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Low FPS only on DayZ

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I LOVE YOU GUYS! Just tried to use -winxp with all the previous hints from all of you. It was finally like 60FPS! Then i tried to turn setting a little higher. Guess what? STILL 60FPS! Now I'm playing on High/Very High, with no Post Processing and medium AntyAliasing and Anisotropic Filtering. It wouldn't be possible without you, i literally love you. :D

Just ended my first adventure in DayZ. It went really good. Hatchet, Remington, plenty of ammo, compass, watch, map. But no food. NO. FREAKING. FOOD. ANYWHERE! I started to starve when i found some military buildings. Went to one - M16. As much as happy I was, I died. Right on top of M16. Yea, tell me about bad luck.

@Edit - Forgot to tell - I killed a cow, just to find out you can't eat it raw. Plenty of wood - no matches.

Are you using the steam version? And could you please explain what you did to gain such a large fps boost?

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if ure using steam to play dayz, go to game library, right click on arma 2 operation arrowhead, properties, launch options and there type -winxp

if ure using sixlauncher, then i dunno what to do :) lawl sorry about that im using steam

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hey macbuk u wanna team up some day?

Sure, add me on Steam, it's the same nick as here. :D

Actually i am not using SixLauncher, i am using DayZ Commander. With it i can't set priority to high (no permission), but framerate is still solid.

As to -winxp, i think it forces to use older DirectX. That's what i heard.

Here are the steps that i've done:

-Add to the startup line: -noSplash -noFilePatching -cpucount=2 -winxp

-In ArmA2OA.cfg change these lines:





I changed it all to 0 before, but it looks much better this way and doesn't hit performance. Also:



-In nick.ARMA2OAProfile change these lines:




terrainGrid= 40 to 50, the more it is, the better performance (50 is max)

-Ingame settings:

Texture quality: Very High

Video Memory: Default

Anty Aliasing: Medium

Anisotropic Filtering: Medium

Object Detail: Low

Shadows: High

Post Processing: Off

-Using RAMDisk, tutorial is here:

-Also try to use GameBooster, and end all not necessary processes, like Steam or your browser.

If you want to create a shortcut to set priority to High, open SixUpdater, not SixLauncher, RMB on DayZ and find "Create Shortcut on desktop" or something like this, it's also in RAMDisk tutorial.

@Edit- Forgot to tell you, but i changed resolution back to 1280x1024. No FPS loss.

@Edit2- Found a way to set priority to High. Just search taskmgr.exe and start it as administrator, if you have W7. It won't tell you that you do not have permissions. Idk how to do it on XP.

Edited by macbuk
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Sure, add me on Steam, it's the same nick as here. :D

Actually i am not using SixLauncher, i am using DayZ Commander. With it i can't set priority to high (no permission), but framerate is still solid.

As to -winxp, i think it forces to use older DirectX. That's what i heard.

Here are the steps that i've done:

-Add to the startup line: -noSplash -noFilePatching -cpucount=2 -winxp

-In ArmA2OA.cfg change these lines:





I changed it all to 0 before, but it looks much better this way and doesn't hit performance. Also:



-In nick.ARMA2OAProfile change these lines:




terrainGrid= 40 to 50, the more it is, the better performance (50 is max)

-Ingame settings:

Texture quality: Very High

Video Memory: Default

Anty Aliasing: Medium

Anisotropic Filtering: Medium

Object Detail: Low

Shadows: High

Post Processing: Off

-Using RAMDisk, tutorial is here:

-Also try to use GameBooster, and end all not necessary processes, like Steam or your browser.

If you want to create a shortcut to set priority to High, open SixUpdater, not SixLauncher, RMB on DayZ and find "Create Shortcut on desktop" or something like this, it's also in RAMDisk tutorial.

@Edit- Forgot to tell you, but i changed resolution back to 1280x1024. No FPS loss.

@Edit2- Found a way to set priority to High. Just search taskmgr.exe and start it as administrator, if you have W7. It won't tell you that you do not have permissions. Idk how to do it on XP.

in steam launch options, keep in mind that the values u set are suposed to be fitting ur computer specs. EX: macbuk set -cpucount=2 because his processor has 2 cores, if u have 4 cores u should therefore set 4 in order to maximize performance.

EX: (this is what i have in steam launch options)

-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -world=chernarus -maxmem=2047 -nofilepatching

today i also checked the -winxp command, and well, unfortunately it didnt work all too great for me (same, if not lower fps and longer load times + problems with textures)

btw do u know what does -nofilepatching do?

