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Newer Player - My Issues With Day Z

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Hello, I've been playing DayZ for close to a week now and was wondering if anyone could tell me when the following things were going to get fixed?

The biggest fault are the zombies, their bad animations and their unrealistic/crazy running, its impossible to shoot them until they stop moving and are on you, and you risk being hit. Being hit wouldn't be a problem if problem #2 was removed, random blows that render you unconscious, I've died about 4 times via this method now, 2 of which I was at 9000 blood when it happened. Why even bother having a blood system or a health system when 1 random blow makes me die when I am moderately healthy? Problem #3, broken bones. Keep broken bones, just remove the outrageous ways you can get them. A zombie punches me and my leg breaks? Have had 2 absolutely stupid experiences with broken bones. My friend broke his bone after diving prone and starting to crawl. Its completely unrealistic and signals pretty much death as morphine is hard to find outside of the main big towns.

Overall everything comes back to zombies, is there a timeline for when the zombies might be fixed? Their animations, their random knockouts and their random bone breaking? I think the game would be perfect if these things were just adjusted.

Edited by Dovi
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They probably will be fixed in the future. I think Rocket wants to focus on the Hacker's first and fixing bugs. I do agree this is a problem but half the time I don't give a shit about the zombies.

They mean nothing to me. Players are the real enemy, not knowning if they are going to be friendly or foe. Best to keep Morphine on you and some Epi. Just outrun the zombies through a building. Best way to avoid them. And when you are alone, away from most other zombies, take a few shots at him.

Hope this helps :)

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I agree about hackers, I've been in 3 hacked servers and died twice due to it but honestly to me the zombies are still the problem. I had a great start with a m16 and a revolver, a nice backpack and some very good utilities. I was being super careful, crawling to a barn prone and a zombie walks through the wall. This would be okay if he didn't hit me and I got knocked unconscious, my whole great start is erased and I'm dead. Randomly.

Edited by Dovi
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Yes zombies will be fixed, either in the Standalone version...Or when the AI system has been completely rewritten (so, that would = unlikely).

Right now the zombie AI is some hacked version of the normal Arma AI, and sadly you can expect it to be used for the next while.

Well unless you can re-write it for them, in which case I am sure they would use your system, assuming it didn't cause performance issues.

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I cannot rewrite it, was the standalone version announced or hinted at, at what time it would be coming out that is.

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All I'm reading is a whine post about not being able to handle infected - where is the suggestion?

Anyway if they come running up to you in the open, just step back a bit once they are close by and whack them over.

If you are near a hill, run up the hill and down again, they often stumble

If you have an enterable building go inside and whack them.

With the current patch they don't break your bones that frequently, anyway always have some morphine on you and you are good to go, no biggie.

If you go unconscious too often by infected hits, try keeping your blood level above 9k, under that you go K.O. much more often.

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Thread was in the wrong forum section. Moved to New Player Discussion.

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All I'm reading is a whine post about not being able to handle infected - where is the suggestion?

Anyway if they come running up to you in the open, just step back a bit once they are close by and whack them over.

If you are near a hill, run up the hill and down again, they often stumble

If you have an enterable building go inside and whack them.

With the current patch they don't break your bones that frequently, anyway always have some morphine on you and you are good to go, no biggie.

If you go unconscious too often by infected hits, try keeping your blood level above 9k, under that you go K.O. much more often.

You are being ignorant. How is a zombie going through a wall, hitting me once while I'm standing up to run away and knocking me out so I die a whine thread? Its called a glitch and a terrible mechanic of the game. Your post sir is a post I'll label as "dumbass #1". Thank ya.

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Hello, I've been playing DayZ for close to a week now and was wondering if anyone could tell me when the following things were going to get fixed?

The biggest fault are the zombies, their bad animations and their unrealistic/crazy running, its impossible to shoot them until they stop moving and are on you, and you risk being hit. Being hit wouldn't be a problem if problem #2 was removed, random blows that render you unconscious, I've died about 4 times via this method now, 2 of which I was at 9000 blood when it happened. Why even bother having a blood system or a health system when 1 random blow makes me die when I am moderately healthy? Problem #3, broken bones. Keep broken bones, just remove the outrageous ways you can get them. A zombie punches me and my leg breaks? Have had 2 absolutely stupid experiences with broken bones. My friend broke his bone after diving prone and starting to crawl. Its completely unrealistic and signals pretty much death as morphine is hard to find outside of the main big towns.

Overall everything comes back to zombies, is there a timeline for when the zombies might be fixed? Their animations, their random knockouts and their random bone breaking? I think the game would be perfect if these things were just adjusted.

the reason why the zombie crazy ass running and 'laggy' animations is how there ai works. when they are wondering aimously the server is handling there ai. when u aggro one of em ie...they have detected you and want the munchies...your pc takes over there ai and relys this back to the server. this is to help keep server load down other wise the server would have to do calculation for lots of hungry zeds whilst relying this to other players...slowing down the server in the process.

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Do not go anywhere without at least one morph in your ready to use items and a few in your backpack. Crawling for an hour sux the big one.Morph imo is the most important item in the game, especially if you are a lone traveller.

Try to always stay above 10 thou blood, when under be more wary. Zig zagging zeds aside..when they are chasing you if you look over your shoulder while running, you will see when they get close they go into attack mode, turn quickly and headshoot them , you have a few seconds while they are standing still.

Dont go anywhere without morphine.

Zeds get through walls , its a glitch or whatever..be aware of it always :) When in buildings stay the fuck away from walls that give zeds the chance to get at you, especially if they know you are there.

Dont go anywhere without morphine.

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I just hope they can stop them from coming through walls.

