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EVE concepts in DayZ (solution to horizontal load balancing)

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The eve tranquility server is in some ways a cheat. Each star system is run on at least one node. And you have to load to get into each one. Hence the OPs idea of islands. Or my (and others) ideas of linked servers. That produces the same effect really.

The HIVE and multiple servers is a bit like a distributed version of the EVE server as it stands, the difference being right now Dayz servers only run one map and you can hop whenever you want.

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It would probably make sense to refer to EVE's "single server" as a Realm. The Realm is powered by a vast number of high-end servers, and to get where EVE is right now-- CCP engineers have done years of research and tinkering with their set up, with vast numbers of usage figures and a lot of technical data, obtained from people playing the game.

The technical aspects of having one big, huge realm for DayZ would not only be extreamly expensive and would take years to even get near to perfection, but do you honestly think that having hundreds of thousands of people running around together in the same Realm feels post-apocalyptic? Not really. You currently play amongst a relatively small number of players, which adds to the atmosphere of the fact that there could or could not be someone watching you right now. If everyone is mashed into one realm, you'll see people running around constantly, and more than likely there will be gun-fights everywhere.

EVE works, because it's technically not post-apocalyptic, it's a thriving galaxy decorated with immortal capsuleers. DayZ is, from what I understand, meant to be post zombie apocalypse, not pre apocalypse or mid apocalypse.

Edited by Nasias

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" but do you honestly think that having hundreds of thousands of people running around together in the same Realm feels post-apocalyptic?"

That depends how big the playing area is doesnt it.

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Actually, if they implement an EVE online system, where everybody is on the same map, but different areas of it, you could have a solution of PKing, need for clans, etc.

How about this - you spawn in Chernarus on the beach (only spawn area in the game). Then you can go anywhere:

North - mountains, which combine the constant threat of falling of a cliff

West - plains and forests (like Chernarus inland)

East and South - randomly spawned islands (which could be as large as Chernarus) and, rarely, ships and oil rigs (to give the game some fun locations)

I hope that the maps will be generated randomly at first, with changes made after the release date.

If you could, when you die, not only loose everything you have, but your current location as well (it would give vehicles actual utility, as clan members will head to Chernarus' coast to pick respawned clan members up). This would discourage PK, as, if you die, you have to start from the start and it could take you a while to get to your body.

Add in a exhaustion meter (run for 1 hour - can't run, walk for 1 hour after that - your vision gets blurry, blood starts slowly draining away and you slowly die after 1 hour of running and 2 hours of walking), which can be replenished by - sleeping (in a tent, very fast), resting (sitting down, average) or standing still (walking and running increase your exhaustion, standing replenishes it slowly).

If you wanted to make it realistic:

- travel takes half of your food and water meters and a quarter of your exhaustion meter (if placed into the game)

- you can only travel to adjacent areas

- you can only travel from the very edge of the map (try swimming out to the islands without catching a cold or worse)

- you can drive vehicles to another area of the map

- keep the soviet style setting (Chernarus), but add a major US base to the West in a neighbouring country (US setting)

No storage outside of tents and cars. You need to move around, but add in the ability to use workshops (which need to be repaired before use) to modify/repair weapons, equipment or vehicles.

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" but do you honestly think that having hundreds of thousands of people running around together in the same Realm feels post-apocalyptic?"

That depends how big the playing area is doesnt it.

Not necessarily. If there are certain areas with a high density of high quality loot, then there will constantly be players there fighting over it.

It was the same for technetium moons on EVE Online, only Alliances that set up heavy footholds and had a base of thounsands of players dominated them.

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And that depends on the map design.

Obviously there are technical difficulties and gameplay difficulties, but each different course of action has it's own problems and its own solutions.

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So you don't think its right that large factions are able to sieze and control areas of the map? Thats what grouping is all about and where the benefit to being in a large faction is. I hope there would be some locations like this as it would inspire conflict. Groups already lock down NW airfield all the time, imagine if there was no fear of hoppers coming in from behind and they had a way to reduce or push Z spawns away from the area. People would never leave.

