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I hope you compensate for your small duck..

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You guys that claim I whine and this and that. I called those guys out. And I am happy to see a lot guys like you defending this faggots, which makes me think are you the same sort of pussies? Because I ain't the pussy picking up players whole day at spawn that can't shoot back, you know. I just called them out, someone had to and it is not instantly crying if your pointing out some douche bags that kill the gameplay. Now you sir's tell me how is camping the whole they at a spawn, killing spawned guys even considered calling gameplay or style? Tell me, how much fucked your brain has to be so you would spend money on a game, just to sit there all fucking day and feed your ego with killing spawned survivors thinking they are crying behind their screen. Instead of playing as it is meant to be played. I believe such fools got bullied to much at real life so they compensate it here, with those non sense acts.

To sum it up, no.. I ain't the pussy here. Its clearly them. But nevermind it. I expect a lot flamers anyways to reply on this topic, as on any forum. I am not raging I am just bored to hit respawn buttons and wait minutes and minutes over and over again because of some asshole having a dead brain. Now if you excuse me, peace out.

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I am not raging

You guys that claim I whine and this and that. I called those guys out. And I am happy to see a lot guys like you defending this faggots, which makes me think are you the same sort of pussies? Because I ain't the pussy picking up players whole day at spawn that can't shoot back, you know. I just called them out, someone had to and it is not instantly crying if your pointing out some douche bags that kill the gameplay. Now you sir's tell me how is camping the whole they at a spawn, killing spawned guys even considered calling gameplay or style? Tell me, how much fucked your brain has to be so you would spend money on a game, just to sit there all fucking day and feed your ego with killing spawned survivors thinking they are crying behind their screen. Instead of playing as it is meant to be played. I believe such fools got bullied to much at real life so they compensate it here, with those non sense acts.

We have an inconsistency here

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It was probably me. I like purging the south coast once in a while, hopefully discouraging the newbs from camping there and force them to go north and exploooore.

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You guys that claim I whine and this and that. I called those guys out. And I am happy to see a lot guys like you defending this faggots, which makes me think are you the same sort of pussies? Because I ain't the pussy picking up players whole day at spawn that can't shoot back, you know. I just called them out, someone had to and it is not instantly crying if your pointing out some douche bags that kill the gameplay. Now you sir's tell me how is camping the whole they at a spawn, killing spawned guys even considered calling gameplay or style? Tell me, how much fucked your brain has to be so you would spend money on a game, just to sit there all fucking day and feed your ego with killing spawned survivors thinking they are crying behind their screen. Instead of playing as it is meant to be played. I believe such fools got bullied to much at real life so they compensate it here, with those non sense acts.

To sum it up, no.. I ain't the pussy here. Its clearly them. But nevermind it. I expect a lot flamers anyways to reply on this topic, as on any forum. I am not raging I am just bored to hit respawn buttons and wait minutes and minutes over and over again because of some asshole having a dead brain. Now if you excuse me, peace out.

First you did not pay for dayz !!!! Get that in your head! <_<

Second I aint killed no one and never will not my "Playstyle"!!! See that word playstyle!!! There you go people play it differently, some are shit heads like you say and I agree its not a nice why to play. But fuckit its an open game free for all, try eve online that would take you the fucking cleaners in no time!!! :D

I am a woodsman and live the woods, my weapon of choice is an axe, dont need much as its about survival.

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We have an inconsistency here

See that's what I'm talking about. How is my post in any way associated with rage? I clearly explained what the mater is. Did i write in capital letters? Did i write fuck you fuck him i gonna kill you I this I that? No. Thank you for your time spent scrolling through my posts wasting your and mine life with your failed attempt to flame. Peace.

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This is the exact reason that guy is being a douche, people get shits and giggles from readying rage posts..some people have no lives im afraid.

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First you did not pay for dayz !!!! Get that in your head! <_<

Second I aint killed no one and never will not my "Playstyle"!!! See that word playstyle!!! There you go people play it differently, some are shit heads like you say and I agree its not a nice why to play. But fuckit its an open game free for all, try eve online that would take you the fucking cleaners in no time!!! :D

I am a woodsman and live the woods, my weapon of choice is an axe, dont need much as its about survival.

how can you even compare dayz to eve online? completely different games. Carnage you go by that name in game? pretty sure i just saw u die and respawn a couple times in us 769.

Edited by MF Machiavelli

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In game name is ~Carnage! but I play rarely on US servers, and no I wasn't playing on that one. Only time i play is if its here night, so I can play at day in game. But I'm playing on a EU servers since almost 4 hours (yeh no life lol) so nah, it wasn't me xD

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Really just sounds like you should play on a different server. I havent really had any issues with spawn killing, but I wont play on servers with 30+ ppl.

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ya, i remember just spawning and made a friend with a random in a school in cherno, he didnt talk but as soon as i went to pick up a crowbar he filled me with lead. Like im really going to go after you with a fuckin crowbar? this game is full of ungodly prick dicks, ALOT of people buy the game just for the mod, and alot of those people come from xbox because they cant get it on there, they try to treat the game like cod. In the end they will always get the last laugh. Its for sick kicks to show off to their douchebag buddies :\

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Guys who like to spawnkill, ArmA II has a mission editor, go on that, place some bad guys and then kill them, it's the same thing.

