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Snort (DayZ)

[VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

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I don't understand how somebody can be so bad at aiming, he didn't even stick with it, it's like he was so embarrassed he just ran away from you

It always fucking happens. I remember telling you about spawning at Kamenka, I saw a car and shouted "WAIT FOR MEEEEE"

They stopped, a guy in a ghillie got out and aimed an M14 at me, I did the same thing here, just ran around him then after 2 mins of him just aiming at me I asked "Dude, are you aiming and just not shooting just incase you miss and get very embarrassed?" He then hooked out his PDW and started shooting

"Yeah, get out your PDW, it might be easier to hit me."

He started spamming like a fucking idiot, he accidentally popped one tire on his fucking car, I started laughing like a Hyena and after using 2 mags his friend got out and started spamming an M4A1 CCO SD at me and I hid behind his friend, which made him shoot out his friends legs and finally killed me.

I genuinely want to know what these morons are thinking when they see a guy with no weapons and just generally no threat. They wasted a lot of ammunition, lost atleast 6k blood from each other's friendly fire and lost a god damn tire on their vehicle.

I laughed really, really hard at the time but it made me stop after a while and my faith in humanity dropped by a bit.

That's not saying much though, I never had much faith in humanity.

Edited by Snort

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Uploading another video at the moment, will make a new thread when it's up.

More people shooting unarmed people, unfortunately this doesn't end so well.

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