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Crowbars: more damage or get rid of them

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The title says it all. I admit freely that I haven't used the crowbar often, and after my few experiences I'm glad of it. Most of the time it doesn't hit when you swing it (or it does and you simply can't tell), and seems to take at least half a dozen hits (based on near-miss SFX) before an infected will succumb. It's like like beating someone to death with a limp....noodle. So I'm told.

If my experience is accurate, then in my opinion having the crowbar is worse than being unarmed, simply because you don't feel so vulnerable anymore. Kinda like the devs are trolling us. :D

I recommend either a damage boost or just ditch the thing altogether. Preferably option B; the hatchet is a much better substitute and, again in my experience, as common as dirt.

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I would imagine they both are. One without the other is useless. As it stands, they're both screwed.

Edited by Donaghue

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Crowbar is supposed to have much lesser damage than dual hand pickhead axe and i think it should stay that way.

Actually i wouldnt mind hatchet being rarer loot and having greater variety of low-damage weapons/tools instead (pipe, crowbar, rubber chicken etc.)

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Crowbar is supposed to have much lesser damage than dual hand pickhead axe and i think it should stay that way.

Actually i wouldnt mind hatchet being rarer loot and having greater variety of low-damage weapons/tools instead (pipe, crowbar, rubber chicken etc.)

You make a very good point

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Cant you find a gun? do you want to remove empty soda cans because they're also useless

I also agree with this... at least give them a purpose

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Cant you find a gun? do you want to remove empty soda cans because they're also useless

Yes, I can find a gun, eventually. They all have strengths and weaknesses that I don't doubt you're more familiar with than I am. Likewise, the empty cans can be thrown to distract nearby infected, so they too have a use.

The crowbar's only strength seems to be the ability to kill isolated infected at great personal risk--a task which can be performed faster, more easily and with much less risk with the hatchet. Also, in addition to being a useful tool as well as a weapon, hatchets spawn more frequently.

Edited by Donaghue

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Tin Cans are used to distract zombies. The noise attracts them ;) Yes I use them.

Edited by ChinWooMan

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Tin Cans are used to distract zombies. The noise attracts them ;) Yes I use them.

I dont think that is true, I throw a lot of tin cans in about 20 meters away from the zombies and they do not distract

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Perhaps make the hatch do the same amount of damage? I think thats a better idea.

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support a crowbar should hit more a axe on a zombie is critical hit on a zombie with a crowbar is like 6 times get it to 2 times or 3.

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Yeah, lets complain about things that were never meant to be in the game in the first place, but thanks to good modding they did.

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Crowbar should remain in game so that they can be a required tool to fix flat tires.Also maybe t be e=able to break locks and such things.

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Crowbar should remain in game so that they can be a required tool to fix flat tires.Also maybe t be e=able to break locks and such things.

I agree its a needed tool/ back up weapon.

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Crowbar should remain in game so that they can be a required tool to fix flat tires.Also maybe t be e=able to break locks and such things.

Also agree with this, best option is to leave it in and hope that another reason for its use comes up. It should be similar to the Hatchet in that it does have alternate use besides being a clubbing weapon. Perhaps Crates or containers that can be wedged open with a crowbar or used on locked vehicles to gain forced entry

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Yeah, lets complain about things that were never meant to be in the game in the first place, but thanks to good modding they did.

This is the suggestion thread. I'm making a suggestion.

To all other suggestions, I would agree with most. As things stand, the crowbar is next to useless, but if it had a clear purpose and was actually good for it, huzzah. Mission accomplished.

Edited by Donaghue

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I recommend the crowbar be reverted to the earlier hatchet damage which sent zombies flying all over the place.

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