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Important information about arma 2 OA patch 1.62!!!!

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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:58 AM, Barney said:

Nah,I actually wen't there and it told me to pay.


Uhh... No.


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Okay, lets get this out of the way, shall we...


If ARMA2 / DayZ is the only game you play through Steam, then you might be able to avoid it for a short while by using Offline Mode now and forever after, but chances are it will eventually bug out and you'll have to go online at some point to straighten it out. If you play other games, clearly this isn't an option, so get over it and just let the inevitable occur and allow the update to proceed smoothly.

Still having problems with the update in regards to the base game, DayZ or your relationship status?


Are we all better now? Good.

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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:57 AM, Anton17 said:

That's sort of what happens with a MULTIPLAYER UPDATE when the updates are based both on the CLIENT AND SERVER so its probably going to take A LITTLE WHILE BEFORE YOU CAN PLAY.

This is a mod, NOT the official game, so of course there are going to be compatibility issues! Most of the servers probably aren't even updated yet, who knows whats going on with the BETA or if its even still required, there are the goddamn morons that try and stop the download and then wonder why things don't work, just the same as trying to rollback...

Do yourself a favor. Go have a coffee or a smoke or love-session or whatever it is you do to relax OTHER than playing DayZ and wait for problems to resolve themselves.

Its a pretty big community. If it takes longer than a day, I would be surprised. Have a little patience.

No, I understand all of this and it's partly on me for running steam while I'm playing the game. However, that doesn't mean steams forceful updates isn't bullshit. It could at least prompt you, "In order to play multiplayer you must update to patch:XXXX"

Like I said, it's mostly on me, for not realizing I shouldn't run steam while playing the mod, and I put no blame on the Dayz developers, patchers etc.

I mostly blame steam, though.

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gah, ill give it a day or 2 then try to play DayZ again

problems have been found, more patches will come out to help fix these problems

the world wont come to a grinding halt(well i hope not anyway)

guess ill have to read a book or play a different game untill the issue is fixed

OH NO!!! its offical, the world has come to an end


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  On 7/25/2012 at 5:21 AM, sambody said:

I heard it's porn here somewhere?

Your display picture goes so well with this.


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Hey guys, remember all those beta patches we have been downloading and updating our game with...

guess what they finally got it far enough to consider all the beta's a full release. The game has updated for the better and as a result DayZ and servers must get updated for us to continue playing.

Downgrading is completely pointless as by this time tomorrow most servers will only allow the newest update.

Remember, like any game when a major patch/update happens it usually breaks mods/servers. Wait it out and everything will be fine and for the next while we wont have to download daily beta patches.

Edited by painfulleap1

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For the server kicked problem, make sure Arma 2: OA is updated and right click them in steam > properties > verify for both Arma 2 and OA. Worked for my friend after getting kicked from at least 10 servers.

Edited by Nashy08

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  On 7/25/2012 at 5:06 AM, OddGamer said:

its an update... idiot

Yeah,I found out how to help you..Not gonna do it now tho.


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Lol,It's clearly a virus (Trolling for the retards).Also you can't tell me what to do ill keep talking about porn.

Yes,Redtube told me to pay...So.. :l

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updated earlier today and everything is working fine for me. instead of fear mongering maybe the OP should actually explain wtf is going on

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  On 7/25/2012 at 6:18 AM, Bulldog1775 said:

How do I check if I have the update?

I think ARMA has a version thing in the bottom right-hand corner when you run it. What version you're looking for beats me though.

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Ok. Sorry for not fully explianing myself. Figured that the link would explain this. So, what the patch does besides all the great things described in the release notes is that essentially this update has the potential to give hackers full access to your windows pc aka: take over your pc, access your local files, etc. Dialogue has been exchanged with bis and they stated that it is nothing to worry about as only a few people have the know how to do this. However, this does not change the fact that a patch was implemented that has the potential to take over your pc and access your local files. I know the op with the link to the wiki is vague and few would fully understand the potential harm. So i posted this to help explain. I hope to get someone with even more knowledge of this update to post a better explaination. So check back later tonight.

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  On 7/26/2012 at 5:09 PM, mastercheeze said:

Ok. Sorry for not fully explianing myself. Figured that the link would explain this. So, what the patch does besides all the great things described in the release notes is that essentially this update has the potential to give hackers full access to your windows pc aka: take over your pc, access your local files, etc. Dialogue has been exchanged with bis and they stated that it is nothing to worry about as only a few people have the know how to do this. However, this does not change the fact that a patch was implemented that has the potential to take over your pc and access your local files. I know the op with the link to the wiki is vague and few would fully understand the potential harm. So i posted this to help explain. I hope to get someone with even more knowledge of this update to post a better explaination. So check back later tonight.

But you know that that is possible without downloading anything? just clicking a link on the internet can cause that someone is able to access all your local files, if your computer has so weak defences that it can be taken over.

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  On 7/26/2012 at 5:42 PM, Slitter said:

But you know that that is possible without downloading anything? just clicking a link on the internet can cause that someone is able to access all your local files, if your computer has so weak defences that it can be taken over.

Indeed, however this is about code written in a military simulator that we as civillians play as a game. Like i said more details will be given later.

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