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Breaking Point <.<

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Welcome to DayzDM.

What did you expect? Nowdays this game is full of arseholes who just love to kill people for fun.

Im like 1-2 days old xD

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Avoid the larger citys, berezino is usally competely empty on low pop servers and it has two supermarkets, a hospital and in total around 6 appartments. Not to mention the corner buildings uptown and the train station near the docks. Cherno and Elektro are fun to play around in, and dont take dieing to hard, you will die countless more times from now.

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I always spawn nearest Cherno, Furthest Ive been is Kamenka, Ive spawned ONCE at Elektro , I have no way of getting to berezino except by foot, which would take 30+ Minutes, and its hard enough to find food in the small villages, I have to risk cherno or else I die

So you're saying you'd rather go for the most dangerous place because it's quick rather than spending a little time being safe? There's your problem. You wont take your time to survive, modify your play style and stop crying. If you're going to be lazy and go for quick, don't rage when you get gunned down in the most bandit ridden city instead of thinking about survival and spending time walking to a safer place. You're a newb, 2 days playing, don't think you're going to play perfect just starting out. This game has a curve and it's in alpha. Adapt, that's what everyone has had to do to live.

Edited by Nashy08

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So you're saying you'd rather go for the most dangerous place because it's quick rather than spending a little time being safe? There's your problem. You wont take your time to survive, modify your play style and stop crying. If you're going to be lazy and go for quick, don't rage when you get gunned down in the most bandit ridden city instead of thinking about survival and spending time walking to a safer place. You're a newb, 2 days playing, don't think you're going to play perfect just starting out. This game has a curve and it's in alpha. Adapt, that's what everyone has had to do to live.

I have been adapting actually, ive gotten very good at sneaking into cherno and leaving, I only die after leaving cherno now, but thats due to hackers teleporting me everywhere and turning me into a dog. I'm staying the hell away from Cherno from now on, i'm just gonna go around it to Berezino or Castle Zub,

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I have been adapting actually, ive gotten very good at sneaking into cherno and leaving, I only die after leaving cherno now, but thats due to hackers teleporting me everywhere and turning me into a dog. I'm staying the hell away from Cherno from now on, i'm just gonna go around it to Berezino or Castle Zub,

Good, then you're adapting. Enjoy the game. :)

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You know, the reality of the situation is everybody becomes a bandit the moment they see somebody with better gear than them. Oh sure, you convince yourself you're not a bad guy by helping noobs and whatnot, but you guys don't fool anybody.

There is no such thing as friendly in DayZ. It's just friendly for now.

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I do not do that, I have never nor will I EVER Do that

I only fire at someone if they have fired at me first.

I'll go my merry little way and get the fuck out of dodge when i get what i need

The problem here is that YOU many Never EEEEEEVER do that, the remaining 725,000 players will do that. And I'm not about to hold my fire while I cross reference the forums to see if you're a "good guy" or not. I'm just going to pull the trigger.

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