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DigitGreen (DayZ)

Kicked by battle eye: Script Restriction #55 (Not using hacks)

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I used to use hacks (A script that allowed a box to spawn, holding 100X of every weapons, item, equipment, etc.) but after being banned, I bought a copy and swore to never use scripts or hacks of any kind again. I removed the programs and files that let me use the scripts, and yet I still get kicked by the battle eye for whatever reason. Please help before god forbid I get banned again for no reason...

For proof, I will make a video of me playing, and getting kicked in the future, when ever it happens.

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I had this problem twice on a particular server today. Join a different server or manually update your Battleye, worked for me.

I wouldn't worry about it, it's nothing to do with hacks or bans.

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I used to use hacks (A script that allowed a box to spawn, holding 100X of every weapons, item, equipment, etc.) but after being banned, I bought a copy and swore to never use scripts or hacks of any kind again. I removed the programs and files that let me use the scripts, and yet I still get kicked by the battle eye for whatever reason. Please help before god forbid I get banned again for no reason...

For proof, I will make a video of me playing, and getting kicked in the future, when ever it happens.

Please, stay banned.

Edited by BobJoeXXI

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so wait a min script restriction #55 means ur using scripts... wtf i was just sprinting in a fresh spawned char... and i got that...

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dude... wtf everytime i join a server now it says "you were kicked from the game." i didnt do a fuckin thing!

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dude... wtf everytime i join a server now it says "you were kicked from the game." i didnt do a fuckin thing!

Same here. I noticed Steam just finished downloading something for ARMA 2. Launching the game through Steam again didn't help. I was the victim on server US 132 to hackers (suspect Sincerity clan, see Cheat reporting thread) who said they were banning me for *racial comments*. I happened to drop the N bomb on the hackers a few times, I apologize.

Link to 132 hacking thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45048-teleport-hack-server-us-132/

I now cannot join any server (insta kicked). Will try updating Battle Eye and see what happens.

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I've gotten Script Restriction #55 on my own private server which has BE disabled.

Don't worry about it.

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I got this, joined a server yesterday that was clearly hacked, drove a few cars, died a few times then changed server.

Never hacked an item, never used a hacked item (as far as I know) but got this error on one server (but joined another)

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Well, if this helps, i was playing on a server, and some moron crashed a chopper, and the entire server, admin included, got dropkicked for script restriction 55.

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Besides false positives:

If a cheater runs a script that makes you run a script that triggers battleye, you will be kicked and not him. He is safe because he is hiding from battleye, but you aren't so you get kicked and/or banned and he remains happily on the server.

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Ok cool, so now we Identified the issue 300,000 comments later. Now how the hell do we fix it?

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