libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Ok, so on to the idea, [which has probably been mentioned before] on how to, at least, help the stabbing in the back problem a little while still maintaining the dangerous landscape and feel.1) (not so subtle) If someone murders, change their uniform to a black color so other players can then identify them. This might signify joining a bandit group that formed on the island. It would help to change it for 2 or 3 rounds so that it sticks with them and they can't just look like a survivor again if they restart. So for each round they murder, the clothing stays black for 2 or 3 more rounds. Maybe make the clothing grey at first, then get blacker and blacker the more they kill? Thats up to you. At first I thought to make the clothing not look cool, because black could look like a special operations soldier which people might strive for (especially the younger crowd), but maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing since, in my opinion, the murders add so much welcome tension to the game. I mention the non-subtle idea first just because it was the first idea i had, however, it would greatly effect the gameplay.or2) (more subtle) When someone murders, give them a tatto on their arms, the bigger the tatto, or the more they have, the more murdering they have done and make it last for a few rounds too. This might represent another sign of them joining in with a/the bandit group. Its stereotyping against people with tattos, but.... *shrugs*.or.3) (less subtle) When someone murders, change their clothing to make them look a bit more ragged, like a bit of their shirt untucked, rip in their jeans, a loose shirt pocket, a stretched out collar. This might signfiy they've been in the woods or on the island a long time. Also, that they don't care about their appearance or how another person cares, and thus, might not care about you AT ALL... Maybe subtle things. The more subtle and harder to see, the less of an effect this would have on the current gameplay. It might greatly help with the "I saved the guys life or gave him a weapon and he stabbed me in the back when i turned away" problem.or4) You make murders have a chance to physically twitch their head subtly every 10 minutes or so.I dunno, i think i'd think long and hard about making changes if i were the DayZ team, its popular for a reason and i'd respect that. Edited August 2, 2012 by Thane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
((Danner)) 0 Posted July 24, 2012 Sad to report.. that was in the mod and was removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haplo (DayZ) 44 Posted July 24, 2012 Bro, I'm covered in tats. I don't tuck in my shirt, I wear ripped jeans and beaten up shirts. I'm also one of the friendliest guys you will ever meet, which will hold true in the apocalypse. Unless you try and fuck with me. You would regret that quite quickly.Lame suggestion dude.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnT47r 51 Posted July 24, 2012 ^^And that was the comment I was waiting onVery VERY lame suggestion man. In a real apocolypse you couldn't trust anyone you didn't know, whether he be wearing a suit or a wife beater and stubbies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeOverlord 150 Posted July 24, 2012 Tattoo...Must be a murdering psychopath...Untucked shirt...Just murdered his family...Wears black...Wants to kill me in my sleep...-.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 Sad to report.. that was in the mod and was removed.What (which?) was in the mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeOverlord 150 Posted July 24, 2012 What (which?) was in the mod?Early in the alpha...If you killed enough people...Your humanity got low...And your player skin changed to a 'bandit' skin... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saurey 41 Posted July 24, 2012 Not so good suggestion, sorry. I think it would be better to have their name changed from survivor to bandit and make their name appear red if you look at them unless this is already implemented, i never faced a bandit lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted July 24, 2012 Its not a problem ..only people see it that way ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 Bro, I'm covered in tats. I don't tuck in my shirt, I wear ripped jeans and beaten up shirts. I'm also one of the friendliest guys you will ever meet, which will hold true in the apocalypse. Unless you try and fuck with me. You would regret that quite quickly.Lame suggestion dude..Yeah, im not retarded actually, and I live in a place where everyone has a tattoo, but that is the stereotype, its maybe from the 50's in the US, but its still has relevence for many people, undeservedly, and its of course rediculous in our society. SOME people DO get tattoos to appear badass and people that wish to appear that way would often like to ACT that way, and not always in a heroic or well meaning manner.... As far as torn/worn clothing, you could chock it up to living in the woods. Just SOMETHING subtle, that doesn't change the game that much, but lets people have some small way to get an incite as to the intentions of the stranger with the automatic rifle that showed up, or worse.... with no weapons in hand. We can't read body language or facial expressions in the game, so this would be the subsitute. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 Its not a problem ..only people see it that way !Thats why i put it in quotes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 Not so good suggestion, sorry. I think it would be better to have their name changed from survivor to bandit and make their name appear red if you look at them unless this is already implemented, i never faced a bandit lolThats TOO easy, like the bandit skin. It would take away ALL the guess work which makes the current gameplay so intense. IMO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted July 24, 2012 How do you get that if they don't look after themselves that makes them more likely to not care about you.Sigh.Terrible Suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 ^^And that was the comment I was waiting onVery VERY lame suggestion man. In a real apocolypse you couldn't trust anyone you didn't know, whether he be wearing a suit or a wife beater and stubbiesBut you can read facial expressions or body langauge in real life, so you have something other than a cgi model with his weapon in its default position, aimed at your face. You can't see them get itchy with their posture, or if they have something to hide, if they're nervous,etc. They can't wave to you or put their arms up. (People say they salute, but can you even cancel a salute so you don't get shot if they take aim and start firing?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeOverlord 150 Posted July 24, 2012 That's why I make people 'surrender' not salute...Longer animation means if they make sudden moves I'll be able to neutralize them... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John (DayZ) 62 Posted July 24, 2012 Wait a minute - I have a tattoo! And it's even of a skull! Not to MENTION I ride motorcycles!Oh my God I've been a murderer all along and I didn't even know it! ): Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 How do you get that if they don't look after themselves that makes them more likely to not care about you.Sigh.Terrible Suggestion.Its a Hollywood stereotype that has been there since the begining of f'ing time, for one thing. Ever seen Diliverance?Second, humans groom themselves to attract the opposite sex, but they also groom themselves because they care greatly for what others think about them. Many people look UP to their peers, put great value on them and therefore put on their best physical presentation and it therefore follows that people who couldn't care less about others may not care much about you in general. Why do you think people put on nice clothes when they go to church. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted July 24, 2012 Another idea, to get even subtler. Murders twitch their head every so often, with the frequency depending on the difficulty level and the amount of murders. Just the player's avatar, not the first person camera. Like every 10 to 7 minutes at the most. This would represent a bad feeling about the guy, like they guy said something strange or was looking at your gun. You might even miss it, and it wouldn't tell you the whole story since it could have been self-defence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites