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Um tough first day, any tips to starting with no weapon?

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Lol so i played for around 5 min today (first time playing) and i spawned in cherno i think. well anyways i was walking along the beach looking for a place to go inland but there were kinda zombies all around :P eventually i though i was being sneaky and crawling, but then one of them saw me i guess and proceeded to gut me like a fish :(

well anyways i was wondering how to go about getting my first wep, and how to avoid/ fend off zombies with no wep lol.

any begginer tips in general would really help me XD

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run around like a mad man in cherno or elecktro until you find a gun. Dont waste time trying to be sneaky. Once u find a gun then you can be sneaky.

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best starting weapon is to find a hatchet look for any kind of barn warehouse or industrial buildings when you log in or spawn the game in the lower right tells you where you are or the nearest big town big help when you use a map like dayzdb. if zombies come after you and you have no weapon you need to break eye sight run through the forest or if you see the stone walls with a broken bottem you can jump down to prone crawl under and crouch run away. z to prone x to couch and c to stand try to avoid running standing up with zombies are around if your trying to sneak around.

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You can lose zombies tailing you by running through the mountains not sure if this is intended or just a bug but you can them off your ass that way. You can also lose them running over bridges or through buildings. The long cattle looking barn is the best for this.

Dont pick up a lee enfield, its better to carry an axe :D

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Crouchwalk everywhere, stay 50m+ away from zombies unless their backs are turned. If you cross roads, do it while prone. Best tips I can give you early for avoiding zombies.

As for dealing with them once they aggro: Run to the forest and sprint zigzag around trees, you'll lose their LoS and they'll drop aggro if you do it right. Other methods are: running up a steep hill (they climb horribly slowly), swimming away (they swim horribly slowly, but you can lose gear in the water doing this), or hopping fences and running around buildings to cut LoS.

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Zombies can climb ladders, dont try and hide up a ladder. I dont remeber when i noticed this but i climbed alot of ladders to safety and then one day i noticed them coming up.

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Zombies hate standing over water, if you see one chasing you and your unarmed, attempt to run to a dock and find another way out.

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How I start DayZ may be unique to me, I keep on respawning until I am able to spawn in Elecktro. One I do that I head to the firehouse, then the church, the the office, then the pub, then the hospital. Collecting supplies all the way.

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How I start DayZ may be unique to me, I keep on respawning until I am able to spawn in Elecktro. One I do that I head to the firehouse, then the church, the the office, then the pub, then the hospital. Collecting supplies all the way.

People that constantly respawn slow down the server for everyone else.

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crouch run, crouch walk when within range.

Avoid till you find a space to get into the town.

Your looking for a window wide enough to go un noticed.

Night is easier.

IF you do agro.. RUN to a building with an entry and exit point..

Run through... then go half way around and prone...crawl.. till ur safe..

if it didnt work... run to another and repeat.

Id not worry too much about zeds chasing me unless there's no buildings around to loose them.

Failing that.. go find a forest... run by trees in a line and weave around them.. you should loose their line of sight.

they will stop.

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People that constantly respawn slow down the server for everyone else.

Then how do you start your first days, I have to find something to get somewhere out of Elecktro.

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alright, thank you all very much for your methods. based on the vids ive watched and what you guys have said there are two main methods:

1) run around towns at full sprint to find loot spawns then get your junk and get out as fast as you can. for me this probably wont work because im not very good with the controls yet and am not fast at all when it comes to picking stuff up (but this method seems to be faster so i will try it later when ive had more than 5 min of playing time.

2) run into the woods and find survival supplies in barns and other buildings. ill probably try this first because it seems to be safer haha.

if you guys got any other tips, or where i can find ppl to play with once i get more experience im all ears :D

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When you're starting? Run. Don't listen to people telling you to sneak. Run, full sprint, standing, and run towards buildings that you can enter. You're going to want these buildings to either be barns or residential, military if you're lucky enough, and you're going to search for a gun in that building. Shoot the pursuing zombies once you've found one, and congrats, you just cut 30 minutes of wasted time and are better for it.

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I generally avoid Cherno and Electro when I start out. It's a good way to a quick death. I rather venture out inland and find all my goodies at the towns and countryside along the way. If I am spawning east of electro, for example, I just follow the coast line heading east and then north. The towns that way will gear you up well enough without runnin the risk of meeting hostile players as much as you would in the other two big cities.

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hmm alright, well ill give the semi- suicidal run a try. cause i was doing the barn thing and im pretty sure i got sniped, idk i just fell over and died for no reason -.- and i had nothing on me yet again lol

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