Edited by h3retic

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macbuk if i search ur name in steam, it gives me 4 ppl xD

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Oops, i forgot my account name is Macbuk, my nick is Pan Zly. xD

I guess -nofilepatching prevents game from downloading some server-side files. I don't really know. I'll try -maxmem, maybe it'll do something. :D

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Oops, i forgot my account name is Macbuk, my nick is Pan Zly. xD

I guess -nofilepatching prevents game from downloading some server-side files. I don't really know. I'll try -maxmem, maybe it'll do something. :D

-maxmem is capped at 2000mb by default so if u have anything more than that (RAM) u just set 2047

Edited by h3retic

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I have 4Gb RAM. ^^

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I have 4Gb RAM. ^^

lawl me too,

btw i just tried the ramdisk method. It doesnt boost fps for me, but it definitly decreases stuttering and the number of minor lag spikes.

Edited by h3retic

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I'll try to set this to 4096, which is my total RAM ammount. Wonder if that'd do something.

Also i noticed white dots on zombies when they are far away, so it's like a wallhack. Is this server-side or something with my game?

Edited by macbuk

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thats just server difficuly helping u. on regular, enemies are kinda pointed out for u

Edited by h3retic

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I'll try to set this to 4096, which is my total RAM ammount. Wonder if that'd do something.

Also i noticed white dots on zombies when they are far away, so it's like a wallhack. Is this server-side or something with my game?

btw ur windows might not be seeing the full amount of ram thats installed. check in my computer properties what it really uses

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It uses all, I've checked it several times. ^^

You need 64bit system to use more than 2Gb RAM.

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Remember that DayZ, and Arma2 for that matter, aren't exactly optimized. Couple that with server lag and even high-grade rigs can suffer performance drops.

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The wihtedots happens to me too.

thats just server difficuly helping u. on regular, enemies are kinda pointed out for u


On servers with low difficulty level these dots help you keep track of zombies. Idk if it works on players.

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Haha, I wish it worked on players :U

Hah, that would be like cheating. xD

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if u play singleplayer, its all green/red/white dots everywhere around u pointing out freindlies/enemies/neutrals xD

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Trust me, i know what i am doing. ^^

Of course not all CPU are made for all sockets. I'll stay with Socket AM2 and propably Phenom II CPU.

The only thing with GPU is slot: AGP and PCI. Mine is PCI, so i don't see any problem here.

Same goes for RAM. On my current motherboard it's DDR2, on my new one it'll be DDR3, so i'll need to upgrade it too.

Who said something about 100FPS? I'd be hell as happy to have that much. I get like 15-20.

You know what you are doing? Did you know that all the modern video cards are actually PCI-Express (PCI-E) so you wont be able to add a proper video card into that MOBO with AGP/PCI slot. Secondly, AM2 socket is really outdated. It makes absolutely NO SENSE to buy a AM2 socket MOBO these days... If you decide go with AMD I recommend getting a AM3+ socket when you upgrade. Phenom processors are pretty outdated, I mean a overclocked FX processor can outperform any Phenom and they are a lot cheaper. You can get a FX-4100 quad-core and clock it to over 5.0 ghz with a aftermarket cooler and it costs 120 dollars + twenty dollars for a new cooler. And it outperforms even Phenom II X6

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If servers don't restart in 6 hours or so, it will lag like hell. Sounds like the server hasn't been restarted in a few days.

E: Or then if I would read before posting, I would know what caused it. Sorry for that.

Edited by Sutinen

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You know what you are doing? Did you know that all the modern video cards are actually PCI-Express (PCI-E) so you wont be able to add a proper video card into that MOBO with AGP/PCI slot. Secondly, AM2 socket is really outdated. It makes absolutely NO SENSE to buy a AM2 socket MOBO these days... If you decide go with AMD I recommend getting a AM3+ socket when you upgrade. Phenom processors are pretty outdated, I mean a overclocked FX processor can outperform any Phenom and they are a lot cheaper. You can get a FX-4100 quad-core and clock it to over 5.0 ghz with a aftermarket cooler and it costs 120 dollars + twenty dollars for a new cooler. And it outperforms even Phenom II X6

When I said PCI I was refering to PCI-E actually. And I don't know why I said AM2, I meant AM3+. ._.

Actually the FX series mostly suck. Phenom II 965 is the one I'm going to buy, I think.

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It uses all, I've checked it several times. ^^

You need 64bit system to use more than 2Gb RAM.

erm... your 64bit operating system does not change the fact that arma2 cannot address the 2048th byte?

and why on earth cant you set the processpriority to high, if you start via DayzCommander? does not make sense to me.

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