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All players teleported to one location and killed

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Don't get me wrong I love this game. But something has to be done about hackers. Does battleEYE even work? Why do I even have to install that crap if it doesn't stop hackers with hacks that seem easy to detect. Had a character over a week and doing really well with two others. Way up North by the airstrip when suddenly everyone on the server was teleported to one location and killed. There goes all my stuff, time, etc. How can we stop this? Is there no effective way to look at stats and see players who get 20+ murders in less than 2min and ban them? The stats have to show this stuff for sure. It's hard to want to play when there is a possibility that some dumb ass will ruin the experience for their own sadistic pleasure. Could there be a way to detect a "Teleport" and reverse it? IE: If player travels 50+km in less then 2sec reverse action and return player to original location...an Anti hack hack. I guess until this game's experience is not being ruined by hackers I'll just play something else. In the meantime I'll be watching for some sort of fix for these hacks. Good luck guys.

Oh btw the server was US 745

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Have you search the title of this thread? At least 20 of them. Please stop this shit? SEARCH BUTTON! USE IT.

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Happened to me too. But I wasn't teleported, everyone teleported on top of me, I was the chosen one!

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@caviano I did search for "Teleported" and it came up blank. But thanks for the superiority complex and the warm welcome. Also you use some weird punctuation. "Please stop this shit?" is really a question? PROPER ENGLISH! USE IT!

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Well, what a strange correlation. The people on the forums are just as douchey as the people frequenting the game now.

Every response to a post is about how it is wrong, or how there has been a similar post, without addressing any of the questions.

Get off your high horses, seriously

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@Necrofix First off thanks for the non hostile reply. Some people are rude and straight up control freaks so it's nice to see a "normal" reply from a considerate human.

That is even more crazy that it can be any player. Wow."The chosen one!" lolz

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Wrong location to post.

Oh I'm sorry I thought this was "general discussion"? Oh wait you were talking about your own post. You are absolutely right YOUR post is in the wrong location!

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Happened to me today two times on DEs servers:

First time me and a friend of mine were near Nadhezino and a lot of players spawned near us, we run behind the hill and change server during that crazy firefight.

Second time (Another DE server) we spawn in the same place (despite the in-game map said we were near Balota Airfield) and we find a lot of dead player's bodies.

We started to travel south and in a few minutes we were respawned near the Balota Airfield where I was shooted (Fortunately I survived).

We run to the coast where we decided to logoff.

Chernarus today is more dangerous than usual.

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Now I'm even more paranoid...I just found my first DMR ever, as well as my first Coyote Backpack after HOURS of tireless scavenging and near-death instances... If I get teleported and killed I swear to god..Do most of these hackers stick to populated servers (seeing as how it's griefing more people)? Because If so then I'll just stick to low pop ones..

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I was on one with 40 players I think? It was a bummer for sure :( Thanks Fox and Eric for the normal posts :)

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Take the crying somewhere else. Everyone knows about the hacker influx. Check the cheap reports section. Im tired of seeing people like you just register to complain on the damn forums. Who the hell cares? No one is doing anything about it right now. So...? Do you plan to keep crying until something happens? or just not worry about it and wait for it to get fixed?

Edited by Grimlok

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Take the crying somewhere else. Everyone knows about the hacker influx. Check the cheap reports section. Im tired of seeing people like you just register to complain on the damn forums. Who the hell cares? No one is doing anything about it right now. So...? Do you plan to keep crying until something happens? or just not worry about it and wait for it to get fixed?

Why even bother replying if your just going to be a prick about it? You saw the topic before you opened it so if you're sick of reading it then don't click on it.

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People are more sick of seeing the wrong topics in the wrong section. Along with the same complaints over and over, search is your friend, use keywords that relate to your problem, this case would be Hacker not Teleporting.

Hacker related topics should go to the Cheat Reporting Section.


Post it where something might actually get done about it. Here it's just wasting space

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No one is doing anything about it right now. So...?

So let's begin to fix everything that does not work before implementing things like dogs.

Arrange the disconnection and alt+f4 problems, for example, is something that requires fifteen minutes of coding and it is something that the whole community is clamoring by a long time.

Edited by (DLT) Fox
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People are more sick of seeing the wrong topics in the wrong section. Along with the same complaints over and over, search is your friend, use keywords that relate to your problem, this case would be Hacker not Teleporting.

Hacker related topics should go to the Cheat Reporting Section.