The game play that would emerge if DayZ was set up as one "realm" would be epic, and very frustrating. Some people would hate it, but I think it could also serve as an example that would inspire tons of other games.

Imagine an FPS set up in such a manner, it would be real war establish front lines, raid supply lines, bomb enemy territory, capture enemies etc. Hell we may be able to do most of this in DayZ even.

The people that don't like PVP currently because things happen to their character that are out of their control will most likely grow to hate a single server DayZ because their would be no escape, they couldn't hop to another server their character would forever be stuck in a location and they would be forced to deal with other players with bad intentions.


I capture you, you have two choices, disconect and get stuck IG because of a timer and I likely murder you or comply and do what I say. I lock you in a building/room/prison, you would literally be stuck there until your rescued or murdered or if there was respawn selected it, but if there's no respawn then you couldn't even do that I could shit all over your day/week/month by making you slowly starve yourself.

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx

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You have to assume that the game wont let you trap people permanently. But as I mentioned elsewhere I really hope that the game stays as one entity and isnt sharded off into carebear / hardcore.

Rocket wants to see the players solve these problems, Id imagine friendly players making their own "safe zones" without server hopping and with enough people you could make an area that is secure and manned through all time zones. Would be epic.

Servers full of griefers and servers full of carebears would be terrible, it's the friction and the uncertainty that makes Dayz. Is that guy friendly ?

Edited by Strategos

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First I would like to say this thread was a good read. Ty for that.

I played eve HARDCORE for 2.5 years. Went from a mission noob to the leader of a 400 member alliance where we were hired to police an area of 0.0 space. The thing that works for eve is that there is more than enough content for anyones style of play.

Whether its research, manufactering, ship production, pirating, 0.0 conflicts you name it! Carebear or killer there was a place for you.

Any alliance would accept a carebear as they are your backend, your support. They are the guys who love to mine so they are knocking out Battleships for your alliance. They had a purpose and as long as that player was a gentlemen he was not mocked.

Dayz has a big issue. The people who like to Hoard, the thrill of the rare find, Team play to setup a base camp etc. 1 imature person can take that entire portion of the game content away from those "carebears" 4 hours work to be lost and the killer does not even loot you!!

I have also noticed a trend of each server having a clique or group of regulars who dominate the server. They are generally rude and 17.

Find a way to keep the carebears in the rear with the gear, and allow effect protection of the support people would solve this. It would form an independence. The warriors need gear, Carebears need protection?

I would expect a barren world like dayz to be more like the book of Eli film. People would form into Tribes, Towns, communitys. Warlords control the lands etc. If a commander can be a gold giver, Fighting men will follow him. I would love to see a clan requiring a certain amount of resources to create. You can then fight for control of land.

that would then create a fully dynamic end game portion of the game. It would suit both partys. Lone wolf or small groups can work on there own. Rep would be handled like alliance rep in Eve.

As for servers, I believe Virtual arrays would do this perfectly. Have a matching arrays to a shared Intelligent storage solution. the more users online, the more servers it can create. that would give load balancing, redundancy and growth viable. Also DR would be simple as you can mirror off the Storage away and have a live copy to recover from. Virtual FTW! :P

these are my thoughts :P

Increase the peace.

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Your ideas are cool, but I -really- like the standings idea. Having a simple interface (Possibly off the "players" list in your map pane), that allows you to give any player on your server a rank between -10 and +10. This rank will be only visible to the player who issues the rank, to prevent trolling, but will be tied to the account, so that if the players meet on another server, the ranking will still be there. This ranking would translate into a simple UI change in game, when you aim at a player, an indicator will appear with a colour that indicates the standing this person has. This system would allow for more friendly encounters without compromising the simulation feel as when someone leaves an impression upon you, you shouldn't have trouble recognizing them (Hey, that's the asshole who shot at me, or hey, that guy gave me some beans!).

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