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Raging clusterfuck

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I was with my friend entering Elektro, we heard a big gun outside. Figuring the bastard left after a bit, we started crawling out of the small industrial building. What happens next? Well some dickhead shoots me with a .50. What's wrong with that? I ONLY HAD A FUCKING HATCHET! Are you people kidding me? You kill a player who only has a hatchet and an allis pack? Honestly? If you have a fucking .50 why the fuck are you killing a player with a hatchet and a common backpack?

Oh what happens next? Well he gives my unarmed friend a silenced m9, and tells him to "get out of his city".

You people are fucking ridiculous, I'm getting a gun and shooting everyone on sight, friendly or not, I don't give a damn.

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So... you rage that somebody killed you on sight, and decide that the best way to deal with it is to shoot everybody else on sight. In other words you really can't complain anymore if somebody shoots you no matter what the reason.

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So... you rage that somebody killed you on sight, and decide that the best way to deal with it is to shoot everybody else on sight. In other words you really can't complain anymore if somebody shoots you no matter what the reason.

Venting my friend, venting. Sometimes I'd just like to survive with my friends, but then we get fucked. The best way to stop that? Fuck up everyone else.

I assume the entire community will become like that eventually.

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Well, shooting on sight is actually probably the smartest thing you can do. I hate killing on sight, but there's a 90% chance they are gonna shoot you

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Well, shooting on sight is actually probably the smartest thing you can do. I hate killing on sight, but there's a 90% chance they are gonna shoot you

Didn't even see the fucker. Just dead outta nowhere.

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Well, then that's gotta be a good ol 12 year old toolbag who plays cod all the time. And maybe it was somebody who rounded the corner and you didn't see him, and he shot on sight regarding my last comment

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Well, then that's gotta be a good ol 12 year old toolbag who plays cod all the time. And maybe it was somebody who rounded the corner and you didn't see him, and he shot on sight regarding my last comment

Always check both ways and was scanning. think he was in the treeline. Still, unbelieveable why he would kill someone who had just a melee weapon and 8000 blood. And he couldnt've needed an alice pack if he had a barrett.

Edited by natebot88

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Always check both ways and was scanning. think he was in the treeline. Still, unbelieveable why he would kill someone who had just a melee weapon and 8000 blood. And he couldnt've needed an alice pack if he had a barrett.

Well, tons of people just kill for fun, even of they are unarmed, and they don't even loot the bodies. So, the best thing to do is not be "greedy" what I mean by that is find something good and get the heck outta there, I've died several times because I keep checking everything. And I already have what I need to move on. Increases your chances of surviving

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Well, tons of people just kill for fun, even of they are unarmed, and they don't even loot the bodies. So, the best thing to do is not be "greedy" what I mean by that is find something good and get the heck outta there, I've died several times because I keep checking everything. And I already have what I need to move on. Increases your chances of surviving

Good advice. Spawned at Kamenka, so a long trip to the city. Thanks sniper ):

Edited by natebot88

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No problem, good luck, grab what you need, get the heck out, survive. Weapons, some food, some drink, and some medical supplies. This will last you a long time if your careful and don't run anywhere.

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No problem, good luck, grab what you need, get the heck out, survive. Weapons, some food, some drink, and some medical supplies. This will last you a long time if your careful and don't run anywhere.

Meh. Kamenka has virtually nothing. Found a deerstand on the map though. They never have anything in them...

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hell even just getting a hatchet, knife, matches a little food and drink can help you last. if you run low on food just kill,gut and cook an animal. then you can go to less populated places looking for better equipment

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You should pre-plan your approach to larger cities which are known to have bandits in them. Recon your target before moving in so you don't have to deal with people like those who enjoy sniping you for no reason except adding another body to their kill count. The general solution would be to stay out of the larger cities until you feel you are ready to journey into larger cities and combat against the bandits and others who shoot to kill for the kicks.

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I was with my friend entering Elektro, we heard a big gun outside. Figuring the bastard left after a bit, we started crawling out of the small industrial building. What happens next? Well some dickhead shoots me with a .50. What's wrong with that? I ONLY HAD A FUCKING HATCHET! Are you people kidding me? You kill a player who only has a hatchet and an allis pack? Honestly? If you have a fucking .50 why the fuck are you killing a player with a hatchet and a common backpack?

Oh what happens next? Well he gives my unarmed friend a silenced m9, and tells him to "get out of his city".

The best part...

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I make a point of not shooting unarmed people. But if you're carrying a hatchet, well.. I'm sorry my friend. If you're running around with a hatchet you're either; A. Silly for thinking a hatchet is an effective tool of self defence, B. Looking for players to kill and loot, or C. A lumberjack that didn't get the memo about how the worlds gone to hell.

So yea, hatchet is shoot on sight.

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You most like were a target practice. At least that's what I did for a month or so, and I believe every bandit sniper does. Shooting the armed for their loot and specially the unarmed from very long distances to practice aim on running targets. Now that I mastered the 50.cal I just roam around for food & drinks, to find ammo for my sniper and to complete my gear. I generally shot every armed survivor on sight, since I got too much to lose. Unarmed and hatchet guys I leave alone now, unless I recognize their name as a bandit that was heavily armed and i shot before. Then I shoot again since I don't want them to gear up again :) Its just surviving, precaution rather then let people get the chance to get you.

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There was a single guy, called kain. He started something, which would never stop.

Thats why youre forced to kill others. Thats the way human nature works.

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I was with my friend entering Elektro, we heard a big gun outside. Figuring the bastard left after a bit, we started crawling out of the small industrial building. What happens next? Well some dickhead shoots me with a .50. What's wrong with that? I ONLY HAD A FUCKING HATCHET! Are you people kidding me? You kill a player who only has a hatchet and an allis pack? Honestly? If you have a fucking .50 why the fuck are you killing a player with a hatchet and a common backpack?

Oh what happens next? Well he gives my unarmed friend a silenced m9, and tells him to "get out of his city".

You people are fucking ridiculous, I'm getting a gun and shooting everyone on sight, friendly or not, I don't give a damn.

There are plenty of axe murderers out there. I would have killed you without a second thought. Ignoring hatchet wielders or even unarmed players can get you killed.

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There was a single guy, called kain. He started something, which would never stop.

Thats why youre forced to kill others. Thats the way human nature works.

Can you give an explanation that isn't based off mythology?

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spawn in cherno. hit medical tents. run north. doing anything else is just stupid

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You had a hatchet, you were a threat to everyone's safety, you had to be terminated.

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I make a point of not shooting unarmed people. But if you're carrying a hatchet, well.. I'm sorry my friend. If you're running around with a hatchet you're either; A. Silly for thinking a hatchet is an effective tool of self defence, B. Looking for players to kill and loot, or C. A lumberjack that didn't get the memo about how the worlds gone to hell.

So yea, hatchet is shoot on sight.

yes. a hatchet is a DEADLY WEAPON. i have many hatchet kills.

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