krtshv 362 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Me and 3 more friends were on US195 yesterday, where we were looting all around the high-risk spots, oddly enough, we didn't find a single person inside the hotspots.We continued to travel to the factory when we spotted zombies from afar. We stopped and took cover, I took out my L85A2 and looked for a second and I spotted a heat signature at the second floor. I measured the distance and fired a couple of shots (which, due to using SD ammo, landed below target). The woman hid inside the factory as we tried to flank around. An AS50 was covering the west, a Bison was covering the South and I headed to a tree and covered the north.Sadly enough, the woman was quite loaded. She had a M249 SAW and a DMR, which she had no problems spraying us with. She managed to crawl through to the south and take out the one with the bison and she proceeded to sit and wait at the entrance. When another one of us walked inside in an attempt to take her out, she was taken down by the M249.It meant 2 of us were left, against a single player held up inside the factory. We couldn't storm inside as we knew we'd get ripped apart in close quarters by the M249. I sprinted West and was shot upon by her DMZ, which bullets land next to my feet. As soon as I reached the western small broken down wall, I continued to sprint to the South (where one of us was killed), as our sniper headed to my position at the North.As I reach my spot behind a tree, bullets start ripping the place apart, half a mag of M249 sprayed the tree I was hiding behind. After about a minute, the next thing I see is an explosion 50 meters ahead of me, I realized she got hold of a grenade, probably the one who stormed the building had. I run South to another tree, to avoid any more grenades.A few minutes of silence pass when I see the woman running to my old Southern position, probably in an attempt to find my unconscious body or to run away.I have eyes on her from the tree I am behind, and she can't see me.. Just as I'm about to lean aside and empty a mag into her, our sniper puts one into her and finally takes her down.That entire siege / standoff lasted about an hour.And I must say, +1 to that player, [FnB]Andy I think, or a similar name, for not DCing when being blasted upon by 4 players.EDIT:The "girl" is actually [FnB]Aldy. Feel free to watch his video and see the story from his point of view! Edited July 24, 2012 by krtshv 35 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted July 23, 2012 Nice read, have some beans. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted July 23, 2012 Props all around to everyone (especially the outnumbered player), for playing it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dok Faust 1 Posted July 23, 2012 Awesome.Had some similar fun with some guys on UK116, in Berezino.Looting the apartments opposite the southern supermarket, notice over my mate's shoulder two guys creeping to the appartments we are in.Pants filled, my mate (who I had come to escort from the coast) who had just picked up a Lee Enfield No. 4, climbed on the roof.He took one guy out who was proned covering the apartment entrace.Didn't have eyes on the other enemy, my friend rushed out only to be blasted with a M240.Pants filled more, I am in the stairwell with my AK74-Kobra knowing there is an enemy with a big ass gun coming.A couple of minutes pass and he starts climbing the stairs, we exchange lead and both die.Then the respawn begins.The two enemies are frantically trying to spawn close to Berezino, and lucky me first spawn zones it @ Solinichy.Seeing the enemies constantly dying, I run up to Berezino (oblivious to zombies) collect the M240 and his friends M249 and as much as I can carry, hide to bodies - kill another player creeping to apartments with a crossbow (attracted by all the corpses, zombies and noise) and run off into the sunset to meet up with my friend.Less than 12 hours later both guns vanish due to Alpha issues xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opticalshadow 27 Posted July 23, 2012 just goes to show, with proper tactics you can preveil, the chick in the factory came out a bit to early i think, but man she tore you guys up. good read. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ratfever 27 Posted July 23, 2012 just goes to show, with proper tactics you can preveil, the chick in the factory came out a bit to early i think, but man she tore you guys up. good read.He said it took place over the course of an hour, so the story is a bit condensed. We have no idea the exactly how long they waited before exiting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinit 54 Posted July 23, 2012 yah good read :) nice to hear storys that dont end with we shot at a person who then disconnected :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opticalshadow 27 Posted July 23, 2012 He said it took place over the course of an hour, so the story is a bit condensed. We have no idea the exactly how long they waited before exiting.well, she exited, and got killed for it, therefore she left to early :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godparties 7 Posted July 23, 2012 Definitely suprised. Mostplayers that are outnumbered that hard Alt-F4 like a mother fucker long before. Kudos to her for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virfortis 111 Posted July 23, 2012 Gotta say, if this really happened, it's one in a million.I'm not calling you a liar, just understand the level of disbelief involved because I've never had an experience like this, always DCing or hack-killed for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krtshv 362 Posted July 23, 2012 Gotta say, if this really happened, it's one in a million.I'm not calling you a liar, just understand the level of disbelief involved because I've never had an experience like this, always DCing or hack-killed for me.I know what you mean. We were constantly checking if any zombies despawned to make sure she didn't log out. We were quite surprised that she kept firing at us even when outnumbered 4 to 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aldy (DayZ) 153 Posted July 24, 2012 Oh goodness. Isn't this awkward. Good fight guys, It was intense as heck! Here's my viewpoint if you want to see. 27 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Dog 0 Posted July 24, 2012 Amazing fight! All of you guys deserve credit, especially the defender for putting up such a good fight on his own and recording it! