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Performance Drop; Hotfix

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5/21/2012: 7:00pm Pacific US

Noticeable performance drop with the latest Hotfix, decrease from about 60fps to 20, repeatable across all servers. Over 10 other people with solid builds have confirmed having same performance decrease. Does not appear to be happening to everybody. Performance drop still present even when Graphical Settings switched from High to Low.

*Current installed version:

System Specs:

AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.5ghz Black Edition

nVidia GTX 260 core 216

16gb 2033mhz Patriot Ram

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Confirming this, running:

Intel Core i7 920 2.66mhz Nehalim

12gb 1600mhz triple-channel ram

nVidia GTX 560Ti

GPU output seems considerably lower when connecting to DayZ servers.

Started up the Armory, placed myself at the exact same location as I am in DayZ currently, and the FPS differnce between the two was immense.

14-20 fps in DayZ

60 fps (Vertical Sync enabled) in the Armory.

Was averaging a steady 60 fps before the patch.

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I had 40-50 fps prior to the patch.

Upon installing the patch i get 10-15 fps.

So i cant play at all until this is resolved....

gtx 550ti 1024mb ddr5

amd phenom quad core

8gb ram

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To add a little more information to my post:


Above are two graphs monitoring GPU performance.

The top graph is taken in DayZ, at the Northwest Airfield (in the Fire Station, top floor, looking North out of the window). FPS at that time was 10, and only deviated between a range of 9-15 fps.

The peaks in the top graph on either side are during the loading process (before it retrieves character data), and after quitting the game back to the menu.

The bottom graph is taken in the Editor, with no extra mods other than DayZ. Location of my character was identical to that in the first one, except this time the FPS was sat on a rock-steady 60 with Vertical Sync enabled.

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Impossible to play for me. Im having the same problem. Ive already noticed that my performance drops at night but not like that. 20 fps during day, 11 during night. I also noticed that I can turn all graphic settings and this changes nothing but visibility seems locked.... wich is the option that most cause me lag in single player. So I have to decrease my visibility, but in DayZ its not working.

Did you change this mr. rocket? DID YOU?!

In single player mode when I turn my visibility on max I get the same fps drop. Please fix this and make me able to change my visibility.


4 gb ram, i5, GTX 460

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It seems i'm a victim of this also. Is there something running in the background dayz that is making us lag.

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Same here as above. I was getting 50-60 fps consistently, and now it tops out around 33 and dropped to 17.

i2500k 4.2

2x560 Ti SLI

Hoping for a fix as it is difficult to play with the very low fps. Thanks.

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I'm confirming this as well. I have three computers running ArmA 2 DayZ and all 3 of them are showing serious performance drops with the latest updates.

All computers are quad core ranging from 3GB of RAM to 8GB of RAM. Cards vary from Nvidia 330M, GTX 460, and Radeon 5750.

I'm not sure what new component is causing this issue.

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Same exact problem,

GTX 560 1GB

AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core Processor ~2.2GHz

6144MB RAM

Windows 7 64 Bit

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Also feeling this, thought I had something running in the background or something but nope.

Hope it gets fixed, making it hard to play right now.

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AMD Phenom II X4 925, 2800 Mhz, 4 Core(s)

8GB DDR3 SDRAM Dual-Channel

ATI Radeon HD 5570

Normally ran DayZ at 35-50 fps, this remained true even after 1.5.8 patch.

It was after applying the Hot-fix specifically that caused the game to drop to about 15fps which slowly drops even lower the longer I remain in-game (5fps being the lowest I seen it drop to).

Played around with the video and audio settings a bit to no avail. Restarting the client brings the fps back up to 15 but only to slowly drop again.

Restarting PC and Re-Applying addons/patch has no effect.

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Well Im not sure what is it but I was playing right now with 30fps +-. When I respawned I got 10fps, so I guess is something about when I relog/respawn.

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Also confirming Performance drop.

Went from 45 - 55 Fps to 15-15fps

Really bad in rain.

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Yes, interesting. I was playing at the usual ~40 FPS and then after I died and respawned it went down to an unplayable ~10 FPS or so. Possibly something to do with the login, not sure. Most curious is why some people are getting this error, while some do not.

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Not that is fine in my first respawn, Im still getting 20-30 fps, but in my second is worse (10fps), just that.

This needs to be fixed for me to play =/

Cant play with fps lower than 35 sorry hehe.

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To add a little more information to my post:


Above are two graphs monitoring GPU performance.

The top graph is taken in DayZ' date=' at the Northwest Airfield (in the Fire Station, top floor, looking North out of the window). FPS at that time was 10, and only deviated between a range of 9-15 fps.

The peaks in the top graph on either side are during the loading process (before it retrieves character data), and after quitting the game back to the menu.

The bottom graph is taken in the Editor, with no extra mods other than DayZ. Location of my character was identical to that in the first one, except this time the FPS was sat on a rock-steady 60 with Vertical Sync enabled.


This is an excellent post outlying the problem, well done. +rep~~

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Ditto on that.

My setup is:


GTX480 SLI x2

24GB DDR3 tripple channel kit

SSD for OS

7200 rpm drive for gaming

Win 7 64-Bit

Generally i get flat 60FPS (vsync on), today i dropped to as low as 30FPS.

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Have this also,

AMD Phenom X6 1090T Processor


ATI 6850 1GB

Windows 7 64 Bit

Hope it gets fixed soon..

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Same issue, the game is completely unplayable.

Unlocked Phenom X2 555 (x4 B55)

GTX 460

4GB ram

Jeez, I need to upgrade. Newegg here I come! eventually.....

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yeah the game is unplayable here also... just checked with lowering graphics and there is no difference at all.

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