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Hello, I've been playing DayZ for close to a week now and was wondering if anyone could tell me when the following things were going to get fixed?

The biggest fault are the zombies, their bad animations and their unrealistic/crazy running, its impossible to shoot them until they stop moving and are on you, and you risk being hit. Being hit wouldn't be a problem if problem #2 was removed, random blows that render you unconscious, I've died about 4 times via this method now, 2 of which I was at 9000 blood when it happened. Why even bother having a blood system or a health system when 1 random blow makes me die when I am moderately healthy? Problem #3, broken bones. Keep broken bones, just remove the outrageous ways you can get them. A zombie punches me and my leg breaks? Have had 2 absolutely stupid experiences with broken bones. My friend broke his bone after diving prone and starting to crawl. Its completely unrealistic and signals pretty much death as morphine is hard to find outside of the main big towns.

Overall everything comes back to zombies, is there a timeline for when the zombies might be fixed? Their animations, their random knockouts and their random bone breaking? I think the game would be perfect if these things were just adjusted.

One of the funniest things I have seen is when Rocket addressed the zombie animations during an interview at Rezzed. During this Q&A he stated that the zombie animations are what happens when a designer decides to make animations faster... the bar gets slid way up, problem solved.

I don't feel these are "whining" issues. These are very real problems with the design of Day Z that Rocket has acknowledged. (Rocket, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Sorry I don't have a link to the interview, I looked for it and can't locate it now for some reason.

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You are being ignorant. How is a zombie going through a wall, hitting me once while I'm standing up to run away and knocking me out so I die a whine thread? Its called a glitch and a terrible mechanic of the game. Your post sir is a post I'll label as "dumbass #1". Thank ya.

That was a bit childish, wasn't it Dovi?

Lukio actually provided you with the information you asked for and you attack his post with utter drivel. While I might be totally wasting my time with you, the information Lukio provided you with is correct at this stage of development (say it again with me now: DE-VE-LOP-MENT).

The process is long, arduous and at times incredibly ugly. I've been a player since the mod was available to the public and I have had to learn to adapt to the various changes to infected hearing, vision, aggro range and damage.

They are actually fairly easy to counter in this build of the Alpha (say it with me now, Dovi: AL-PHA). At times its' been unplayable, but I have continued playing and learned to adapt. If you're unable to do so, you're in the wrong gaming environment.

You are whining, but I'll try not to hold that against you. I'm friendly in real life and in-game, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Some tips:

1. Carry bandages (at least two)

2. Carry morphine and painkillers (again, two)

3. Full run from aggro (double-tap 'W') and turn and fire.

4. Wait...scratch that. Learn to lose them in thick trees. LOS does now work. You can lose aggro EASILY this way.

5. Run into buildings that have two entry points (red-roofed/long brown/long concrete barns, red-brick houses, stores). Infected will stop running and make it easier to score headshots or simply walk away

6. Try not to insult people kindly responding to your thread.

7. ^ This again

Edited by DoctorWrongpipes

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That was a bit childish, wasn't it Dovi?

Lukio actually provided you with the information you asked for and you attack his post with utter drivel. While I might be totally wasting my time with you, the information Lukio provided you with is correct at this stage of development (say it again with me now: DE-VE-LOP-MENT).

The process is long, arduous and at times incredibly ugly. I've been a player since the mod was available to the public and I have had to learn to adapt to the various changes to infected hearing, vision, aggro range and damage.

They are actually fairly easy to counter in this build of the Alpha (say it with me now, Dovi: AL-PHA). At times its' been unplayable, but I have continued playing and learned to adapt. If you're unable to do so, you're in the wrong gaming environment.

You are whining, but I'll try not to hold that against you. I'm friendly in real life and in-game, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Some tips:

1. Carry bandages (at least two)

2. Carry morphine and painkillers (again, two)

3. Full run from aggro (double-tap 'W') and turn and fire.

4. Wait...scratch that. Learn to lose them in thick trees. LOS does now work. You can lose aggro EASILY this way.

5. Run into buildings that have two entry points (red-roofed/long brown/long concrete barns, red-brick houses, stores). Infected will stop running and make it easier to score headshots or simply walk away

6. Try not to insult people kindly responding to your thread.

7. ^ This again

A insult comes in many ways if you do not see that he insulted me you are also ignorant. My thread was more than valid and not a whine. The tips you give are of gameplay, I know how to play the game. My questions were about actual glitches and things that shouldn't happen. I'll give you my benefit of the doubt to not think you're a stuck up nosey and arrogant p.o.s (won't proclaim you as asshole #2 until further notice) Life would go a lot better when people just replied positively now wouldn't it. Thank you.

Edited by Dovi

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I fail to see how my responding to your post on a public forum makes me nosy; and politely suggesting that you act in a more respectful manner to people in a (largely) supportive community is far from stuck-up, especially if they've taken the time to respond to a post that you could have answered yourself by simply browsing the Bug Reports section.

As stated, at this stage you are a tester, not a gamer or even a consumer. Your issues are something that is being looked into and being improved upon with each patch.

Dying four times (which is absolutely nothing) to zombies in the manner you initially described is simply part of the process. There is a chance for broken bones, bleeding, shock and infection in every physical encounter, this is currently a feature not a glitch.

We have provided you the means to avoid and/or survive physical encounters, hence avoiding the root of your unfounded complaints about an unfinished product that you have signed up to play.

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I just hope they can stop them from coming through walls.

I like to think of like that bit in most zombie movies where the Zs are punching through the dry wall and grabbing the characters and dragging them away. :D

Also it gives me a chance to shout in vent, "The're coming out of the god dam walls!!" :D

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