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bloodrock 0 Posted July 24, 2012 That was a lot of grenades oO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thehumandove 344 Posted July 24, 2012 Cool thread brahs. Highfives all around Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daedrick 90 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Aldy, you might want to consider joining our group, we are like minded. Very nice pro play right there, I gave you my beans. Great fight all around and very good use of tactics such as supressing fire before heading out.See my signature and try to contact GDougie44, he will hook you up.Good luck! Edited July 24, 2012 by daedrick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aldy (DayZ) 153 Posted July 24, 2012 Hey Daedrick, I normally am with my clan [FnB]. I just happen to be alone at that time. How big is your group? We could talk about teaming up. Send me a message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krtshv 362 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) That was a lot of grenades oOYeah, one of us just said "fuck it" and started nading, lol.Oh goodness. Isn't this awkward. Good fight guys, It was intense as heck! Here's my viewpoint if you want to see. Glad to see that vid.At first, when I was looking at you and noticed you looking at us, I was thinking "Oh shit, I'm gonna get sniped now".P.S, that's me shooting you at 3:55. Damn SD rounds fucked up my zeroing. Edited July 24, 2012 by krtshv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aldy (DayZ) 153 Posted July 24, 2012 That was a lot of grenades oOYeah I was so worried one would land right on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krtshv 362 Posted July 24, 2012 Yeah I was so worried one would land right on me.Noticed how at the last grenade you heard a "bang" and SliceOfCookie was killed...? Friendly fire. Our sniper thought he's you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted July 24, 2012 I suck at this game.-MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krtshv 362 Posted July 24, 2012 I suck at this game.-MONSTERNah. You were just unlucky to have Aldy waiting in a spot you can't see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acebane 268 Posted July 24, 2012 Glad to see some good action taking place in Super Six's Server :). Rock on guys! Good footage! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Nice footage.Similar story, me and the friend I play with managed to find a V3S yesterday. We went round searching for crashed heli's etc as you do for quite a few hours. Going south of Dubrovka just about to hit the T junction we see a crashed Bus in the tree's, so we quickly hide the V3S, get out and run for cover in the forest. Wait around 5 minutes scoping the area. My friend with the sniper (DMR) then see's two guy's on our left on the road. With my rangefinder we sort the zero'in out and my pal takes both them out, while I'm spraying a m240 at them. The guy's didn't even fire a single shot. We take cover and make sure there is no others in the enemy's group. 5 minutes ish later I make my way over to the body's with my friend still on overwatch, they have engine parts, fuel tank etc etc. We manage to fix the crashed bus with their loot and head off on our merry way to go stash the V3S and go have some fun with the Bus.So we end up going NW airfield the for lols, asking in chat if there's anyone out there who fancy's a ride in the party bus. We manage to find a guy, we were going to pick him up and trust him. But the guy doesn't respond hiding behind the shitty wall's in the industrial bit of the NW airfield, he attracts a zombie and ALT f4's -_-. So then we thought wtf lame.. let's go south, on the main road through Cherno, we see no one hear some faint gun fire in the distance and head to Elektro and jackpot, we see a random red looking "golf" type car just sitting there on the outskirts of Elektro. I jump out excited and run up to it, get in the wrong side panicking , scrolling my mouse wheel to get the driver's seat (lol). And I'm thinking SERIOUSLY? Green everything, full on fuel and we head north through Sol, Berezino thinking is this our lucky day?So we stash the Bus and go out in our new Red Beauty as we called it. Thinking what to do next ( this was several several hour's later from when we first found V3S ) We head south, going through Novy, we then ask ourselves do we really want to go through Stary deathtrap? We decide not too... So we head south of Novy. And just before Mogilevka, we turn right on the road up to Vyshnoe searching left and right ( still on the road ) for crashed heli's. I then remember we have to go on a dirt track to get to the other road heading northwest. We think fuck it let's go, going like 10-14mph max on this dirt road. Then SHIT we see a guy, he appeared from the tree's on our left around 50-100 metres away. We cut the engine and run into the woods, my mate with the sniper went on the left side of the wood. And I went to the right with my m240. We go prone looking for this guy. my mate say's he has visual on the left hand side. Start's popping shot's with his DMR. I run to my sidekick ^_~ and see the guy and start unloading into him and get the murder. Then 10 seconds later, we're still shocked and taking cover in the wood's, my pal spot's another enemy in the west - misses the first shot and the enemy zigzags behind cover in the wood's. I start flanking from the east, and spray some bullets into the west side of the wood's to try draw him out. The guy fall's for the bait and starts running and we get the kill. So we start looting the kills, not thinking that's there's any more enemy's in their group(bad move), go to the boot of our Red Beauty to stash and BOOM, what sounded like a as50. Hit's near my feet, I panic press G to get out of the inventory window and boom again the second shot, one hit kills me. I'm the like fuckkkk, and my mate is still alive prone in the wood on the west side of the "Red Golf". He wait's and wait's and can't get a visual on this guy, He then see's a guy running on the right hand side of the wood's, thinking it's him, he crouches up to take the shot and boom again one shot by a as50(we think). There was 4 or more in their group, we managed to take down two, we were pretty satisfied with ourselves and joked about the death trap of Stary being our doom when really it could be anywhere in the world of Chernarus.And that's it ^^. Enjoy. Edited July 24, 2012 by 0__________x Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GodOfGrain 191 Posted July 24, 2012 Very nice story and congrats for not D/C on both sides.But hear you can see clearly why 3th person sucks :DThe defendors advantage is multiplied times ... 1000The whole story was dominated by using 3th person. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites