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It's not zombie apocalypse. This is what's actually happening.

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The story on the front page is all wrong. This is what the story should sound like.

An unknown virus appeared, and all olympic runners across the world got infected. They all got really angry but also stupid and ugly. They were all caught and transported to an isolated, abandoned area in a post-soviet state. Soon, because of increased number of crimes and lack of free cells in prisons, the governments started dumping into the area every sociopath who has no human feelings and thus no place in the society. You are one of those who got dumped into the area and now must search this wasteland for supplies and weapons in order to fight for your life against other sociopaths because they shoot everyone they see without asking questions.


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The story on the front page is all wrong. This is what the story should sound like.

An unknown virus appeared, and all olympic runners across the world got infected. They all got really angry but also stupid and ugly. They were all caught and transported to an isolated, abandoned area in a post-soviet state. Soon, because of increased number of crimes and lack of free cells in prisons, the governments started dumping into the area every sociopath who has no human feelings and thus no place in the society. You are one of those who got dumped into the area and now must search this wasteland for supplies and weapons in order to fight for your life against other sociopaths because they shoot everyone they see without asking questions.


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You forgot to mention that this is a parallel univerve when socialism works and soviet union can build high tech weaponry

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I think of it more as a Battle Royale type situation that just happens to have zombies as just an added environmental threat. Or a training simulator for such an event, due to the respawns and no victory conditions.

PS. A full on BR type thing would be pretty awesome though.

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You forgot to mention that this is a parallel univerve when socialism works and soviet union can build high tech weaponry

Hey, let's not put down socialism...it can work

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Hey, let's not put down socialism...it can work

It can't

As you see in this game one person that is a selfish bastard will ruin it for all. In real life they don't shoot you but bully and will do all kinda sh|t until you end up with Stalin again.

Evolution needs variation to prepare or future unknown scenarios, hence there will never be a population that is totally homogeneous in the trait selfishness. There will also never be equal resources. What the social scientists call "Maslov's" hierarchy of needs and in the sciences is defined as game theory, evolution, basic biological needs, density dependence, frequency dependence etc will always ensure inequalities, hunger, thirst and animalistic behaviour.

Cooperation is good, but you need laws and sanctions to curtail individual selfishness.

Edited by Ankhenaten

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To the OP, the situation sort of reminds me of a George Carlin joke about fencing off parts of America for prisoners and then releasing them to attack each other, and make it a Pay Per View event. NSFW!


Edited by moisan4
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The story on the front page is all wrong. This is what the story should sound like.

An unknown virus appeared, and all olympic runners across the world got infected. They all got really angry but also stupid and ugly. They were all caught and transported to an isolated, abandoned area in a post-soviet state. Soon, because of increased number of crimes and lack of free cells in prisons, the governments started dumping into the area every sociopath who has no human feelings and thus no place in the society. You are one of those who got dumped into the area and now must search this wasteland for supplies and weapons in order to fight for your life against other sociopaths because they shoot everyone they see without asking questions.

Sad (I mean funny), but true, mate.

You have my beans.

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What about the part where the residents of the post soviet state destroyed all their matches and replaced them with pistols, or where the firemen stockpiled military grade weapons.

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the area also had gravity that was much stronger and broke your legs from a 1m fall.

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DayZ = Mad Max + 28 Days Later

...which I'm pretty sure is the reason I started playing in the first place ^_^

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You forgot to mention that this is a parallel univerve when socialism works and soviet union can build high tech weaponry

Actually, high end military (and space) technology was one of the few things the soviet union was pretty good at making.

Just bankroll the military and tell military scientists that if they don't do a good job they'll be shot or sent to siberia.

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Haha I wasn't expecting so many good responses when I was making this thread.

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Don't forget that every citizen blew up their cars prior to dying, and threw out their food in place of chemlights and military grade ammunition, Oh, and their economy was based solely on tin can production

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