Post it where something might actually get done about it. Here it's just wasting space

OH I was under the impression that this was a general discussion and anything goes? Why all the forum police? At least you're a tad nice but still who gives a fuck but dicks and trolls? I mean who made you guys in charge of what posts are a waste of space or not? In GENERAL DISCUSSION no less? Delusions of grandeur much? Total little person syndrome. Might bring that up to your shrink.

It's funny when I look at the number of post most of you trolls have and I wonder if you ever even play the game. Then I take it a bit further and think that the number of posts is in direct relation to how many times you're not getting laid. lol That really explains the small man syndrome.

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This teleporting problem...when Rocket implements anti-alt-F4 features, this is going to become even worse...

Edited by Max Railgrave
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OH I was under the impression that this was a general discussion and anything goes? Why all the forum police? At least you're a tad nice but still who gives a fuck but dicks and trolls? I mean who made you guys in charge of what posts are a waste of space or not? In GENERAL DISCUSSION no less? Delusions of grandeur much? Total little person syndrome. Might bring that up to your shrink.

It's funny when I look at the number of post most of you trolls have and I wonder if you ever even play the game. Then I take it a bit further and think that the number of posts is in direct relation to how many times you're not getting laid. lol That really explains the small man syndrome.

Your insecurity really shows here. Sounds like you're projecting your personal problems to someone else. Just saying.

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Take the crying somewhere else. Everyone knows about the hacker influx. Check the cheap reports section. Im tired of seeing people like you just register to complain on the damn forums. Who the hell cares? No one is doing anything about it right now. So...? Do you plan to keep crying until something happens? or just not worry about it and wait for it to get fixed?

IF you're so "tired" of seeing it, why do I see you within the first couple posts of every "obviously wtf, another one of these posts"

Stop clicking on them. You already know they're not gonna stop..not matter how loudly you scream at your monitor and welcome these people with tidings of insults. Fucking game was on steam summer sale. There's legions of people who aren't aware of these issues..Who do not use the search feature. Don't reply to the fuckin' threads..and they get pushed down. HOLY SHIT.

I think you like these posts. I think you like being an inconsiderate ass. If you're so "tired" of it, and yet have the motivation..and alarming amount of free time, why don't you just crack open a text editor..type a general response "Complaints should go here my good man: -subforum-" and learn some fucking manners? Maybe then people will actually listen to what you have to say..But that's really not the case, instead you prowl around for those you find inferior, those who intrude on your sacred grounds. You can't stand these people. Go see some help, take some paxil, and quit being such a dick.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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Your insecurity really shows here. Sounds like you're projecting your personal problems to someone else. Just saying.

What would I have to be insecure about? lol I'm 41, Happy, Married, Kids, great Job, and I try not to be a total dick unlike some who are apparently ok or proud of the fact. Please enlighten me on how my insecurities really showed? I think the fact you responded to that post shows that it must have made YOU feel insecure. #projectmuch

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Poor me... I had tons of medical equipment and some decent guns, had just found a bicycle, and was going from village to village. Things were going so well as I cruised through a field until all of a sudden a hacker teleported me to Cherno. Heard shooting and there was a dude next to me, so I logged. When I came back in, I made my way to a tower, but was shot several times from close range with a pistol, though I did not see a shooter. I died.

It was really discouraging.

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@NoseDragon and @Neek. I tried to Alt+F4 and it didn't do anything I was yelling "Noooooo!" frantically trying to disconnect lolz. was not expecting to all of a sudden be on a building with 40 others all shooting hehe. I remember the first time I lost a ton of stuff in Minecraft (Alpha Days). I didn't know that dropped items disappeared after 5min. So I searched for 2 days or so for my stuff. I was bummed lol #diamonds

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Well Mr.BitBurner, I just experienced my first hacker today on a Russian server (AFTER the post I made on your thread). It was pretty scary alright, though I d/c'd just in time. However, I (along with the rest of the server) was teleported to the FAAAAAAAR NorthWest corner of nowhere (where there isn't even any terrains, a green land of endless nothing), and had to run an hour and a half just to get back into Chernarus's borders. Nearly dying of starvation/thirst as I hadn't stocked up on food after making room to carry tons of ammo for both my M4A3 and DMR, I was reminded of your thread...

Really makes you ponder why Rocket is still sticking with BattleEye when it's so incompetent that it can't even detect these serverwide hacks where hackers can teleport/kill/transform an entire 50 player server's population.

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