmao

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Everytime i play the game i laugh. Shooting people is fun, especially when i have a couple friends doing it with me, sniping in cherno all day err day.

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I had not thought of rocking the batman voice, I mean it is supposed to be scary...


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Funniest thing is when I saw 4 guys driving in the NW airfeild in a UAZ or whatever they're called. Being chased by about 50 zeds. One shot from my AS50 took out their tire and laughed all the time they where being eaten.

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I got this bus once in this dark as **** server. I wasn't going to play there anymore and it was a fresh character so I decided to drive it to the NW airfield.

So I got in the bus and started mic spamming the "Baby don't hurt me" song on repeat as I drive around the island.

So as soon as I make my way into the airstrip - mind you, I have the voice chat open with "baby don't hurt me" going on and I keep honking in the rhythm - so anyways, as soon as I get to the tower - with my disco-ball bus - like 15 people open fire at the bus, there are bullets everywhere and I still go "BABY DON'T HURT ME NO MORE" when I finally die.

I swear I never laughed as hard as I did in any other game. Totally worth it.

Edited by Dickhat

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The first time i threw a grenade, my 3 friends close to me didn't laugh that much though....

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Me and a friend had NVGs and NV FALs and went to the Airfield. We found a bus in perfect condition on the runway. We drove it outta there not really caring, driving straight across the airfield. So we headed back to camp. At the next town (Grishino) we found another bus in perfect condition with some basic gear in it. All of this happened within 15 minutes. We got a real kick out of finding the second one. We are currently looking for a third one. To make the ultimate bus convoy. Why? Why not?

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Every night....Running threw Elektro detaining & searching noobs while blasting "Cops, Bad Boys theme song" in direct channel. Then barbwireing them in one of the rooms in the bottom of the cafe'. "Sir we found Coke on you, your looking at some real time here..".....of course its coca-cola but we have to make due...Oh and we never "place evidence in there backpacks" :rolleyes: :P !!!

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Every night....Running threw Elektro detaining & searching noobs while blasting "Cops, Bad Boys theme song" in direct channel. Then barbwireing them in one of the rooms in the bottom of the cafe'. "Sir we found Coke on you, your looking at some real time here..".....of course its coca-cola but we have to make due...Oh and we never "place evidence in there backpacks" :rolleyes: :P !!!

Genius sir! Best thing i have heard for a while.

Last night was the end to one of the longest life i've had yet. Progress of about 2 weeks, i was decked out in almost everything thing this game has to offer (MK 48, NVG, rangefinder, ghillie suit, GPS,etc literaly the only thing missing was a compass for some reason). Anyway my team end up with a Ural, UAZ and me on a bike (this is a different story on how i lost the bike), we did the whole convoy thing till we found a site to hide the ural while we went to search for more tents in the UAZ. Both vehicles almost full we began to transfer the gear to the ural.

This is what i started to do (standing outside the car, while the driver is still in, waiting) while standing on the drives side searching the gear. It was a night time server and i was the only one with the nvg. All i hear is the driver say im gonna hop out and help( me thinking nothing of it). As soon as he gets out, i hear my guy scream bloody murder, bones cracking and i fall over then see a YOU ARE DEAD. Every one else freaks and assume a shooter. 2 mins past and no shots, then i ask my friend " did you hear me die when you got out the car?" he said "yea, it scared this shit out of me". i congratulate him on his murder as we laugh to tears, on the irony of my death, considering all the stuff that has happened to me before on this guy.

As they offer to grab my stuff and bring it to me, i say "you keep what you kill" (awesome movie reference) which made my night.

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>> Walking around down in Cherno with a friend like a couple fresh spawned nubcakes scoping for beans.

>> Sniper on the roof, "oh shit ninja get down!".

>> Hit the deck, look up at sniper. Not sure if spotted, or safe.

>> Sniper leans to the left, leans to the right, leans to the left, leans to the right.

>> Friend grows balls, wants to communicate with it.

>> Friend stands up, leans to the left, leans to the right, leans to the left, leans to the right.

>> Bullet drills through skull, friend falls down dead.

>> I laid there for the next ten minutes laughing IRL not giving a shit if I die or not

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A friend and me were crawling, he rolled over me and broke my legs..We got enough medicals so it was not a problem. But we laughed the shit out of us because my player made such a fag noise when he broke his legs.

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