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Fixing Bandit System

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No, I don't want to remove bandits. Although I disagree with their methods.

I have a simple solution I think everyone will like

When a bandit kills his first victim, the victim automatically drops a "Camo suit" which the bandit wears.

Upon their second kill they get a "Camo Paint", which the bandit applies to their skin, giving them a woodland camouflage texture to their skin to match the uniform.

Upon their third kill, they get a free ghillie. Upon their fifth kill, the bandit's footsteps no longer make sound.

Now this sounds all fine and good for bandits, and I bet some other people would disagree with this. So now theres the other spectrum

When a non-bandit kills a bandit, the bandit drops a "Kevlar vest", Which is black and blue, like a swat uniform. This vest will protect the survivor and negate up to 95% of the damage from the bullets from weaponry that hits them in their torso area. (ARMS AND LEGS STILL VULNERABLE WITH ONLY THE VEST.)

9mm: Vest protects 95% of damage, no broken bones, no bleeding. Not even shock.

5.45: Vest protects 80% of damage, no broken bones, 40% chance of bleeding (yes I know its a higher chance than 5.56, but it's a thinner bullet.)

5.56mm: Vest protects 75% of damage, no broken bones, 20% chance to cause bleeding, no knock out.

7mm (CZ550): 70% of damage. no broken bones, 40% chance of bleeding, no knock out.

7.62mm: 60% of damage. no broken bones. 20% chance of bleeding. No knock out.

7.7mm .303 (Lee Enfield): 50% of damage protected. 50% chance of bleeding. No knock out.

45ACP(M1911, Revolver): This one all depends with range, up close, you're protected from 40%. Every meter after that is 1% more protection. 30% chance of bleeding.

12.7mm (50Cals): 30% of damage is protected. Broken Bones, 100% chance of bleeding, knocked out.


Slug: Protects from 50% of damage. 50% chance to knock out.

Pellets: Protects from 95% of damage, 0% chance to knock out.

2nd bandit kill: Kevlar leggings: Tired of those pesky broken bones? only 7.62 or higher can break your legs, and they must hit you in the leg. (Slugs break legs, they are over 7.62)

3rd bandit kill: Woven arm kevlar: Applies all of the stats from the kevlar vest and applies them to your arms.

4th bandit kill: Ceramic plated helmet w/ visor: Reduces explosive damage done to you by 50%. protects from up to 3 total 9mm rounds. Helmet visor means focus, and less suppression from being shot at.

5th bandit kill: Reinforced armor: 50 cals don't knock you out, you don't bleed from being shot.


Kevlar doesn't protect from falling damage or zombies. No stats apply in those areas.

Well guys, tell me whatcha think.

Edited by HacksignX
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Of course, a lot of people would probably prefer the kevlars for the safety. But then again, bandits can just kill anyone they want to get their stuff. Bandit killers, on the other hand, have only 1 out of 3 kinds of people they can kill. They can't kill neutrals or other bandit killers.

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Sounds interresting, but instead of 1 or two kills make it.

10 kills: Bandit Camo

25 kills: Warpaint

50 kills: Free Guillie

the silent footsteps seems alittle too OP.

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The first statement about the bandit skin was implemented a while ago and then taken out due to bandits not wanting to be bandits anymore and bandits being shot on sight instantly.

The rest of your points dont make alot of sense with the mechanics of arma 2 as that would make people nearly invincible as most shots hit the torso

Dont want to be mean just saying that your second statement would make alot of things OP and sounds alot like the COD/BF3 unlock system which doesnt really make sense

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Maybe 10 kills is free ghillie. It's so much easier to be a bandit than bandit killer.

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Honestly, it sounds like a perk system for Call of Duty. I mean, this fix could work for another game, just not this one.

Why should the bandits get equipment that makes them harder to locate/kill for a simple murder?

