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Looking for a mountain :-)

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I've been told that there's some mountain on which several Clans and people save their stuff such as cars and tents and shit and I've seen many videos about it recently but I'm wondering where to find it.

So if anyone may help me getting the cords or any kind of description I'd be very grateful.


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OH yes this mountain hmm it looks like the other 903123819 mountains in game so i geuss 000 , 000 is a good point to start send someone east and the other one South and win

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Do you mean Devil's Castle? It's not really a mountain.. :/ .. It's in the north somewhere at 068039

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Black mountain - SouthEast corner of the map - South West of Krasnostav

Green mountain - SouthWest corner of the map - North East of Zelenegorsk

Windy mountain - SouthWest corner of the map - North East of Bor

Devils castle, (which someone has mentioned)

Online map - http://www.dayzwiki..../beta/gmap.html

You can get rough co-ords from that map. I'd have to be in game to get you proper full co-ords.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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I've searched the edges of the map today, no luck. Not even a lousy tent today. But tons of guns at main AF :D

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