Yeah every time I meet someone and try to talk to them, they just wait until I turn around and then shoot me in the back, whether I'm armed or unarmed. I even asked a guy if he wanted bandaging up, and he shot me. Some people really are asshats.

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Just think of the spawn killers as another AI enemy.

Like the zombies. Learn their pattern and avoid them.

In fact it would be good to have

the option to spawn as a zombie.

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Lmao I'll tell you what, I shoot newbs like you just because you get all pissed of like this. It feeds my bloodlust-

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Most of the people who do that are practising with their snipers to get better so that when it comes to a firefight they won't be outgunned. They figure whats the harm in killing someone who has nothing. I know i've done it a few times.

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Lmao I'll tell you what, I shoot newbs like you just because you get all pissed of like this. It feeds my bloodlust-

You'll get my beans if someone feds him ^^

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See that's what I'm talking about. How is my post in any way associated with rage? I clearly explained what the mater is. Did i write in capital letters? Did i write fuck you fuck him i gonna kill you I this I that? No. Thank you for your time spent scrolling through my posts wasting your and mine life with your failed attempt to flame. Peace.

I agree, these are not rage tears. They are delicious tears.

On a more serious note...I too frown on targeting fresh spawns. I think it's a waste of good firepower, and I wish everyone with good military equipment would come up North and PVP around Stary or something.

That said, however, I know good and well that if my squad hadn't picked up some basic experience sniping Elektro and other coastal areas, they'd be worth exactly dick in a real PVP situation. That, and everyone should be able to play the way they choose. So what if they are compensating for something? Left to do their thing, they are pathetic enough...but when they manage to harvest tears as well as they have here...their actions are reinforced, justified, and can be viewed as an accomplishment.

I for one know that if I shot an unarmed guy and he immediately ran to cry about it on the forums...I will enjoy those tears far more than I would enjoy their beans or lack thereof.

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Yeah I know, he likes to get attention. And no I am not raging. I am telling you once more, with a calm voice, you are a fag. For doing it. That's not raging, that's a fact. Wont even bother replying to you anymore, so go on. Write that final reply and lets make it be your last word onto this, so you can feed your ego.

How polite of you to let me have my final word. Although you're not raging you still must be in some way angered by my play style if you call mea fag. Call me a fag all you want as in the end I'm the one licking your delicious tears off your angry face, and I'm also the one with over 100 murders to my name. Highscore? I believe so.

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How polite of you to let me have my final word. Although you're not raging you still must be in some way angered by my play style if you call mea fag. Call me a fag all you want as in the end I'm the one licking your delicious tears off your angry face, and I'm also the one with over 100 murders to my name. Highscore? I believe so.

lol are you kidding? you kill fresh spawns. god damn your pathetic. any jackass can sit on the coast and kill people with no weapons, you talk as if its a challenge. survive enough firefights to get 100 kills and you got my respect, for now you're just a clown. if i WAS to compare this with EVE people like you aren't even considered pvpers, just unskilled griefers patting their kb. this coming from someone who has 1700 kills. BTW i've never been spawn killed, i just truly think you're pathetic.

Edited by MF Machiavelli

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lol are you kidding? you kill fresh spawns. god damn your pathetic. any jackass can sit on the coast and kill people with no weapons, you talk as if its a challenge. survive enough firefights to get 100 kills and you got my respect, for now your just a clown. if i WAS to compare this with EVE people like you aren't even considered pvpers, just unskilled griefers patting their kb. this coming from someone who has 1700 kills. BTW i've never been spawn killed, i just truly think you're pathetic..

1700 kills rofl yeah sure you do.

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1700 kills rofl yeah sure you do.

ya 1700 kills in eve online, 60-70% of them solo. thats nothing though i fly with guys who have 5-6k+, i'm just not on as often as them and usually take breaks that last several months. i've been with blue republic for the last 3 years "on and off" and a buddy of mine just became CEO. you doubt me go type this name into google. see for yourself.

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There are hundreds of ways to play this game. I think people who go to the coast with NVGs, snipe rifles or L85 to kill freshly spawned people are bored loot-farmers who just lack imagination.

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and I'm also the one with over 100 murders to my name. Highscore? I believe so.

This is pure comedy right here.

Player-killer trolls (they ain't bandits, banditry has a constructive purpose, albeit immoral) are invariably bottom-fraggers in other games, and they play DayZ and troll the coast because they get frustrated going 1 and 15 when they play CoD or Battlefield or whatever.

People with real skill have more self-respect, and thus engage in real challenges (e.g. going north and hunting people as well armed as yourself).

On the other hand, shooting unarmed survivors is something a retarded monkey could do.

So. Retarded monkeys. Nice company you put yourself in, 'Food'.

I don't hate you.

I have far too much contempt to hate you.

You have fun now continuing to be shitty at video-games, and desperately pretending otherwise because you manage to click your mouse a few times on weaponless players in DayZ.

I get a real kick out of it when clowns like you upload your clips to youtube, actually entertaining the hilarious delusion that the footage passes as an equivalent for the frag highlights you were never actually good enough to manage in other shooters.

Edited by cogwheel

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