Rocket has already said that he wont limit friendly fire, because that is not what this game is about. This is not WoW, there are not factions. There are play-styles. Too many confuse banditry with murder. Banditry is NOT murdering people. Murdering is just the current yard stick for humanity. Stealing supplies, blowing up/ stealing vehicles, robbing, raiding... these are what real bandits do. They do not just rack up kills with a AS50 on the hill north of cherno.

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It's more like a reward system to further extend your role. If you wish to kill bandits, you get things that make you better at killing bandits.

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This is so incredibly unrealistic and ridiculous. Not to mention, kevlar body armor won't protect you from higher power handgun rounds, yet alone a .308, 5.56, or 7.62x39. Only thing that will protect you from that are metal or ceramic plates, which are heavy as hell and restrict movement big time, and even then, they knock you down, take the wind out of you, and usually crack a rib or two when you get hit. They're also only good for one shot, then they need replaced. To protect yourself from a .50, you'd be litterally immobile you'd have to wear so much armor.

Basically what this does is lets survivors become tanks that are damn hard, if not impossible, to kill. Because when you go inland most players are bandits anyway and you won't be getting many murders. This isn't as bad as many suggestions I've seen, but it's far from good.

Edited by Nick8478

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The first statement about the bandit skin was implemented a while ago and then taken out due to bandits not wanting to be bandits anymore and bandits being shot on sight instantly.

The rest of your points dont make alot of sense with the mechanics of arma 2 as that would make people nearly invincible as most shots hit the torso

Dont want to be mean just saying that your second statement would make alot of things OP and sounds alot like the COD/BF3 unlock system which doesnt really make sense

The mechanics make alot of sense in scripting. It's actually very easy to do these scripts (50% damage to X body part),,, etc, etc,

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This is so incredibly unrealistic and ridiculous. Not to mention, kevlar body armor won't protect you from higher power handgun rounds, yet alone a .308, 5.56, or 7.62x39. Only thing that will protect you from that are metal or ceramic plates, which are heavy as hell and restrict movement big time, and even then, they knock you down, take the wind out of you, and usually crack a rib or two when you get hit. They're also only good for one shot, then they need replaced. To protect yourself from a .50, you'd be litterally immobile you'd have to wear so much armor.

Basically what this does is lets survivors become tanks that are damn hard, if not impossible, to kill. Because when you go inland most players are bandits anyway and you won't be getting many murders. This isn't as bad as many suggestions I've seen, but it's far from good.

To protect is far different than to survive.

Body armor is incredibly resilient and stops 7.62 rounds, with much bruising and damage done to the person from the kinetic energy transfer. Although, .50 cal is a very large stretch to make. xP

Edited by HacksignX

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and, what do you mean it makes survivors incredibly hard and impossible to kill? I never said anything about headshots outside of small 9mm low-velocity handgun rounds. Body armor WILL protect you from the standard 1911 ACP. Not a magnum, I know that for sure. There is way too much energy behind it. But 1911 .45 acp rounds have trouble penetrating so many things, they're used for their stopping power due to their low speed and high surface area to transfer energy into a body. The goal of body armor is to prevent intra-cavity penetration. Not deflect bullets like superman.

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According to NIJ standard-0101.04:

Type I (.22 LR; .380 ACP). This armor protects against .22 long rifle lead round nose (LR LRN) bullets, with nominal masses of 2.6 g (40 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 320 m/s (1050 ft/s) or less, and against .380 ACP full metal jacketed round nose (FMJ RN), with nominal masses of 6.2 g (95 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 312 m/s (1025 ft/s) or less. Type I body armor is light. This is the minimum level of protection every officer should have, and the armor should be routinely worn at all times while on duty. Type I body armor was the armor issued during the NIJ demonstration project in the mid-1970s. Most agencies today, however, because of increasing threats, opt for a higher level of protection.

