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Breaking Point <.<

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My god, I run around Cherno looking for loot to survive then to high tail it out of there, only to run into assholes who have to stroke their epeen by killing someone who has NO WEAPON AND who is saying ON VOICE Chat, FRIENDLY, FRESH SPAWN, FRIENDLY, to be shot down in cold blood for no fucking reason. I love this mod, but its pissing me right the flying fuck off. I don't want to have to shoot everyone on sight, but if that what i have to do.

I have no ill intent towards anyone, but i'm seriously going to go off the deep end..

Any Suggestions!?


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Don't run

I crouch walk most of the time, unless being attacked by Zombies

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Seriously though i dont run into this as often as i used to when i first started playing, you gotta learn to avoid people.

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If you saw a man you knew was looking to arm himself, and had the opportunity to take them out before they got theirs hands on some firepower, wouldn't you do the same?

Seems like you're putting to much investment in humanity.

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Try to stay away from people, it's not really hard, I do it all the time.

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Seriously though i dont run into this as often as i used to when i first started playing, you gotta learn to avoid people.

I hardly go near ANYONE, I was in Elektro getting loot, minding my own business, when BAM, -30k HP, I had NOTHING Of value on me.

I wouldn't care so much about dying if half the time a hacker doesn't teleport me to some fucking island with every survivor, or turns me into a dog, or a rabbit..or a pig

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Find a hatchet and take the world by storm.

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Whenever i enter a building in chern, I say, Friendly, don't shoot,

I've killed two people, one didn't answer fast enough, I didn't feel bad about killing him, and another was in self defense, i felt terrible after that <.<

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Because the second Mr. IMAFRIENDLY finds himself a 1911 he's going to come back and shoot me for my gear. So I nip that shit in the bud.

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Because the second Mr. IMAFRIENDLY finds himself a 1911 he's going to come back and shoot me for my gear. So I nip that shit in the bud.

I do not do that, I have never nor will I EVER Do that

I only fire at someone if they have fired at me first.

I'll go my merry little way and get the fuck out of dodge when i get what i need

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If you had a gun, you would have shot him first.

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If you had a gun, you would have shot him first.

Not unless fired upon first

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Then where the hell am I supposed to go lol

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Then where the hell am I supposed to go lol

Anyhwere else? Literally anywhere else.

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Becoming an asshole yourself will absolutely not get rid of what you just flamed about, in fact it will strengthen it.

This game is about the choices you make as a player but also as a person.

When you kill someone in cold blood you damn know what you do and what he feels like on the other side of his computer, except if you have no empathy or are just plain ignorant.

So let me get this straight to you;

if you wanna avoid these kind of situations (and even then you won't always succeed) you just have to play like you would like others to do and BE the example. Not just say to yourself ''oh fuck that, I'll just become a heartless and brainless man like them'' and only get create a worst community than it already is.

Killing for survival is one thing, killing for fun is egoic and just show how people really are inside of them - no matter what they say.

On my side, I believe in Karma. We all experience it in life itselfs, but also on others area, and in a game like this one I can assure you I have already see the consequences of each of my actions. I try not to kill others at all cost, but it happened 3 or 4 times I let ego control me and just kill someone in cold blood for what gear I thought he had. Surprisely, each time I murdered someone and stole his stuff, I lost everything to bugs and connection insta kill. So, if you followed me well, I think this speaks for itself.

From now on, I try to think each of my moves and actions and always prioritize the friendship encounter. I will only use self-defense and from what I have expereienced recently, it is wise because it is clearly working.

No need to become evil.

Edited by StOrD
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well, I went back to cherno, got food and water at the super market, a Winchester, AND then i found a revolver, then i got the hell out of there, wooo, im alive still!

Oh look, A hacker killed me, just fucking great, im done with this game

Edited by Saven

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Anyhwere else? Literally anywhere else.

also stay away from stary and NWA those places people go KOS to everyone as well as crash sites.

If your looking for gear I would recommend hitting up smaller towns that have super markets for quick gear, as well as deer stands for weapons. (farm them if you have bad luck, there is a thread on here telling you how.)

Edited by Orthus

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I find it comical that all of the noobie topics which deal with being killed by bandits are based around Cherno or Elektro. None of them have thought of not entering either of these cities and just passing by instead of charging right through them. If you want to avoid being a fresh spawn kill then stay away from the larger cities until you have collected enough gear and feel confident enough to go into them. I personally do not see the worth in going into either of the cities because there is too high of a chance of getting killed. So all in all, stay out of the big cities until you feel like you have the right gear to be able to successfully raid. Remember this is a risk reward game, if you plan on going in there know what you are liable to loose before making the final decision on whether to go in or not.

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Anyhwere else? Literally anywhere else.







Castle Zub, Rog, Devils castle

Deer stands

Elektro and Cherno are ok for gearing up quickly, get the basics then gtfo.There is a whole other world out there once you bail from those two sniper ghettos.

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I find it comical that all of the noobie topics which deal with being killed by bandits are based around Cherno or Elektro. None of them have thought of not entering either of these cities and just passing by instead of charging right through them. If you want to avoid being a fresh spawn kill then stay away from the larger cities until you have collected enough gear and feel confident enough to go into them. I personally do not see the worth in going into either of the cities because there is too high of a chance of getting killed. So all in all, stay out of the big cities until you feel like you have the right gear to be able to successfully raid. Remember this is a risk reward game, if you plan on going in there know what you are liable to loose before making the final decision on whether to go in or not.

I only know to get stuff in Cherno, starting without a map is a bit hard and I dont mind it, but i only know where Cherno is, I cannot find gear in ANY Of the other small towns, ive looked and always found nothing, so I have to risk Cherno, but once i get my stuff, I get the fuck out of Cherno, and go on my merry way, and its about this time when a hacker teleports me and every other survivor together and im promptly killed.

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