Type II-A (9mm; .40 S&W). This armor protects against 9mm full metal jacketed round nose (FMJ RN) bullets, with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 332 m/s (1090 ft/s) or less, and .40 S&W caliber full metal jacketed (FMJ) bullets, with nominal masses of 11.7 g (180 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 312 m/s (1025 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against Type I threats. Type II-A body armor is well suited for full-time use by police departments, particularly those seeking protection for their officers from lower velocity 9mm and 40 S&W ammunition.

Type II (9mm; .357 Magnum). This armor protects against 9mm full metal jacketed round nose (FMJ RN) bullets, with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 358 m/s (1175 ft/s) or less, and .357 Magnum jacketed soft point (JSP) bullets, with nominal masses of 10.2 g (158 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 427 m/s (1400 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against Type I and Type IIA threats. Type II body armor is heavier and more bulky than either Types I or II-A. It is worn full time by officers seeking protection against higher velocity .357 Magnum and 9mm ammunition.

Type III-A (High Velocity 9mm; .44 Magnum). This armor protects against 9mm full metal jacketed round nose (FJM RN) bullets, with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 427 m/s (1400 ft/s) or less, and .44 Magnum jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets, with nominal masses of 15.6 g (240 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 427 m/s (1400 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against most handgun threats, as well as the Type I, II-A, and II threats. Type III-A body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available from concealable body armor and is generally suitable for routine wear in many situations. However, users located in hot, humid climates may need to evaluate the use of Type III-A armor carefully.

Type III (Rifles). This armor protects against 7.62mm full metal jacketed (FMJ) bullets (U.S. military designation M80), with nominal masses of 9.6 g (148 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 838 m/s (2750 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against Type I through III-A threats. Type III body armor is clearly intended only for tactical situations when the threat warrants such protection, such as barricade confrontations involving sporting rifles.

Type IV (Armor Piercing Rifle). This armor protects against .30 caliber armor piercing (AP) bullets (U.S. military designation M2 AP), with nominal masses of 10.8 g (166 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 869 m/s (2850 ft/s) or less. It also provides at least single-hit protection against the Type I through III threats. Type IV body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available. Because this armor is intended to resist "armor piercing" bullets, it often uses ceramic materials. Such materials are brittle in nature and may provide only single-shot protection, since the ceramic tends to break up when struck. As with Type III armor, Type IV armor is clearly intended only for tactical situations when the threat warrants such protection.

Body armor is not bullet proof, it is bullet resistant.

Even the higher rated type 3 and 4 vests/plates are only rated to stop 3-4 rounds before shattering or giving way to a bullet.

However in every case, the target will feel some shock, which may be enough to kill the person if the shock is delivered in the right area.

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No just no. People shouldn't "drop" anything but the items that you are available to lift from their corpse. Face paint suddenly spawning is ridiculous. That's not how things work in what looks to be the vision for this game. A bandit earns his way through life killing others for their beans. That is how they further themselves. By taking from others rather than living off the land.

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That was incredibly informative. My beans go to you. I never intended the bullet-proof system to be able to provide permanent protection. But it's that one time that saves your life and gives you a second chance.

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I definitely think the current system needs to be changed, but I don't think the suggestions in the OP are the way to change it.

I'd rather see much scarcer ammunition and much tougher zombies. Bullets should be a luxury that you can't afford to waste gunning down an unarmed survivor. Every time you pull the trigger you should be forced to weigh the cost of the bullet over the value of the target. If players have to start doing that, they will be less likely to go on mindless murder sprees and more likely to only go after targets that offer them some personal gain.

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I definitely think the current system needs to be changed, but I don't think the suggestions in the OP are the way to change it.

I'd rather see much scarcer ammunition and much tougher zombies. Bullets should be a luxury that you can't afford to waste gunning down an unarmed survivor. Every time you pull the trigger you should be forced to weigh the cost of the bullet over the value of the target. If players have to start doing that, they will be less likely to go on mindless murder sprees and more likely to only go after targets that offer them some personal gain.

I'd like to see a greater NUMBER of zombies. Also, military zombies should be slightly harder to kill due to their armor.

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The thing you have to think about is, isn't this game about finding survivors and not having to kill people? So why would bandits get buff's for doing the wrong thing, although I think bandits should get some sort of camo or suit to show in fact that they are bandits

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Sounds interresting, but instead of 1 or two kills make it.

10 kills: Bandit Camo

25 kills: Warpaint

50 kills: Free Guillie

the silent footsteps seems alittle too OP.

Yeah I think silent footsteps would be bad news bears

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Only if I get a nuke at 100 kills.

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Bandits - lets make them invisible and silent. Bad

Bandit Killers - lets give them brightly colored body armor to protect their torso. Bad

I don't know about anyone else but if I am forced into a conflict with another player I am aiming for the head and making my attacker even harder to see does not sound like a good idea to me. Besides static "Drops" from other players are in direct conflict with the spirit of the game.

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No, I don't want to remove bandits. Although I disagree with their methods.

I have a simple solution I think everyone will like

When a bandit kills his first victim, the victim automatically drops a "Camo suit" which the bandit wears.

Upon their second kill they get a "Camo Paint", which the bandit applies to their skin, giving them a woodland camouflage texture to their skin to match the uniform.

Upon their third kill, they get a free ghillie. Upon their fifth kill, the bandit's footsteps no longer make sound.

Now this sounds all fine and good for bandits, and I bet some other people would disagree with this. So now theres the other spectrum

When a non-bandit kills a bandit, the bandit drops a "Kevlar vest", Which is black and blue, like a swat uniform. This vest will protect the survivor and negate up to 95% of the damage from the bullets from weaponry that hits them in their torso area. (ARMS AND LEGS STILL VULNERABLE WITH ONLY THE VEST.)

9mm: Vest protects 95% of damage, no broken bones, no bleeding. Not even shock.

5.45: Vest protects 80% of damage, no broken bones, 40% chance of bleeding (yes I know its a higher chance than 5.56, but it's a thinner bullet.)

5.56mm: Vest protects 75% of damage, no broken bones, 20% chance to cause bleeding, no knock out.

7mm (CZ550): 70% of damage. no broken bones, 40% chance of bleeding, no knock out.

7.62mm: 60% of damage. no broken bones. 20% chance of bleeding. No knock out.

7.7mm .303 (Lee Enfield): 50% of damage protected. 50% chance of bleeding. No knock out.

45ACP(M1911, Revolver): This one all depends with range, up close, you're protected from 40%. Every meter after that is 1% more protection. 30% chance of bleeding.

12.7mm (50Cals): 30% of damage is protected. Broken Bones, 100% chance of bleeding, knocked out.


Slug: Protects from 50% of damage. 50% chance to knock out.

Pellets: Protects from 95% of damage, 0% chance to knock out.

2nd bandit kill: Kevlar leggings: Tired of those pesky broken bones? only 7.62 or higher can break your legs, and they must hit you in the leg. (Slugs break legs, they are over 7.62)

3rd bandit kill: Woven arm kevlar: Applies all of the stats from the kevlar vest and applies them to your arms.

4th bandit kill: Ceramic plated helmet w/ visor: Reduces explosive damage done to you by 50%. protects from up to 3 total 9mm rounds. Helmet visor means focus, and less suppression from being shot at.

5th bandit kill: Reinforced armor: 50 cals don't knock you out, you don't bleed from being shot.


Kevlar doesn't protect from falling damage or zombies. No stats apply in those areas.

Well guys, tell me whatcha think.

Your Bandit system is a little too extreme, that would make it even more frustrating as it is, although if u combine your system with mine that would be something very nice, instead of having bandits or survivors get nice stuff at a low "level" make get that at a higher one so that they actually work for it and look at my system and think about it carefully, i have come up with a way of balancing the game out in a very good way. In my system there would be rewards but i am not sure waht they would be and thats why your system could be combined with my one to make this a great system here is the link, please analyze this carefully http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47470-game-survivability-and-a-ranking-system/

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